Sabtu, 29 Juni 2024

VB6 IDE Menu

File > Save Project menu : To save the project.
File > Open Project menu : To open the existing project.
File > New Project menu : To create a new project.
Edit > Copy menu : To copy code or object.
Edit > Paste menu : To paste code or object.
Edit > Cut menu : To cut code or object.
View > Code menu : To display Code window.
View > Object menu : To display Form Designer / Form Object window.
View > Toolbars menu : To Add  A Toolbar To The IDE Or Remove A Toolbar From The IDE.
View > Object Browser menu : To Access the Object Browser.
Project > Add Form menu : To add A Form To A Project.
Project > Add File... menu : To add existing file.
Project > Remove <object or file name> menu : To remove selected / active object.
Project > Components menu : Add Controls To The Toolbox ( Add Component ).
Project > References menu : To choose and add ActiveX DLL Components to the Project.
Project > <Project Name> Properties menu : Configure the Project.
Debug > Toggle Breakpoint menu : Checking Code Segments With Breakpoints.
Run > Start menu : Run the Project.
Run > End menu : Terminate the program.
Tools > Add Procedure menu : add procedure such as Sub procedure, Function procedure, Property procedure, Event procedure ( when Code window is active ).
Tools > Options menu : Configure the IDE.
Tools > Menu Editor menu : To add menu to the project.

task, develop, maintenance, integration, delivery, build, vb, programming, Dynamic Link Library, Integrated Development Environment

Jumat, 28 Juni 2024

SQL Reference Sheet PDF

SQL Reference Sheet free download in PDF format.

Study Drive ( download )

SQL ( Structured Query Language ) command from DDL ( Data Definition Language ), DQL ( Data Query Language ), DML ( Data Manipulation Language ), CREATE TABLE command, SELECT command, UPDATE table command, SELECT GROUP BY command, INSERT command, DELETE command, SELECT ORDER command

Download ( studydrive )

Click SQL Reference Sheet Download Link For Free:

learn database, learn sql, database, dbms, sql learner, sql, learn computer, computer course, information technology student, study computer

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Learn About Visual Basic Classic List 2

DAO Object List In Visual Basic
Microsoft DAO ( Microsoft Data Access Objects ) List.

ADODB Properties 1
ActiveConnection property using on these following objects, Open method using on these following objects.

Datagrid Visual Basic Classic 1
Deklarasi variable, configure a database connection, display data from ADODB recordset to DataGrid, configure DataGrid (caption & width), display data from active cell of DataGrid ( clicked ).

Database Connection String
Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0 ( Microsoft Office Access database modern version ), Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0 ( Microsoft Office Access Classic Version ), 

Handle Keyboard Shortcut In Microsoft Visual Basic
How to let the user press Ctrl-A to select all of the text in a TextBox in Visual Basic 6.

Supported Picture File Types In Visual Basic Classic
This is the list of Graphics formats types ( image file extension ) that supported by Microsoft Visual Basic Classic.

Visual Basic Common Properties
The Left, Top, Width, and Height Properties; The ForeColor and BackColor Properties; The Font Property.

Common Dialog Control In Visual Basic Classic
These are Common Dialog Control Properties and Method; Common Dialog Control code sample In Visual Basic Classic.

Visual Basic 6 Menu Control Design Table
Visual Basic 6 Menu Properties: (Variable) Name, Caption, Mnemonic Letter/Access Key, Level, Shortcut/Accelerator Key/Keyboard Shortcut/Hotkey, Index, Checked, Enabled, WindowList, Visible, PopupMenu.

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phpMyAdmin error - #1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 1


After open  (log in or visit) PhpMyAdmin on the localhost on my PC and then I get the message


MySQL said:

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci'


To delete only cookies on the Google Chrome:
  1. hold down Ctrl+Shift+Delete on the keyboard.
  2. remove all check boxes except for "Cookies and other site data" of course.
  3. use the "Time range" drop down on top to select "Last hour" or other appropriate time range.
  4. click "Clear data" button.
To delete only cookies on the Mozilla Firefox:
  1. hold down Ctrl+Shift+Delete on the keyboard.
  2. remove all check boxes except for "Cookies" of course
  3. use the "Time range to clear:" drop down on top to select "from the beginning of time"
  4. click "Clear browsing data" or "Clear Now" button.


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Kamis, 27 Juni 2024

AlphaNumeric Character

Alphanumericals or alphanumeric characters are any collection of number characters and letters in a certain language.

There are either 36 ( A–Z and 0–9, case insensitive ) or 62 ( A–Z, a–z and 0–9, case-sensitive ) alphanumeric characters.

ASCII Code for AlphaNumeric Character from 48 to 57 ( 0–9 or Zero to Nine ), 65 to 90 ( A–Z ) and 97 to 122 ( a-z ).

Non AlphaNumeric Characters

Symbols : @ (“at” sign/mention symbol), $ (dollar sign/string notation), # (pound sign/hash mark/hash tag/crosshatch character)

Special characters :

  • ' (single quotation mark)
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • & (ampersand)
  • () (parenthesis/round bracket)
  • * (asterisk/star)
  • , (comma)
  • . (period/dot)
  • / (slash)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • ? (question mark)
  • [ ] (brackets/square bracket)
  • ^ (caret sign)
  • _ (underscore)
  • { } (braces/curly bracket) 
  • ‘ (apostrophe)
  • + (plus sign)
  • (hyphen/straight line)
  • = (equal sign)
  • <> (angle brackets/angular braces)
  • ` (backtick character)
  • ~ (tilde character)

An alphanumeric order or alphanumeric sort is a method of sorting data, often in the following order (based on ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) chart): punctuation mark, numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, and symbols.


Rabu, 26 Juni 2024

Vertical Addition

In these picture is shown addition in vertical form.

math, mathematics, learn math, study math, math lesson

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How To Check MySQL Version

To check MySQL Version Using the Command Line (Windows, Linux and macOS)
  1. Open your Microsoft Windows Command Line / Microsoft Windows Command Prompt / Linux or macOS Terminal / Linux or macOS Shell / Linux or macOS Console / Linux or macOS Command Line.
  2. Type this MySQL command:
    mysql -V
  3. then press Enter on keyboard.
The mysql -V (the uppercase V) command works on Linux, macOS, Windows, and other supported systems. 
  1. Open your Microsoft Windows Command Line / Microsoft Windows Command Prompt / Linux or macOS Terminal / Linux or macOS Shell / Linux or macOS Console / Linux or macOS Command Line.
  2. or type this MySQL command:
    mysql --version
  3. then press Enter on keyboard.
Its output contains the MySQL the major version number, build date, and an optional suffix release copyright information.

For best practices and production purpose use the General Availability (GA) release because stable versions and are safe and reliably.


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Most Common UML Notation


  • Notes allow you to enter additional comments that are not captured in your diagrams. You can write anything you want in a note to explain your diagram, similar to a comment in code. 
  • Notes are pictured with the folded rectangle notation.


  • Stereotypes signify a special use or intent and can be applied to almost any element of UML notation.
  • Stereotypes modify the meaning of an element and describe the element's role within your model.
  • A stereotype sometimes has an associated icon, such as stick-figure actor symbol.
  • The stereotype is shown using guillemots at either end of the stereotype name, as in «stereotype_name». However, because guillemots require an extended character set, you can substitute them for angle brackets, as in <<stereotype_name>>.
  • There is no limit to the number of stereotypes with which an element can be associated; sometimes you may end up specifying more than one stereotype.
  • The UML specification defines a set of "standard" or predefined stereotypes. Some of the more useful standard stereotypes include:
    • utility: Represents a class that provides utility services through static methods, just as Java's Math class.
    • service: A stateless, functional component that computes a value; could be used to represent a web service.
    • subsystem: A large component that is actually a subordinate system of a larger system.

Unified Modelling Language ( UML ), uml modelling, uml diagram, uml chart, program design, software design, application design

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Pentingnya Kebersihan Lingkungan (IPS)

Kebersihan lingkungan adalah aspek yang sangat penting dan tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia karena perlu dipahami oleh setiap siswa baik itu siswa laki-laki maupun perempuan (dalam postingan artikel ini selanjutnya akan disebut sebagai siswa) dalam mata pelajaran IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) dimulai dari SD (Sekolah Dasar) bahkan mata pelajaran lain sebelum SD – selanjutnya akan disebut sebagai SD saja. Memahami pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan tidak hanya berdampak positif pada kesehatan diri (masing-masing) dan lingkungan, tetapi juga mengajarkan siswa tentang tanggung jawab mereka dalam menjaga kebersihan tempat tinggal kita.
Menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sama artinya menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat, bebas dari kotoran, seperti debu, sampah dan berbagai bau yang tidak sedap. Dengan lingkungan yang sehat, kita tidak akan mudah terserang berbagai penyakit seperti demam berdarah (DBD), malaria, muntaber dan lainnya. Tidak hanya di bidang kesehatan, kebersihan lingkungan juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan, keindahan dan keasrian lingkungan yang nantinya bermuara pada kedamaian lingkungan. Semua ini dapat kita raih dengan melakukan perbuatan kecil dan sederhana, mulai dari menjaga kebersihan lingkungan di sekitar kita.

Cara memahami pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan dalam mata pelajaran IPS di SD dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa langkah berikut:
  1. Belajar dari buku teks/buku sekolah baik itu buku sekolah cetak/buku sekolah digital/buku sekolah elektronik/buku paket pelajaran sekolah atau materi pembelajaran (selanjutnya dalam artikel ini akan disebut sebagai buku teks): Melalui pembelajaran di kelas, guru akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai sangat pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan. Buku teks juga akan mencantumkan informasi mengenai dampak buruk dari lingkungan yang tidak bersih atau kotor.
  2. Observasi langsung: Guru dapat membawa siswa ke lingkungan sekitar sekolah atau rumah untuk melakukan observasi tentang kebersihan lingkungan secara langsung. Dalam hal ini, siswa dapat melihat dampak positif yang dihasilkan dari lingkungan yang bersih dan dampak negatif akibat lingkungan yang tidak terjaga kebersihannya.
  3. Mengajarkan tentang daur ulang: Guru dapat memberikan penjelasan mengenai kegiatan daur ulang sampah kepada siswa. Dalam IPS, hal ini terkait dengan pengelolaan sampah yang baik dan penting dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.
  4. Melakukan kegiatan yang mendukung kebersihan lingkungan: Guru dapat mengajak siswa untuk melakukan kegiatan membersihkan lingkungan sekitar sekolah atau rumah. Dengan melakukan kegiatan membersihkan lingkungan tersebut, siswa akan memahami secara langsung betapa pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dimulai dari lingkungan rumah siswa.
Cara menjaga kebersihan lingkungan
  1. Kerja bakti membersihkan lingkungan.
  2. Membersihkan halaman dan telajakan/pematang/trotoar di sekitar rumah.
  3. Sampah yang dihasilkan rumah tangga selanjutnya kita pilah menjadi tiga, sampah organik, sampah non organik dan sampah botol atau pecah belah.
  4. Perlu juga diatur jadwal untuk kegiatan kerja bakti membersihkan lingkungan kantor, toko dan sekitar rumah.
  5. Hal yang tidak kalah penting  adalah menanam tanaman. Tanaman mempunyai banyak fungsi yaitu sebagai penyaring debu, penyimpan air tanah, penyejuk dan pendingin alami. Selain itu tanaman juga dapat dijadikan sebagai taman yang akan memberikan suasana asri dan indah lingkungan sekitar kita.Dengan adanya pohon yang rindang, taman yang asri, otomatis kita akan menjadi nyaman dan betah di rumah maupun di kantor dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari.
Kegiatan pembersihan lingkungan:
  • Pembersihan Sampah
  • Pembersihan Jalan
  • Pembersihan Taman
  • Pembersihan Drainase
  • Pembersihan Trotoar dan Median Jalan
  • Pembersihan Pasar
  • Pembersihan dan Pemeliharaan Sarana dan Prasarana lain.
  • Pengolahan Sampah

Melalui langkah-langkah tersebut, siswa diharapkan dapat memahami pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan dalam mata pelajaran IPS di SD. Selain itu, siswa dapat ikut menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dimulai dari lingkungan. Begitu pula mereka akan menyadari bahwa menjaga kebersihan lingkungan memberikan dampak positif bagi kesehatan, keindahan lingkungan, dan keberlangsungan hidup yang lebih baik.

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VBA Excel Loop Through Columns

VBA Excel Loop Through Entire Columns ( One Column Multiple Rows )

'declare a variable called i of type Long. 
Dim i As Long

'Loop through entire Rows
'enters the value 100 into the cell at the intersection of row 1 and column 1 (A) until the cell at the intersection of the last rows of the Excel worksheets and column 1 (A).
For i = 1 To Rows.Count
    Cells(i, 1).Value = 100
    Cells(i, 1).Font.Bold = True
Next i


  • worksheets can have up to 1,048,576 rows in Excel 2007 or later. No matter what version you are using, the code line above loops through all rows. Warning: It might hang up you computer, if you have too much data.
  • One/1 in Cells(i, 1) can change to column name, example: Cells(i, "A")

VBA Excel Loop Through Entire Columns Based On Certain Conditions

Next, we color all values that are lower than the value entered into cell D2. Empty cells are ignored. Add the following code lines to the loop.

'declare a variable called i of type Long. 
Dim i As Long

'Loop through entire Rows
For i = 1 To Rows.Count
If Cells(i, 1).Value < Range("D2").Value And Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1).Value) Then
    Cells(i, 1).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
Next i


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How To Check PHP Version

Selasa, 25 Juni 2024

Number Place Value

Write this following large number in English Numeration and read it!

5.301.052 = 5.000.000 + 300.000 + 1000 + 50 + 2 read as five millions three hundred one thousand and fifty two.


A large number is read by every 3-digit number grouped from right such as ones, tens, hundreds place with naming for the unit of one, thousand, million, billion and so on. For writing large numbers, we give space for every three-digits.

<< Back To Topics: Subject Topics Of Math


Mathematics For International Student;Michael Haese et. al.;Haese Mathematics 

Primary Schools National Mathematics Textbook;Department of Education, Papua New Guinea with Japan International Cooperation Agency.

place value, math, mathematics, counting, number, school, school lesson, school subject, school course

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Senin, 24 Juni 2024

Latex Vertical Addition

These are Latex source code for Vertical Addition in Mathematics:


& & 1 & 1 &   & 1 & \\
& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 3} & {\Huge 2} \\
& & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 6} \\
+ & & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} & {\Huge .0} & {\Huge 3} & {\Huge 2} \\
\hline \\
& {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 3} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .3} & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge 0} \\    


<< Back to Study About Draw In Latex


l,atex equation, math latex, latex math and science document example, 

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Apostrophe '
Colon :
Comma ,
Parenthesis, Bracket, Braces ( ) , [ ] , { }
Period/Full Stop .
Question and Exclamation ? !
Quotation “ ”
Semicolon ;

to learn Shorten Form, you can click Shorten Form (Contractions) List In English

Bibliography ( university ) ( university )

english grammar, english structure, mark, apostrophe mark, colon mark, comma mark, dash mark, ellipsis mark, hyphen mark, parenthesis mark, bracket mark, braces mark, period mark, full stop mark, question mark, exclamation mark, quotation mark, semicolon mark, punctuation mark

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Parts of Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris

Parts of Speech Dalam Bahasa Inggris Ada Beberapa Macam :
  1. Noun (Kata Benda)
  2. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
  3. Verb (Kata Kerja)
  4. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
  5. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
  6. Preposition (Kata Depan)
  7. Conjunction (Kata Hubung)
  8. Interjection (Kata Seru)
  9. Determiner (Kata Penjelas)
  10. Article (Kata Sandang)

Common Dialog Control In Visual Basic Classic

These are Common Dialog Control Properties and Method:

Dialogue Box
The Color property is used to determine which colour was selected.
to display a list of fonts that are available.
to display the dialog to open files.
to display the dialog to print files.
Save As
to display the dialog to save files.
The FileName property is used to determine file name specified by the user.

Open And Save As Dialogue Box

CommonDialog1.Filter = "Bitmaps (*.BMP)|*.BMP"
'== Bitmaps (*.BMP) is display to user
'== *.BMP to filter the format file extension
CommonDialog1.DefaultExt = "BMP"

Colour Dialogue Box

CommonDialog1.Flags = &H1&

Font Dialogue Box


Print Dialogue Box

CommonDialog1.CancelError = True '== Err.Number = 32755

commondialog, commondialogue, component

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Minggu, 23 Juni 2024

Commonly Used HTML, CSS, JS Units

pixel (px), percent (%), em, and rem units.

Commonly use in website style ( HTML, CSS, JS ): font-size, padding, border, margin, width


Sabtu, 22 Juni 2024

How To Launch Command Prompt

How To Launch cmd.exe / The Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

Method 1 − Go to C:\Windows\System32 and double click on the cmd file.
Method 2 − Via the run command :
  1. Open the Start menu and click All apps in the upper-right corner.
  2. Scroll through the list of apps and click Windows Tools.
  3. Click Run
  4. Type cmd to run Command Prompt application.

How To Launch cmd.exe To open with administrative privileges, 

  1. Open the Start menu and click All apps in the upper-right corner.
  2. Scroll through the list of apps and click Windows Tools.
  3. Right Click Run and choose Run as administrator.
  4. Type cmd to run Command Prompt application.
command line, terminal software, shell program


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ER-Model Of A Database

The purpose of a database is to store information about certain types of objects or entities.
Entity Class = Table name.
Entity=a data / row of a table.
Entity Set = set of data / rows In table.
Attributes are used to include information that we want in the database. Attributes = Field, Columns

The Entity-Relationship Model Of A Database Sample

LIBRARY database

  • Books entity class.
    • ISBN attribute.
    • Title attribute.
    • Price attribute.
  • Authors entity class.
    • Author_Id attribute.
    • Author_Name attribute.
    • Author_Phone attribute.
  • Publishers entity class.
    • Publisher_Id attribute.
    • Publisher_Name attribute.
    • Publisher_Phone attribute.
  • Contributors entity class.
    • Contributor_Id attribute.
    • Contributor_Name attribute.
    • Contributor_Phone attribute.

Table Scheme

Table_Name ( Field_Name_1, Field_Name_2, ... )
Entities And Attributes List:
Authors (AuID#,AuName,AuPhone)
BookAuthor (ISBN,AuID)
Publishers (PubID#, PubName, PubPhone)
Contributors (Contributor_Id#, Contributor_Name, Contributor_Phone)

# is notation to primary key
to read about foreign key notation, click : Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) 2 >
to read about DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL Commands, click : DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL Commands >


Introduction To Database Management System;Dr. Satinder Bal Gupta et. al.;University Science Press
Access Database Design & Programming;Steven Roman;O'Reilly

ERM, Entity Relationship Diagram, erd, data column, data row, program design, table sample, software design, application design

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Kamis, 20 Juni 2024

Latex Package To Handle Graphic

These are ordinary latex Package list To Handle Graphic:
amscd package.*
amscdx package.
amsmath package.
argumentation package.*
bargraph-js package.*
blox package.
byrne package.
causet package.
celtic package.
chemfig package.
chemobabel package.
chemplants package.
float package.
graphics package.
graphicx package.*
ms package.
pgf package.
pgfplots package.
pict2e package.
picture package.
tikz package.
tikz-3dplot package.
* not available on all latex Miktex or TexLive version. You must to installed separated.


Facebook Groups LaTeX Learning by Doing
Facebook Groups Learn-LaTeX ( university ) ( university ) ( university )

Jumat, 14 Juni 2024

Keyboard Shortcuts For Navigating In Excel Cells

Keyboard Shortcuts For Navigating In Microsoft Office Excel Cells

To do this


Move one cell to the previous cell in a worksheet


Move one cell to the next cell in a worksheet.

Tab key

Move one cell up in a worksheet.

Up arrow key

Move one cell down in a worksheet.

Down arrow key

Move one cell left in a worksheet.

Left arrow key

Move one cell right in a worksheet.

Right arrow key

Move to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.

Ctrl+Arrow key

Enter the End mode, move to the next nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell, and turn off End mode. If the cells are blank, move to the last cell in the row or column.

End, Arrow key

Move to the last cell on a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the rightmost used column.


Extend the selection of cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower-right corner).


Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window when Scroll lock is turned on.

Home+Scroll lock

Move to the beginning of a worksheet.


Move one screen down in a worksheet.

Page down

Move to the next sheet in a workbook.

Ctrl+Page down

Move one screen to the right in a worksheet.

Alt+Page down

Move one screen up in a worksheet.

Page up

Move one screen to the left in a worksheet.

Alt+Page up

Move to the previous sheet in a workbook.

Ctrl+Page up

Open the list of validation choices on a cell that has data validation option applied to it.

Alt+Down arrow key

Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window when Scroll lock is turned on.

Home+Scroll lock

Exit the floating shape navigation and return to the normal navigation.


Scroll horizontally.

Ctrl+Shift, then scroll your mouse wheel up to go left, down to go right

To return to where the cursor is, when Scroll lock is turned on.


Open the Go To dialog box.


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How To Check Gradle Version

  1. open Command Prompt
  2. type
    gradle --version
    gradle -v
  3. then press Enter on keyboard, to run gradle and display the version.


build, build script, compile, tools, programming, coding, software development

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Set The JAVA_HOME variable

Set The JAVA_HOME Variable In Microsoft Windows 11

<< Previous lesson: Default Java Path Environment
  1. Let’s locate the directory where the JDK is installed on our system, and note down the path to this directory.
  2. Open the Start menu and click All apps in the upper-right corner.
  3. Scroll through the list of apps and click Windows Tools.
  4. Click Control Panel.
  5. Under View by, click Large icons to view a list of all Control Panel items, then select System.
  6. In the System window, click on Advanced System Settings on the left sidebar.
  7. In the System Properties window (Advanced tab):
    • Click the Environment Variables button.
    • Under the System Variables section, find JAVA_HOME.
    • Click Edit to modify the existing variable, or New to create a new one.
    • In the Variable Name field, enter JAVA_HOME.
    • In the Variable Value field, enter the path to our JDK installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdkX.X.X_XX).
  8. In the System Properties window, select the Path variable under the System Variables section. Click Edit, and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the list of paths if it’s not already there.
  9. Click OK to apply the changes and restart the computer to ensure the changes take effect.

Set The JAVA_HOME Variable Via The Command Line

If you would prefer to set the JAVA_HOME (or JRE_HOME) variable via the command line:
  1. Open Command Prompt (make sure you Run as administrator so you're able to add a system environment variable).
  2. Set the value of the environment variable to your JDK (or JRE) installation path as follows:
    setx /m JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdkXX.X.XX.X"
  3. Close and start Command Prompt window again to reload the environment variables then use the following command to check the it's been added correctly.
    echo %JAVA_HOME%
  4. You should see the path to your JDK (or JRE) installation.
NOTES: X is version based on your Java installed version.


install, setup, installation

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Different Activities in Android Programming

These are activity in Android Programming:

  • MainActivity
  • AppCompatActivity
  • FragmentActivity
  • No Activity.
  • Basic Activity.
  • Bottom Navigation Activity.
  • Empty Activity.
  • Fullscreen Activity.
  • Google Admob Ads Activity.
  • Google Maps Activity.
  • Login Activity.
  • Primary/Detail Flow
  • Navigation Drawer Activity
  • Settings Activity
  • Scrolling Activity
  • Tabbed Activity
  • Fragment + ViewModel
  • Native C++


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                Android Activity LifeCycle

                An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, etc.

                Android App Activity Lifecycle

                When you launch your application, the following methods are executed in order:
                • onCreate
                • onStart
                • onResume
                At this point, the activity is visible to the user and they can interact with it. 

                In our example, we have a button in Activity A that allows the user to navigate to Activity B.
                When the user clicks the button, the following methods are executed:
                • onPause (in Activity A)
                • onCreate (in Activity B)
                • onStart (in Activity B)
                • onResume (in Activity B)
                Now, Activity B is visible to the user and they can interact with it. Activity A is in the paused state.
                If the user presses the back button, the following methods are executed:
                • onPause (in Activity B)
                • onStop (in Activity B)
                • onRestart (in Activity A)
                • onStart (in Activity A)
                • onResume (in Activity A)
                Now, Activity A is visible to the user again and they can interact with it. Activity B is destroyed.
                If the user presses the back button again, the following methods are executed:
                • onPause (in Activity A)
                • onStop (in Activity A)
                • onDestroy (in Activity A)
                Now, both Activity A and Activity B are destroyed and nothing appears on the screen.



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                Kamis, 13 Juni 2024

                Forming Noun In English

                Here are all the rules which will help you change a verb, adjective, and common noun into a noun.

                • Add '-al' to verbs
                • Add '-ance' or ‘-ence' to verbs
                • Add '-ment' to verbs
                • Add '-ness' or '-ess' to verbs
                • Add '-tion' or '-sion' or '-ion' to verbs
                • Add '-ation' or '-cation' or '-ition' to verbs
                • Add '-t' or '-th' to verbs
                • Add '-y' to verbs
                • Add '-er' or '-or' or '-ist' or '-ar' or '-ant' or '-int' to verbs
                • Add '-age' to verbs
                • Add '-ure' or '-ture' or '-ature' to verbs
                • Add '-ing' to verbs
                • Add '-ce' to adjective
                • Add '-y' or '-ty' or '-ity' or '-ry' to adjective.
                • Add '-ness' to adjective.
                • Add '-cy' to adjective with last letter is '-t'.
                • Add '-hood' to common noun.
                • Add '-ship' to common noun.
                • Add '-cy' to common noun.
                • Add '-an' or '-ian' to common noun.
                • Add '-let' to common noun.





                suffix, grammar, part of speech, english lesson, derivation noun, word formation, vocabulary building

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