Rabu, 30 Agustus 2023

Visual Basic Function List 1

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HTML Editor

Amaya HTML Editor

BlueGriffon HTML Editor

Coffeecup HTML Editor

Kompozer HTML Editor


Page Breeze HTML Editor

Tag Controller HTML Editor

WebStorm HTML Editor

PyCharm Editor

PhpStorm Editor

Rider Editor

RubyMine Editor

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web editor, internet editor, server-side script editor, client-side script editor

Simbol Matematika

Berikut ini operator dan simbol matematika:

= Sama dengan.

≠ Ketidaksamaan

> Lebih besar dari

< Lebih kecil dari

≥ Lebih dari atau sama dengan

≤ Kurang dari atau sama dengan

() Hitung ekspresi di dalam tanda kurung terlebih dahulu

% Persen

÷ Pembagian

+ Penjumlahan

− Pengurangan

× Perkalian

Operator, Notation, Unicode Character and Math Symbol

Simbol Matematika, Operator, Notasi, Karakter Unicode


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  • https://www.calculators.org/
  • https://support.microsoft.com/
  • https://www.compart.com/en/unicode
  • buku Grasindo
  • buku Erlangga

Senin, 28 Agustus 2023

Suffix In English

Suffix List by Use

This suffix list is a continuation of the Alphabetical List of Suffixes to make it easier to find needed information without so much scrolling. That page has one list with every kind of suffixes mixed together. On this page, a list made of several shorter lists, you can find the suffixes (word endings) with similar uses grouped together to make them easier to learn.

It starts with the Noun-Building Suffix List: endings that identify a word as a noun, and can be added to a verb or an adjective to make a noun. For example, if you add -ance to the verb 'assist', you get the noun 'assistance.' (If you add '-ant' you get 'assistant'-- the noun for a person who assists others. See Noun-Building Suffixes for Groups of People, the next group of endings.)

If you remove the ending -de of the verb 'conclude' and add '-sion', you get a 'conclusion.'

Below the two noun groups are Adjective-Building Suffixes, Adverb-Building Suffixes, and Verb-Building Suffixes.

Then there are Suffixes to Show Plurals and Tenses (-s and -es, -ed, -ing, and -en, first an explanation, then the suffixes listed in alphabetical order), and Suffixes for Comparison, as well as a short explanation on how to use suffixes to help identify the meaning of new words.

Noun-Building Suffix List

(see also  -es, & -s for plurals in the Singular/ Plural part of the Tense & Plurals section in the below)

These are suffixes that mean 'the condition of ---', 'the result of ---', etc. Note that the endings in # 2 & 6 are usually attached to verbs, to make them into nouns; #1, 4 & 7 suffixes are usually added to adjectives,  (for #1 ‘-nce’ or ‘-ncy’ replaces the ‘t’ of the adjective) and #3 & 8 usually to other nouns.

  1. –ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency: assistance, attendance, consistency, deficiency, dominance, endurance, evidence, expectancy, negligence, precedence, relevance, tolerance, urgency, etc.
  2. –ion, -sion, -tion: attention, conclusion, definition, elimination, estimation, generation, justification, legislation, revision, substitution, verification, etc. (see –ate and –fy in Verb Builders.)
  3. –ism (a system of belief): capitalism, communism, federalism, nationalism, patriotism, etc.
  4. –ity:  adaptability, community, diversity, maturity, predictability, stability, etc.
  5. -logy (study of): archeology, biology, cardiology, psychology, etc.
  6. –ment:  achievement, attainment, commitment, postponement, requirement, etc.
  7. –ness: carelessness, fearlessness, friendliness, sleepiness, sweetness, etc.
  8. –ship: authorship, citizenship, friendship, relationship, scholarship, etc.

          Noun-Building Suffix List for Groups of People

          1. -an, -ian (a person belonging to a country or group; many of these can also be used as adjectives):  American,Christian, civilian, Indian, Korean, physician, etc.
          2. –ant, -ent (a person who assists, etc.): assistant, defendant, participant, resident, student
          3. –ee (a person who receives the action-- is deported, employed, etc.): deportee, employee, nominee, referee, refugee, trustee, etc.
          4. –er, -ar, -or (a person who does something; often used for occupations): banker, beggar, employer, exhibitor, killer, liar, organizer, painter, survivor,  etc.
          5. –ist (a person belonging to a group with similar beliefs or skills): biologist, chemist, communist, guitarist, machinist, nationalist, organist, physicist, etc.

          Adjective-Building Suffix List

          1. –able, –ible (able) -- (negatives/antonyms in parentheses): (in)accessible, (un)adaptable, (un)bearable, (in)flexible, (dis)honorable, (ir)reversible, (un)sustainable, (in)tolerable, etc.
          2. –al (related to; pertaining to): biological, environmental, natural, supplemental, technical, visual, etc.
          3. –ant (being ___): relevant, reluctant, significant, tolerant, etc.
          4. –ary (belonging or related to): discretionary, diversionary, military, supplementary, voluntary, etc.
          5. –ed (from a verb's past participle, often describing a feeling or condition): annoyed, complicated, surprised, united, etc.
          6. –en (from the irregular past participle of a verb): broken, fallen, hidden, etc.
          7. -ent: consistent, evident, negligent, proficient, sufficient, urgent, etc.
          8. -er and -est, see Suffixes for Comparisons. (They make regular adjectives into comparative or superlative adjectives.)
          9. –ful (full of): careful, doubtful, fearful, helpful, grateful, tactful, etc.
          10. –ic (nature of, like): acidic, domestic, emphatic, geologic, metallic, patriotic, realistic, symbolic, sympathetic, etc.
          11. -ing (from a verb's present participle, often describing what causes a condition or feeling): annoying, inspiring, surprising, tiring.
          12. –ish (similar to, belonging to): girlish, childish, reddish, Scottish, etc.
          13. –ive (related to; makes a verb into an adjective):  abusive, conclusive, exclusive, ineffective, supportive, etc.
          14. –less (without): breathless, careless, effortless, fearless, lifeless, tasteless, tireless, etc. (See also –ness in the Noun Builders.)
          15. –ous (having, full of): courageous, erroneous, malicious, nervous, obvious, serious, etc.
          16. -y (presence of, full of): airy, cheery, cloudy, noisy, sleepy, windy

          Adverb-Building Suffix List

          (from adjectives—often combining –ic & -al, etc.)

          –ly (in the manner of): carefully, carelessly, conversely, effortlessly, logically, realistically, strategically, willingly, etc.

          Verb-Building Suffix List

          (see also –ed, -es, -ing, and –s in the Plurals and Tenses section below.)

          1. –ate: to allocate, disintegrate, eliminate, incorporate, estimate, manipulate, terminate, etc.
          2. -en (to make-- from Old English): to blacken ('to make black' or at least blacker), deaden, deepen, fatten, frighten, heighten, redden, whiten.
          3. –fy (to make): to amplify, beautify, clarify, fortify, unify, verify, etc.
          4. –ize (to make): to familiarize (to make something familiar to someone), immobilize, liberalize, memorize, organize, penalize, realize, etc.

          Suffixes to Show Plurals and Tenses 

          We add  '–s' (or sometimes '–es') after most nouns for plurals (more than one).

          We use ‘-es’ to make it easier to hear the plural ending after words ending in ‘s’ or similar sounds: ‘x’, ‘ch’, or ‘sh’ (as well as some words ending with ‘o’ and all with consonant + ‘y’ -- which changes to ‘i.’) So we say one brush but two brushes; one box or two (or more) boxes; two brushes, several churches, three babies, a bag of potatoes or a serving of fries.

          In English adjectives do not change for singular or plural. Present tense verbs do change form, but in a way opposite to nouns.  Only the 3rd person singular (he, she, or it) adds an ‘-s’ (or ‘-es’ for the sounds above) to the base form of the verb.

          Other verb tenses do not change form based on singular or plural, but some do add a suffix to show the tense. The regular past tense ending is ‘–ed’ (or just –d if the verb ends in ‘e’), but there are many irregulars.

          The past participle (used for perfect tenses AND for making adjectives) also most commonly ends in ‘-ed.’ However, many irregular past participles (and the adjectives made from them) end in ‘en”: broken, eaten, given. (See Irregular Past Participles for a list and examples.)

          The suffix ‘-ing’ makes the present participle, used to form continuous tenses for verbs (I’m going to the store; he is listening to music; the babies were crying for hours) and for certain adjectives.

          So the List for these Suffixes is:

          1. -ed for past tense or a past participle for regular verbs: designed, identified, reacted, talked, etc.
          2. -en for some irregular past participles: eaten, forgotten, written, etc.
          3. -ing for present participles: doing, sleeping, etc.
          4. –es for plural (2 or more) nouns with the base endings mentioned above: 2 dresses, a set of glasses, a family of foxes, suffixes, mustaches, tomatoes, cookies. 
          5. -es for 3rd person singular of present tense verbs with those endings: He brushes his teeth. The baby cries a lot unless her mother carries her. Tom goes to an art class every Saturday. Does Joe go too?
          6. –s for 3rd person singular present for most verbs: Mary reads a lot of books and magazines. Joe listens to tapes. He likes to listen to science programs.
          7. –s to make most nouns plural: 2 boys, 3 girls, 4 cats, and some dogs (as well as books, magazines, tapes and programs above.)

          Suffixes for Comparison

          1. –er (added to adjectives, this shows that something has more of that quality than something else does): It’s bigger, smaller, faster, slower, noisier, quieter.
          2. –est (added to adjectives to show that this one has the most of some quality compared to any others): Jim is the biggest student in his class and Sally is the smallest, but Sally is the noisiest of them all.

          Use Suffix Information to Recognize New Words

          If you know that ‘revolve’ means to turn over (the way a wheel turns), you might be able to guess (especially from the way the word is used) that a revolution is a complete turning over or major change. To revolutionize is to cause that major change.

          If you know that strategies are well-thought out plans to achieve long-term goals, you can infer that strategic thinking is focused, long-term planning and that ‘to strategize’ means to make such plans.

          If you know the meaning of beautiful (full of beauty), you can guess that ‘to beautify’ is to make something beautiful. If you read about a city’s ‘beautification campaign,’ you can infer that citizens or planners want to clean up their city and make it more attractive.





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          Yellow = Kuning

          Red = Merah

          Blue = Biru

          Black = Hitam

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          Pelajaran Matematika SD

          Kelas 1 SD:

          • Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan Bilangan 1-20.
          • Pengukuran Waktu.
          • Pengukuran Berat.
          • Pengukuran Panjang.
          • Mengenal Bangun Ruang Sederhana.
          • Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan Hingga 99.
          • Menulis Lambang Bilangan.   click to read more  Menuliskan Bentuk Panjang Suatu Bilangan
          • Mengurutkan Bilangan.
          • Membandingkan Bilangan.
          • Mengenal Bangun Datar Sederhana, Segitiga, Segi Empat, Dan Lingkaran.

          Kelas 2 SD:

          • Bilangan Cacah Ratusan Disertai Dengan Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan.
          • Pengukuran Waktu, Panjang Dan Berat.
          • Perkalian.
          • Pembagian.
          • Bangun Datar, Sisi Dan Sudut.

          Kelas 3 SD:

          • Letak Bilangan Pada Garis Bilangan.
          • Operasi Hitung Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan.
          • Operasi Hitung Perkalian Dan Pembagian.
          • Uang.
          • Pengukuran Waktu.
          • Panjang Dan Berat.
          • Hubungan Antar Satuan.
          • Pecahan Sederhana.
          • Unsur Dan Sifat Datar Sederhana.
          • Jenis Dan Besar Sudut.
          • Keliling Serta Luas Persegi Dan Persegi Panjang.

          Kelas 4 SD:

          • Bilangan Cacah (Bagian Pertama Dan Kedua).
          • Faktor Dan Kelipatan.
          • Pengukuran Sudut.
          • Waktu.
          • Panjang Dan Berat.
          • Bangun Datar Jajar Genjang Dan Segitiga.
          • Bilangan Bulat.
          • Pecahan.
          • Bilangan Romawi.
          • Bangun Ruang Dan Datar.

          Kelas 5 SD:

          • Bilangan Bulat.
          • Pangkat Dan Akar Bilangan Bulat.
          • Pengukuran Waktu.
          • Sudut.
          • Jarak Dan Kecepatan.
          • Kubus Dan Balok.
          • Pecahan.
          • Bangun Datar Dan Bangun Ruang.

          Kelas 6 SD:

          • Bilangan Bulat.
          • Debit.
          • Geometri Dan Pengukuran.
          • Pengumpulan Dan Pengolahan Data.
          • Pecahan (Bagian Pertama Dan Kedua).
          • Sistem Koordinat.
          • Penyajian Dan Pengolahan Data.
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          Jumat, 25 Agustus 2023

          Istilah Medikal 1

          Aborsi : Tindakan mengakhiri kehamilan.

          Akut : Akut merupakan istilah yang menggambarkan kondisi atau penyakit yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Biasanya terjadi dalam waktu singkat dan menunjukkan gangguan yang serius, serta membutuhkan penanganan secara cepat. Contoh penyakitnya seperti diare akut, glaukoma, atau leukimia akut.

          Alergen : Alergen berkaitan dengan alergi. Alergen merupakan antigen (zat yang merangsang respon imun) yang bertanggung jawab untuk memroduksi reaksi alergi.

          Amputasi : Hilang atau putusnya bagian tubuh, seperti jari, lengan, atau tungkai.

          Diagnosa : Menentukan jenis penyakit dng cara meneliti atau memeriksa gejalanya

          Diagnosis : Diagnosis adalah penentuan jenis penyakit yang diteliti melalui gejala yang terjadi. Kata ini umum digunakan dokter ketika melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan seseorang.

          Gula Darah : Gula darah merupakan keberadaan gula atau zat glukosa dalam darah. Kadar gula darah yang terlampau tinggi atau rendah bisa memberikan dampak negatif bagi tubuh. Salah satu penyakit yang berkaitan erat dengan gula darah adalah diabetes. Kadar normal gula darah dalam tubuh setiap orang berbeda sesuai dengan aktivitas yang dilakukan. Misalnya, gula darah normal sebelum makan adalah sekitar 70-130 mg/dL, dua jam setelah makan kurang dari 180 mg/dL. Sedangkan menjelang tidur berkisar 100-140 mg/dL.

          Infeksi : Masuk dan berkembangnya agen infeksi ke dalam tubuh seseorang atau hewan.

          Koma : Tingkatan paling dalam ketika seseorang tidak sadarkan diri.

          Kronis : Melansir dari Harvard Medical School, kata ini memiliki arti berlangsung dalam waktu lama atau terus-menerus. Artinya, gambaran suatu penyakit atau kondisi yang terjadi dalam periode berulang, perlahan, dan makin serius. Contoh dari penyakit kronis seperti osteoporosis atau diabetes.

          Opname : Proses perawatan medis oleh tenaga kesehatan profesonal.

          Pingsan : Hilangnya kesadaran sementara yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba.

          Radang : Respon dari suatu organisme terhadap patogen dan alterasi mekanis dalam jaringan, berupa rangkaian reaksi yang terjadi pada tempat jaringan yang mengalami cedera, seperti karena terbakar, atau terinfeksi.

          Resep : Catatan dari dokter untuk apoteker mengenai obat pasien.

          Skrining : Skrining merupakan bentuk deteksi dini untuk mengetahui apakah seseorang memiliki penyakit atau tidak. Tujuannya untuk segera mendapatkan penanganan medis bagi pengidap penyakit tertentu. Contohnya, skrining pemeriksaan tumor payudara.

          Vaksin : Zat yang sengaja dibuat untuk merangsang pembentukan kekebalan tubuh dari penyakit tertentu.




          Harvard Medical School. Diakses pada 2020. Medical Dictionary Health Terms.

          Select Health. Diakses pada 2020. 25 Important Medical Terms You Need to Know.

          MSD Mannuals Consumer Version. Diakses pada 2020. Understanding Medical Terms.

          Kamis, 24 Agustus 2023

          Istilah Teknologi 1

          (ASCII) American Standard Code for Information Interchange : Kode Standar Amerika untuk Pertukaran Informasi

          Bandwidth : Jumlah konsumsi transfer data yang dihitung dalam satuan waktu bit per second (bps).

          Bandwidth: Jumlah konsumsi transfer data yang dihitung dalam satuan waktu bit per second (bps).

          Booting : Istilah yang dipakai untuk menyebutkan proses loading awal saat kita menghidupkan komputer.

          Browser : Perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untuk menerima dan menyajikan sumber informasi dari Internet.

          Download : proses transmisi sebuah file atau data dari sebuah komputer ke sistem komputer lainnya.

          Komputer : Komputer adalah perangkat elektronik yang menerima, menyimpan dan memproses data menjadi informasi secara matematis atau logis sesuai dengan serangkaian instruksi yang diprogram.

          Monitor : Salah satu perangkat keras sebagai output data secara grafis.

          SMS ( Short Message Service ) : Sebuah layanan yang dilaksanakan dengan sebuah telepon genggam untuk mengirim atau menerima pesan-pesan pendek.

          Subscribe : Opsi yang ditawarkan oleh vendor produk atau penyedia layanan yang memungkinkan pelanggan bisa mendapatkan akses ke produk atau layanan.

          Upload : Istilah yang menggambarkan proses transfer berkas atau pemindahan data elektronik antara dua komputer maupun sistem serupa lainnya.




          Senin, 21 Agustus 2023

          Opera And Google Chrome Extensions 1

          • Animation Policy ( Offered by chrome-a11y-extensions ) Run animations only once, or disable animation completely.
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          • Web Developer ( Offered by chrispederick dot com ) can make your browser slower. Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools.
          • Markdown Viewer ( Offered by simov.github.io ) can make your browser slower. Render local and remote file URLs.
          • Explain and Send Screenshots ( Offered by jasonsavard dot com ) a little bit light, remove watermark need in-app purchases, to use it remember to activate the "Allow access to file URLs" options. Capture or record a video of your screen, write text or arrows and share it. The safest extension with NO crazy permissions!
          • Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder ( Offerd by Nimbus Web Inc ) can make your browser slower. Screen Capture FULL Web page or any part. Edit screenshots. Record screencasts - record video from your screen.
          • Markdown Cheatsheet ( Offered by greybax ) for reference sheet. This extension shows markdown cheatsheet
          • LaTeX Editor ( Offered by Keller ) can make your browser slower. maybe only full functional in Google Chrome,
          • Link to Text Fragment ( Offered by Google LLC ) more usable in current Google Chrome. Browser extension that allows for linking to arbitrary text on a page.
          • Huntr: Job Search Tracker ( Offered by huntr dot co ) Collect, track and manage your job applications from across the web. Apply and autofill job applications in one click.
          • append-to-clipboard ( Offered by brettz9 ) Append copied text to the clipboard, optionally with separators
          • Accent Grid ( Offered by bat020 ) Easy access to accented letters and other special characters.
          • Chrome Close Lock ( Offered by Intellibyte ) Prevent Chrome from closing without warning.
          • Copy as Markdown ( Offered by Laxman ) Browser extension to copy hyperlinks, images, and selected text as Markdown.
          • Copy Real Url ( Offered by Sourya Kakarla ) Provides an option to copy the real link on Google Search, Yahoo Search, Facebook Chat and Hangouts instead of redirecting url.
          • Create Link ( Offered by ku ) Copy current page URL to clipboard in various formats.
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          • View Rendered Source ( Offered by viewrenderedsource dot com ) for developer. View source is dead. See how the browser renders a page, not just what the server sends.
          • Mouse Tooltip Translator ( Offered by ttop324 ) can make your browser slower. for reference sheet. Mouse Tooltip Translator translate mouseover text using google translate
          • MultiTabs Markdown Editor ( Offered by Park ChangUk ) can make your browser slower. Markdown Editor with Multiple Tabs.


          install and enabled the extension that you really need it, use on your own risk ( if you understand how to use these extensions, you can use in your current real task in your current job ). This posting explain and testing only in regular condition.



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          Computer Networks

          Types of Computer Networks

          There are mainly four types of Computer Networks:

          • Personal Area Network (PAN)
          • Local Area Network (LAN)
          • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
          • Wide Area Network (WAN)

          Personal Area Network (PAN)

          PAN is the most basic type of computer network. This network is restrained to a single person, that is, communication between the computer devices is centered only on an individual’s workspace. PAN offers a network range of 1 to 100 meters from person to device providing communication. Its transmission with very easy maintenance and very low cost.

          Examples of PAN are USB, computer, phone, tablet, printer, PDA, etc uses: Bluetooth, IrDA, etc.

          Local Area Network (LAN)

          LAN is the most frequently used network. A LAN is a computer network that connects computers through a common communication path, contained within a limited area, that is, locally. A LAN encompasses two or more computers connected over a server. The two important technologies involved in this network are Ethernet and Wi-fi (WLAN). It ranges up to 2km & transmission speed is very high with easy maintenance and low cost.

          Examples of LAN are networking in a home, school, library, laboratory, college, office, etc.

          Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

          A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. This is the type of computer network that connects computers over a geographical distance through a shared communication path over a city, town, or metropolitan area. This network mainly uses FDDI, CDDI, and ATM as the technology with a range from 5km to 50km. Its transmission speed is average. It is difficult to maintain and it comes with a high cost.

          Examples of MAN are networking in towns, cities, a single large city, a large area within multiple buildings, etc.

          Wide Area Network (WAN)

          WAN is a type of computer network that connects computers over a large geographical distance through a shared communication path. It is not restrained to a single location but extends over many locations. WAN can also be defined as a group of local area networks that communicate with each other with a range above 50km.

          Here we use Leased-Line & Dial-up technology. Its transmission speed is very low and it comes with very high maintenance and very high cost.

          The most common example of WAN is the Internet.

          Other Computer Networks:

          Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

          WLAN is a type of computer network that acts as a local area network but makes use of wireless network technology like Wi-Fi. This network doesn’t allow devices to communicate over physical cables like in LAN but allows devices to communicate wirelessly.

          The most common example of WLAN is Wi-Fi.

          Storage Area Network (SAN)

          SAN is a type of computer network that is high-speed and connects groups of storage devices to several servers. This network does not depend on LAN or WAN. Instead, a SAN moves the storage resources from the network to its high-powered network. A SAN provides access to block-level data storage.

          Examples of SAN are a network of disks accessed by a network of servers.

          System Area Network (SAN)

          A SAN is a type of computer network that connects a cluster of high-performance computers. It is a connection-oriented and high-bandwidth network. A SAN is a type of LAN that handles high amounts of information in large requests. This network is useful for processing applications that require high network performance.

          Microsoft SQL Server 2005 uses SAN through a virtual interface adapter.

          Enterprise Private Network (EPN)

          EPN is a type of computer network mostly used by businesses that want a secure connection over various locations to share computer resources.

          Virtual Private Network (VPN)

          A VPN is a type of computer network that extends a private network across the internet and lets the user send and receive data as if they were connected to a private network even though they are not. Through a virtual point-to-point connection users can access a private network remotely. VPN protects you from malicious sources by operating as a medium that gives you a protected network connection.

          Visual Basic 6 IDE

          Microsoft Visual Basic

          VB 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) consist of:

          * Menu Bar  read more »

          * Toolbar  read more »

          * Toolbox   Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls »

          * Form

          * Project Container Window / Form Design Window 

          * Project Explorer Window

          * Properties Window

          * Form Layout Window

          To learn more about Visual Basic 6, click on Learn About Visual Basic Classic List 1 hyperlink.




          Visual Basic 6.0 Documentation

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          Datagrid Visual Basic Classic 1

          Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls

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          Visual Basic Error Codes 

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          Notepad++ Menu 1 

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          Rabu, 16 Agustus 2023


          JavaDoc Tool

           * JavaDoc Order Of Tags 

          @author (classes and interfaces)
          @param (methods and constructors)
          @version (classes and interfaces)
          @return (methods)

          JavaDoc Tags

          Tag Parameter Description
          @author author_name Describes an author
          @param description provide information about method parameter or the input it takes
          @see reference generate a link to other element of the document
          @version version-name provide version of the class, interface or enum.
          @return description provide the return value


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          Latex Template 1

          This following Latex code is Latex Template Syntax:

           %--Latex Template--

          \documentclass{'some class'}



          % --document body here--


          Next: Preamble In Latex >>




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          Pelajaran Matematika Kelas 7 SMP

          • Bilangan.
          • Bilangan Bulat.
          • Himpunan.
          • Bilangan Pecahan.
          • Bentuk Aljabar dan Operasinya.
          • Persamaan dan Pertidakasamaan Linear Satu Variabel.
          • Perbandingan dan aritmetika sosial.
          • Himpunan.
          • Garis dan sudut.
          • Segitiga dan segi empat.


          mtk, sekolah, bimbingan belajar, sekolah menengah pertama, mapel, mapel mtk, mata pelajaran

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          Bidang Datar 1

          Units Of Time In English

          Pelajaran Matematika Kelas 1 SD

          • Bilangan asli.
          • Bilangan cacah.
          • Operasi perhitungan bilangan cacah.
          • Operasi perhitungan satuan panjang dan waktu.
          • Operasi perhitungan satuan berat.
          • Bangun ruang dan bangun datar.
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          Selasa, 08 Agustus 2023

          Java Version Notes 1

          To determine the version of your JDK software, use the following command:

          java -version

          press Enter on keyboard.

          JDK 1.1

          The AWT.
          The inner classes.
          The JavaBeans.
          The JDBC.
          The Internationalization and Unicode.

          JDK 1.2

          The Swing.
          The Collections.
          The Java IDL
          The JIT compiler.

          JDK 1.3

          The RMI with CORBA.
          The JNDI.
          The JPDA.
          The Java Sound.

          JDK 1.4

          Regex enhancement.
          Exception enhancement.
          Image I/O enhancement.
          The XML.
          IP enhancement.
          The NIO.

          JDK 1.5

          The Console.
          The Generics.
          The Enumeration.
          The Concurrency.
          The Scanner.

          JDK 1.6

          The JavaScript.
          enhancement Web Service.
          enhancement of JDBC.
          enhancement of JAXB.

          JDK 1.7

          The Strings in switch.
          enhancement of try-catch.
          enhancement of Generics.
          enhancement of numeric literals.
          enhancement of NIO.
          enhancement of Java 2D.
          enhancement of XML and Unicode.

          JDK 1.8

          The Lambda.
          The Date and Time.
          enhancement of XML.
          enhancement of Annotations.
          enhancement of JNI.




          Effective Java; Joshua Bloch; Addison-Wesley

          Head First Java; Kathy Sierra et. al.; O'Reilly

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