Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

Notepad3 AutoCompleteFillUpChars Settings With Spacebar and Enter

If you want to get the Spacebar completion behavior, you can follow this step:

  1. Click Settings menu, then click Advanced Configuration, then click Open Settings File.
  2. Add " " (double quote, one space bar, double quote) after this AutoCompleteFillUpChars= settings.

Or if you want to get the "Enter" completion behavior back:

New configuration .ini-file: [Settings2] AutoCompleteFillUpChars= To get the "Enter" completion behavior back, define: [Settings2] AutoCompleteFillUpChars=\r\n. I you like to allow more "fill-up" characters (accept completion item), just add them.

Notepad3 (Text Editor)







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Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

appraisal vocabulary


adorable=menawan hati, menarik, manis (sekali)
astonish=mencengangkan, menakjubkan
awesome=mengagumkan, membuat terpesona
beautiful=indah, cantik, elok, bagus
best=paling baik, terbaik
better=lebih baik, makin baik
bravo=bagus! baik sekali!
excellent=ulung, baik sekali, unggul
fantastic=fantastik, luar biasa
fascinate=mengasyikkan, menawan,memikat,mempesona
good=baik, budiman; baik, susila; enak, sedap; utuh; manis, dapat diminum; setia; lumayan; layak; cakap, pintar
great=jago, juara, besar, terkenal, termasyur, hebat, tinggi, baik, agung
hot stuff=jempolan
impressive=mengesankan, keren
incredible=luar biasa
lovely=bagus, menyenangkan sekali (of a party), elok-elok
marvellous (U.K.) / marvelous (U.S) =mengagumkan
miracle=ajaib, menakjubkan
nice=baik, baik/enak (of a meal), senang, menyenangkan, bagus
outstanding=terkemuka, terkenal
perfect=sempurna,  sepenuhnya, benar-benar,  lengkap, utuh
prodigious=luar biasa, hebat, menakjubkan, sangat banyak, besar sekali, luar biasa kepandaiannya
spectacular=hebat, spektakuler, mengagumkan, menakjubkan
stupendous=menakjubkan, hebat, raksasa, bukan main, bukan buatan, bukan kepalang
super=hebat, luarbiasa baiknya
super-duper=enak sekali. 2 hebat
terrific=hebat, dahsyat
tremendous= hebat sekali, mahahebat, dahsyat, besar
unbelievable=bukan main, luar biasa
well done=selamat, kerja bagus, kerja baik
wonderful=sangat bagus

Senin, 09 Mei 2022

How To Fix My Asus Smart Gesture Problem

How To Disable Video Tutorial Problem From Asus Smart Gesture

When I want to using my Asus computer in daily working and when I want to configure my Asus Smart Gesture on my low end computer. I catch a freeze problem of my computer that make disturbing my work activity, so I try to find in the several website and then found the inspiration and solution.

In these following step is the solution of Asus Smart Gesture problem:

  1.     Open your Asus Smart Gesture Detector. Click Start Menu, and search your AsusSmartGestureDetector.
  2.     Then right click on the AsusSmartGestureDetector icon, click "Open File Location" menu. (to open the AsusSmartGestureDetector folder).
  3.     To open the video folder. Usually you only click "Up One Folder" once.
  4.     When you found the video folder. You can rename the folder to other name based on your preferences. Example disableVideo.
  5.     Finish. And you can check the result like the following screenshot.

If you want to show again video tutorial on your Asus Smart Gesture. You can rename back from example disableVideo to video.

Thank you for some information and tutorial from this following website:


For others solution you can find on several following websites:

If you want to download this tutorial, click this link:
or other alternative

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2022

The Article ( kata sandang dalam bahasa Inggris ) - Overview

The Article ( kata sandang dalam bahasa Inggris )

Dalam tata bahasa Inggris (English Grammar), kata sandang dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua jenis kata sandang dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

* Definite articles adalah kata sandang tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris = The.

* Indefinite articles adalah kata sandang tak tentu dalam bahasa Inggris = A dan An.

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