Jumat, 19 April 2024

Most Common HTML Entities

These are some useful HTML entities:

Result Description "HTML Entity Name" "HTML Unicode Values"

> "greater than" >  >

<      "less than"   &lt;  &#060;

& "ampersand" &amp;

" "double quotation mark" &quot;

' "single quotation mark" &apos;

« » Guillemets &laquo; &raquo; &#171; &#187;

© Copyright &copy; &#169;

® "Registered trademark" &reg; &#174; (R)

° Degree(s) &deg; &#176;  

± "Plus/minus" &plusmn; &#177;

½ "Fractional half" &frac12; &#188; 1/2

"En dash"  &ndash; &#8211; - for ranges

"Em (long) dash"&mdash; &#8212;

† ‡ "Single & double daggers" &dagger; &Dagger; &#8224; &#8225; * and **

"Bullet" &bull; &#8226; *

"Ellipsis"  &hellip; &#8230;

Trademark  &trade; &#8482; (tm)

"Almost equal to" &asymp; &#8776; ~

"Not equal to" &ne; &#8800; !=

≤ ≥ "Less/greater than or equal to <= or >=" &le; &ge; &#8804; &#8805;

HyperText Markup Language, eXtensible Markup Language, symbol, operator, dot, period, quote, notation, sign

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