Kamis, 27 Juni 2024

AlphaNumeric Character

Alphanumericals or alphanumeric characters are any collection of number characters and letters in a certain language.

There are either 36 ( A–Z and 0–9, case insensitive ) or 62 ( A–Z, a–z and 0–9, case-sensitive ) alphanumeric characters.

ASCII Code for AlphaNumeric Character from 48 to 57 ( 0–9 or Zero to Nine ), 65 to 90 ( A–Z ) and 97 to 122 ( a-z ).

Non AlphaNumeric Characters

Symbols : @ (“at” sign/mention symbol), $ (dollar sign/string notation), # (pound sign/hash mark/hash tag/crosshatch character)

Special characters :

  • ' (single quotation mark)
  • ! (exclamation mark)
  • & (ampersand)
  • () (parenthesis/round bracket)
  • * (asterisk/star)
  • , (comma)
  • . (period/dot)
  • / (slash)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • ? (question mark)
  • [ ] (brackets/square bracket)
  • ^ (caret sign)
  • _ (underscore)
  • { } (braces/curly bracket) 
  • ‘ (apostrophe)
  • + (plus sign)
  • (hyphen/straight line)
  • = (equal sign)
  • <> (angle brackets/angular braces)
  • ` (backtick character)
  • ~ (tilde character)

An alphanumeric order or alphanumeric sort is a method of sorting data, often in the following order (based on ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) chart): punctuation mark, numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, and symbols.






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