Rabu, 26 Juni 2024

Most Common UML Notation


  • Notes allow you to enter additional comments that are not captured in your diagrams. You can write anything you want in a note to explain your diagram, similar to a comment in code. 
  • Notes are pictured with the folded rectangle notation.


  • Stereotypes signify a special use or intent and can be applied to almost any element of UML notation.
  • Stereotypes modify the meaning of an element and describe the element's role within your model.
  • A stereotype sometimes has an associated icon, such as stick-figure actor symbol.
  • The stereotype is shown using guillemots at either end of the stereotype name, as in «stereotype_name». However, because guillemots require an extended character set, you can substitute them for angle brackets, as in <<stereotype_name>>.
  • There is no limit to the number of stereotypes with which an element can be associated; sometimes you may end up specifying more than one stereotype.
  • The UML specification defines a set of "standard" or predefined stereotypes. Some of the more useful standard stereotypes include:
    • utility: Represents a class that provides utility services through static methods, just as Java's Math class.
    • service: A stateless, functional component that computes a value; could be used to represent a web service.
    • subsystem: A large component that is actually a subordinate system of a larger system.

Unified Modelling Language ( UML ), uml modelling, uml diagram, uml chart, program design, software design, application design

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