Jumat, 27 September 2024

Latex Template 2

This following Latex code is Latex Template 2: 

%Typeset/Build program

% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

% --Latex Template--

\documentclass[12pt]{article} % default would be 10pt, max 12pt




% --document body here--




latex template, latex boilerplate, tex document sample, latex document example, learn about latex, latex lesson, latex document environment, latex document class, latex document typeset, use package in latex

Related Topics:

AsciiDoctor Table Tutorial 1

  1. Open the AsciiDoctor editor.
  2. Type this following Asciidoctor code sample in Asciidoctor editor:
    Content in document.

    .Example 2. Table with header assigned to the options attribute
    |Column 1, header row
    |Column 2, header row

    |Cell in column 1, row 2
    |Cell in column 2, row 2

    |Cell in column 1, row 3
    |Cell in column 2, row 3
  3. Result, similar like this:
    Content in document.
    Table 1. Example 2. Table with header assigned to the options attribute
    Column 1, header row Column 2, header row
    Cell in column 1, row 2 Cell in column 2, row 2
    Cell in column 1, row 3 Cell in column 2, row 3

Next click AsciiDoctor Table 2 >



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Pelajaran Matematika Kelas 3 SMA 1

Latex Package To Handle Bullet And Numbering

These are latex ordinary Package list To Handle Bullet ( itemize ) And Numbering ( enumerate ) :

alterqcm package.

enumerate package.

enumitem package.

eqexam package.

exercise package.

mchoice package.

tasks package.

Typesetting exam/The LaTeX class exam.cls.

Typesetting exsheets/The LaTeX class exsheets.cls.

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Rabu, 25 September 2024

Notepad 3 File Menu

File Menu

Save as...
Path to Clipboard - Copy Filename only
Path to Clipboard - Copy Directory-Path only
Path to Clipboard - Copy Full-Path
Launch - Open Containing Folder
Launch - New Empty Window
Launch - Duplicate Instance
Launch - Command
Launch - Open File Explorer
Revert from File
Save copy...
Recent (history)...

notepad3, text editor, software, apps, program, application, editor teks

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Study About Draw In Latex

These are study topic list about draw in Latex:

Latex standalone document class:

latex document, latex draw, latex page, latex document typeset

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Days Of The Week


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Circle Theorem Using Latex 2

type this following latex code for drawing a circle theorem 2:

% Loading the package
% Loading the library

% Creating A Picture Using An Environment
Circ/.style={draw,shape=circle,minimum size=30mm, node contents={}}
% draw a circle from tikz style above
\node (C1) [Circ];
% create a diameter line
\draw[blue] (C1.mid west) -- (C1.mid east);

% create a diameter label
\node[above, very thick] at (0, 0) {$\textbf{d}$};

% create a diameter point
\fill[black] (C1.mid west) circle (2pt) (C1.mid east) circle (2pt);

% create a label notation description:
\node[below, very thick] at (0, -1.7) {$\textbf{d = diameter}$};


< Previous Circle Theorem Using Latex 1 ( latex equation )



latex equation, latex geometry, latex euclidean, latex shape, tex math and science document sample, latex math and science document example, learn about latex, latex lesson, mathematics, latex equation, latex draw, drawing in latex, latex graphic

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Selasa, 24 September 2024

Flowchart Symbol List

There are several symbol list in Flowchart, read the following description :

Rectangle Shape represents a process / action / operation / activity step.

Parallelogram Shape represents an input and output data.

Oval Shape or Pill Shape represents the start and end of flowchart ( terminal symbol ) or start terminator action and end terminator action.

Diamond Shape represents the decision making / alternate flow / branch flow / logic flow.

Arrow Line Shape represents the flow lines / process’ direction to connect the symbols.

Circle Shape represents the on-page interrelationships symbol or flows symbol or connector symbol.

Right Trapezium Shape or Right Trapezoid Shape represents the manual input symbol / manual data / manual information.

Isosceles Trapezium Shape or Trapezoid Shape represents the manual operation symbol.

Document Symbol represents a printed document or report.
Document Symbol In Flowchart

Multi-Document Symbol represents multiple documents.

Off-Page Connector Symbol represents an off-page connector symbol to indicates that the process continues off page / in other page.


The Art of Programming Through Flowcharts & Algorithms; Laxmi Publications
Systems Analysis and Design; Cengage Learning
https://it.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ ( university )

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Two Dimensional Shape 3

Types Of Trapezoid / Trapezium

Types Of Trapezoid Based On Sides:

  • Scalene Trapezoid / Irregular Quadrilateral ( No sides equal and no internal angles are the same ).
  • Isosceles Trapezoid ( Two non-parallel sides are equal in length, two sides are parallel ).

Types Of Trapezoid Based On Angles:

  • Acute Trapezoid : two adjacent angles acute ( < 900 ).
  • Obtuse / Oblique Trapezoid : two opposite angles obtuse ( > 900 ).
  • Right Trapezoid : two adjacent right angles ( 900 ).

Types Of Triangle

Types Of Triangle By Lengths Of Sides:
  • Equilateral Triangle : all sides are equal and all angles are equal.
  • Isosceles Triangle : two sides are equal.
  • Scalene Triangle / Irregular Triangle : no sides are equal.
Types Of Triangle By Internal Angles:
  • Right (Angle Of) Triangle : one right angle ( 900 ).
    • Isosceles Right Triangle.
    • Scalene Right Triangle.
  • Acute (Angle Of) Triangle : all angles acute ( < 900 ).
  • Oblique / Obtuse (Angle Of) Triangle : one angle obtuse/oblique ( > 900 ).

Types Of Quadrilaterals

Types Of Quadrilaterals ( 4 sides shape / 4 sided polygon ):
  • Rectangle : Opposite sides are equal, four internal right angles.
  • Parallelogram  : Opposite sides are equal and parallel, opposite interior angles are equal.
  • Square : All four sides are equal, four internal right angles.
  • Rhombus : quadrilaterals whose four sides are all equal in length.
  • Trapezoid/Trapezium : One pair of opposite sides is parallel.
  • Kite : Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal, one pair of opposite interior angles are equal.
  • Diamond : made up of two equilateral triangles.



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Mengubah Ukuran Font Pada Microsoft Word

Langkah 1: Mengetik Dokumen Microsoft Office Word Anda
Cara pertama yang dapat dilakukan dengan mengetik dokumen Microsoft Office Word Anda.

Langkah 2: Pilih Teks

Langkah 3: klik pada tab yang bertuliskan “Home”. Dalam grup “Font”, Anda akan melihat kotak drop-down untuk ukuran font (huruf).

Langkah 4: Mengubah Ukuran Font

Untuk mendownload materi ini dalam bentuk PDF klik https://www.studydrive.net/en/doc/mengubah-ukuran-font-huruf-pada-microsoft-word/1857829 ( study drive )

To see Ribbon File Picture click Ribbon File Pada Microsoft Office Word >>

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Sabtu, 21 September 2024

Microsoft Office Word Lesson Topics List

Getting Started 
* Zoom In-Out
* Scroll
* Go To

Manage documents
* Save Document
* Opening a Document
* Closing Document
* Set up document pages
* Preview Documents
* Printing Documents

Editing Documents
* Typing
* Insert text and paragraphs
* Undo and Redo
* Select Text
* Delete And Backspace Text
* Find and replace text
* Insert symbols and special characters

Format text and paragraphs
* Setting Text Fonts
* Change Text Case
* Change Text Color
* Text Alignments
* Indent Paragraphs
* Set Line Spacing and paragraph spacing
* Borders and Shades
* Set Tabs
• Apply formatting by using Format Painter
• Apply built-in styles to text
• Clear formatting

Create and modify lists
* Format paragraphs as numbered and bulleted lists
* Change bullet characters and number formats
* Define custom bullet characters and number formats
* Increase and decrease list levels
* Restart and continue list numbering
* Set starting number values

Format Document Pages
* Adjust Page Margins
* Insert and modify headers and footers
* Configure page background elements
* Add Page Numbers
* Insert Page Breaks
* Insert Blank Page
* Cover Pages
* Page Orientation

Working with Tables
* Create a Table
* Rows & Columns
* Move a Table
* Resize a Table
* Merging Cells
* Split a Table
* Split Cells
* Add Formula
* Borders & Shades

Create and manage reference tables
* Table of Contents
* Table of Index
* Table of Author
* Table of Picture

Use Graphics
Insert illustrations and text boxes
• Insert shapes
• Insert pictures
• Insert 3D models
• Insert SmartArt graphics
• Insert screenshots and screen clippings
• Insert text boxes
Modify graphic elements
• Position objects
• Wrap text around objects
• Add alternative text to objects for accessibility

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Kamis, 19 September 2024

Angle Symbol In Latex

These following list are angle symbols list in Latex:
  • \sphericalangle ( math mode, \usepackage{amssymb} )
  • \measuredangle ( math mode, \usepackage{amssymb} )
  • \angle ( math mode )

\sphericalangle AOB = angle between two intersecting arcs on a sphere ( closed curve ), specifically the angle between the two planes containing the arcs [There seems to be a distinction in notation where the center point/centre node letter is O, not B]

\measuredangle ABC = the actual measured angle between points/nodes A and C at point/node B

\angle ABC = angle between points A and C at point B (the middle letter is the vertex) [I have also seen this used to define angles in Euclidean triangles].



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Common Latex Symbols List:

These are topic links list to learn Symbol in Latex :



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Dots And Ellipses In Latex

is for multiplication or (algebraic, matrix) product operation. (math mode) ( U+022C5 )
· is for multiplication or (algebraic, matrix) product operation. (math mode) ( U+00B7 )
is for alternative multiplication or (algebraic, matrix) product operation than \cdot. (math mode)( U+02022 ) \textbullet (text mode)
: is for division or ratio or scale operation or function relation or to give emphasis, present dialogue, introduce lists or text, and clarify composition titles, has a bit more space in the left side. (math mode) ( U+003A )
The three dot symbol means therefore. (amssymb) ( U+2234 )
The three dot symbol means because. (amssymb) ( U+2235 )
The \ldots command produces an ellipsis This command works in any mode, not just math mode. (at the height of a comma) ( U+2026 )
The \mathellipsis command produces an ellipsis same as \ldots in math mode (math mode). (at the height of a comma) ( U+2026 )
The \textellipsis command produces an ellipsis same as \ldots in text mode (text mode). (at the height of a comma) ( U+2026 )
to type three dots horizontally (at the height of the centre of a + sign) ( U+22EF );
for three vertical dots ( U+22EE );
for three diagonal dots ( U+22F1 ).
....... dotted line stretches as long as it can (to the end of line).
LaTeX, ellipses, let dots, left dots, center dots, point, mark, symbol, notation, leader


Selasa, 17 September 2024

Bagian File Explorer Dengan Gambar

Bagian File Explorer

< Untuk melihat teks bagian - bagian File Explorer klik di Bagian File Explorer

Di bawah ini gambar bagian File Explorer Pada Microsoft Windows operating system:
Gambar Bagian File Explorer

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Create Table In Microsoft Access SQL

Create Database

  1. Open Microsft Access
  2. select File > New menu.
  3. Select Blank database template.
  4. Enter a name for the database inside File Name box, select a location by click the folder icon, and then select Create button.

Create Table In Microsoft Office Access SQL

  1. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code or Other group, click Query Design.
  2. Close Show Table dialogue.
  3. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Data Definition.
  4. Type the following SQL statement:
    CREATE TABLE Kategori (
    KodeKategori CHAR(10)
    NamaKategori CHAR(50), 
    Jumlah INTEGER, 
    CONSTRAINT [PKKodeKategori] PRIMARY KEY (KodeKategori)
  5. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.



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Senin, 16 September 2024

Class 11 Math

Chapter 1: Sets

  1. Introduction to Sets
  2. Methods of representing a set
  3. Types of sets
  4. Subset
  5. Proper Subset
  6. Subset of set of the real numbers
  7. Interval as subset of R Real Number
  8. Power Set
  9. Universal Set
  10. Venn diagram
  11. Operation on Sets
  12. Cardinality of Sets
  13. Set Theory Symbols

Chapter 2: Relations & Functions

  1. Cartesian Products
  2. What is relations?
  3. What is Function
  4. Domain of Function
  5. Range of Function
  6. Identity Function
  7. Constant Function
  8. Linear Function
  9. Modules Function
  10. Greatest Integer Function
  11. Polynomial Function
  12. Algebra of Real Function

Chapter 3: Trigonometry and its function

  1. Trigonometry
  2. Trigonometric functions
  3. Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles
  4. Domain,Range And Graph of trigonometric functions
  5. Trigonometric Identities
  6. Trigonometric equations
  7. Values Of Sin 15, Cos 15 ,Tan 15 ,Sin 75, Cos 75 ,Tan 75
  8. Values Of Sin 18, Cos 18, Tan 18, Sin 36, Cos 36, Sin 54, Cos 72
  9. General solution of trigonometric equations of the type sin y = sin a, cos y = cos a and tan y = tan a.

Chapter 4: Complex numbers And Quadratic equation

  1. What is complex numbers
  2. Properties Of complex Numbers
  3. Conjugate of Complex Numbers
  4. Modulus of complex numbers
  5. Argand Plane
  6. Polar Representation of the complex number
  7. Rotation Of Complex Number
  8. What Is The Significance Of Complex Numbers
  9. Euler's Formula And De Moivre's Theorem
  10. Cube Root Of Unity
  11. Complex Roots Of Quadratic Equations
  12. Solution Of Quadratic Equations (With Real Coefficients) In The Complex Number System.
  13. Square Root Of A Complex Number.

Chapter 5: Linear Inequalities

  1. What are inequalities
  2. Things which changes the direction of the inequality
  3. Linear Inequation in One Variable
  4. Linear Inequation in Two Variable
  5. Steps to solve the inequalities in one variable
  6. Steps to solve the inequality of the another form
  7. Quadratic Inequation
  8. Steps to solve Quadratic or polynomial inequalities
  9. Cubic Inequation
  10. Steps to solve Cubic inequalities
  11. Absolute value equation
  12. Absolute value Inequation
  13. Graphical Solution of Linear inequalities in Two Variable

Chapter 6: Permutation and Combinations

  1. What is factorial
  2. Fundamental Principle of counting
  3. Permutation
  4. Restricted Permutations
  5. Another Theorem of Permutation
  6. What is combination
  7. Combination Formula
  8. Properties of Combination Formula

Chapter 7: Binomial Expansion

  1. Binomial Theorem
  2. Important conclusion from Binomial Theorem
  3. General Term in Binomial Expansion
  4. Middle Term in Binomial Expansion

Chapter 8: Sequences and Series

  1. Sequences and Series Detailed
  2. Geometric Progression (G.P.)
  3. Relationship Between A.M. and G.M.

Chapter 9: Straight Lines

Straight Lines

Chapter 10: Conic Sections

  1. Conic Sections
  2. Circles
  3. Parabola
  4. Ellipse
  5. Hyperbola

Chapter 11: Introduction to Three dimensional Geometry

  1. Introduction To Three Dimensional Geometry
  2. Coordinate Axes And Coordinate Planes In Three Dimensional Space
  3. Coordinates Of A Point In Space
  4. Distance Between Two Points

Chapter 12: Limits And Derivatives

  1. Limits in Maths
  2. Limits of Trigonometric Functions 
  3. Derivatives in Maths
  4. Intuitive Idea of Derivatives

Chapter 13: Statistics

  1. Introduction
  2. Measures of Dispersion
  3. Range
  4. Mean Deviation
  5. Variance and Standard Deviation

Chapter 14:Mathematical induction

  1. What is Deductive reasoning
  2. What is Inductive reasoning
  3. The Principle of Mathematical Induction
  4. Solved Examples

Chapter 15: Probability

  1. What Is Probability
  2. Addition Theorems On Probability
  3. Axiomatic Approach To Probability

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Minggu, 15 September 2024

Pelajaran Matematika SMA

Materi Matematika Kelas 10 (X)

  1. Pertidaksamaan Linear
  2. Sistem Persamaan Linear
  3. Persamaan Garis Lurus
  4. Persamaan Kuadrat
  5. Fungsi Kuadrat
  6. Trigonometri
  7. Relasi dan Fungsi
  8. Fungsi Komposisi dan Fungsi Invers
  9. Eksponen
  10. Logaritma

Materi Matematika Kelas 11 (XI)

  1. Logika Matematika
  2. Induksi Matematika
  3. Pertidaksamaan Linear Dua Variabel
  4. Program Linear
  5. Matriks Dasar  & Operasi Matriks
  6. Barisan dan Deret
  7. Limit Fungsi Aljabar
  8. Turunan Fungsi Aljabar
  9. Integral Tak Tentu & Trigonometri
  10. Integral Substitusi & Integral Parsial
  11. Grafik Fungsi Trigonometri
  12. Persamaan Trigonometri
  13. Jumlah dan Selisih Sinus dan Cosinus
  14. Irisan Kerucut
  15. Suku Banyak
  16. Persamaan Lingkaran
  17. Irisan Dua Lingkaran
  18. Integral Tentu & Penggunaan Integral
  19. Transformasi Geometri

Materi Matematika Kelas 12 (XII)

  1. Geometri Bidang Datar
  2. Geometri Bidang Ruang
  3. Mean, Median, Modus
  4. Kuartil, Desil, Simpangan Baku, Varian
  5. Kaidah Pencacahan, Peluang, Permutasi, dan Kombinasi
  6. Limit Fungsi Trigonometri
  7. Turunan Fungsi Trigonometri
  8. Statistik Inferensial
  9. Vektor
  10. Bunga Tunggal/Majemuk & Anuitas

mapel, mata pelajaran, matematika, mtk sma kelas 1, mtk sma kelas 2, mtk sma kelas 3, kelas x, kelas xi, kelas xii, mtk, belajar matematika, ilmu matematika, sekolah, materi pelajaran, smu, sekolah menengah atas, sekolah menengah umum

Jumat, 13 September 2024

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Daftar Tanda Baca Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

  1. Tanda Baca Titik (.)
  2. Tanda Baca Koma (,)
  3. Tanda Baca Seru (!)
  4. Tanda Baca Tanya (?)
  5. Tanda Baca Titik Koma (;)
  6. Tanda Baca Titik Dua (:)
  7. Tanda Baca Elipsis/Titik-titik (…)
  8. Tanda Baca Hubung (-)
  9. Tanda Baca Pisah (—)
  10. Tanda Baca Kurung (())
  11. Tanda Baca Kurung Siku ([ ])
  12. Tanda Baca Garis Miring (/)
  13. Tanda Baca Apostrof (‘)
  14. Tanda Baca Petik (“)
  15. Tanda Baca Petik Tunggal (‘)

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Titik (.)

  1. Penanda Akhir Kalimat Pernyataan
  2. Tanda Di Penulisan Bagan, Ikhtisar, Atau Daftar
  3. Pemisah Angka Pada Penanda Waktu (Jam, Menit, Dan Detik)
  4. Penunjukkan Jangka Waktu
  5. Memperjelas Jumlah
  6. Peran Dalam Penulisan Referensi/Daftar Pustaka
  7. Tidak Digunakan pada Akhir Judul
  8. Tidak Digunakan pada Kepala Surat

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Koma (,)

  1. Diletakkan di Tengah Kalimat
  2. Perbandingan Kalimat
  3. Memisahkan Anak Kalimat dengan Induk Kalimat
  4. Pemisah Partikel
  5. Kata Penghubung Antarkalimat
  6. Identitas yang Ditulis Berurutan
  7. Memisahkan Petikan Langsung
  8. Catatan Kaki
  9. Penulisan Daftar Pustaka
  10. Penulisan Bilangan
  11. Penulisan Gelar
  12. Kalimat Bertingkat
  13. Menghindari Salah Baca
  14. Tidak Digunakan untuk Pemisahan Petikan Langsung
  15. Digunakan Pada Kata Sapaan Seperti Bu, Nak, Atau Dik

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Seru (!)

  1. Kalimat Perintah
  2. Menunjukkan Ekspresi Terkejut/Kaget

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Tanya (?)

  1. Menanyakan Sesuatu
  2. Digunakan dalam Tanda Kurung

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Titik Koma (;)

  1. Memisahkan Bagian Kalimat
  2. Memisahkan Kalimat Setara
  3. Memisahkan Sumber-Sumber Kutipan

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Titik Dua (:)

  1. Akhir Pernyataan Lengkap
  2. Sesudah Kata atau Ungkapan
  3. Di antara Identitas Penerbit
  4. Dalam Teks Drama Setelah Kata yang Menunjukkan Pelaku

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Elipsis/Titik-titik (…)

  1. Penulisan Kalimat yang Terputus-putus
  2. Penunjukkan Ada Bagian Naskah yang Dihilangkan

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Hubung (-)

  1. Menyambung Huruf Kata dan Penulisan Tanggal
  2. Menyambung Suku Dari Kata Dasar
  3. Memperjelas Hubungan
  4. Menyambung Unsur Kata Ulang
  5. Merangkai Kata Depan dengan Huruf Kapital
  6. Merangkai Unsur Bahasa Indonesia dengan Bahasa Asing

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Pisah (—)

  1. Membatasi Penyisipan Kata
  2. Tanda Pisah Dua Bilangan
  3. Penegasan Keterangan Aposisi

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Kurung (())

  1. Mengapit Angka
  2. Mengapit Huruf
  3. Mengapit Keterangan
  4. Tambahan Keterangan

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Kurung Siku ([ ])

  1. Mengapit Keterangan
  2. Mengapit Huruf, Kata, atau Kelompok

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Garis Miring (/)

  1. Pengganti Kata Hubung
  2. Dipakai pada Nomor Surat dan Kalimat

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Apostrof (‘)

  1. Penggunaan Kata Khusus
  2. Menunjukkan Penghilangan Bagian Kata

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Petik (“)

  1. Petikan Langsung
  2. Penutup Kalimat
  3. Mengapit Istilah Ilmiah
  4. Mengapit Judul

Penggunaan Tanda Baca Petik Tunggal (‘)

  1. Mengapit Makna
  2. Mengapit Petikan di dalam Petikan Lain


Kamis, 12 September 2024

TexWorks Keyboard Shortcut

These are following keyboard shortcuts for work in source edit window:
Ctrl+B : Balance Delimiters.
Ctrl+T : Typeset
Ctrl+L : Go to Line...
Ctrl+' : Go to Preview
Ctrl+[ : Unindent
Ctrl+\ : Hide Output Panel
Ctrl+] : Indent
Ctrl+Shift+[ :Uncomment
Ctrl+Shift+] : Comment
These are following keyboard shortcuts for work in the preview window:
Ctrl+’ : Go to Source
Ctrl++ : Zoom In
Ctrl+- : Zoom Out
Ctrl+1 : Actual Size
Ctrl+2 : Fit to Width
Ctrl+3 : Fit to Window
Ctrl+F : Find...
Ctrl+G : Find Again
Ctrl+J : Go to Page...
Ctrl+Shift+F : Full Screen

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Add Image In Latex

Type this following Latex source code sample in Latex editor:

The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous,in a large scale, everywhere we look at.

\caption{sample image}

There's a picture of brands above.
Then run the Latex typesetting processing tools, e.g. pdflatex.


The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous,in a large scale, everywhere we look at.
Figure 1: sample image

There's a picture of brands above.


http://www.njit.edu/ ( university )

Soal Konduktor - IPA SMP

Perhatikan gambar interaksi bola konduktor bermuatan di bawah ini!
Gambar 1

Gambar 2

Gambar 3

Gambar 4

Jika bola konduktor P bermuatan positif maka gaya interaksi yang terjadi ketika bola P didekatkan bola S, dan bola R didekatkan bola Q berturut-turut adalah ...
  1. P — S tarik-menarik dan R — Q tarik-menarik.
  2. P — S tarik-menarik dan R — Q tolak-menolak.
  3. P — S tolak-menolak dan R — Q tarik-menarik.
  4. P — S tolak-menolak dan P — Q tarik-menarik.


Jika bola konduktor P bermuatan positif maka:
  • Pada gambar 1 terjadi tarik-menarik, jika P bermuatan positif maka R bermuatan negatif.
  • Pada gambar 2 terjadi tolak-menolak, jika P bermuatan positif maka T bermuatan positif.
  • Pada gambar 3 terjadi tarik-menarik, jika R bermuatan negatif maka S bermuatan positif.
  • Pada gambar 4 terjadi tolak-menolak, jika S bermuatan positif maka Q bermuatan positif.
Jadi, gaya interaksi yang terjadi adalah:
  • Bola P bermuatan positif didekatkan dengan bola S bermuatan positif maka tolak-menolak.
  • Bola R bermuatan negatif didekatkan dengan bola Q bermuatan positif maka tarik-menarik.

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Daftar Pelajaran IPA SD

Pelajaran IPA Kelas 1 SD

  • Benda Hidup dan Tak Hidup
    • Benda Hidup dan Tak Hidup Di Sekitarku
    • Hewan di Sekitarku
    • Tanaman di Sekitarku
    • Bentuk, Warna, Ukuran, dan Permukaan Benda
  • Peristiwa Alam
    • Peristiwa Siang dan Malam
    • Kemarau
    • Penghujan
    • Bencana Alam

Pelajaran IPA Kelas 2 SD

  • Merawat Hewan dan Tumbuhan
  • Hewan di Sekitarku
  • Merawat Hewan di Sekitarku
  • Tumbuhan di Sekitarku
  • Merawat Tumbuhan di Sekitarku.

Pelajaran IPA Kelas 3 SD

  • Makhluk Hidup
    • Ciri-ciri Makhluk Hidup
    • Purtumbuhan dan Perkembangan Manusia
    • Pertumbuhan Hewan
    • Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan
  • Menyayangi Tumbuhan dan Hewan
    • Manfaat Tumbuhan Bagi Kehidupan Manusia
    • Manfaat Hewan bagi Kehidupan Manusia
    • Menyayangi Tumbuhan
    • Menyayangi Hewan
  • Benda di Sekitarku
    • Aneka Benda di Sekitarku
    • Wujud Benda
    • Perubahan Wujud Benda
    • Keajaiban Perubahan Wujud Benda di Sekitarku
  • Cuaca
    • Keadaan Cuaca
    • Perubahan Cuaca
    • Pengaruh Perubahan Cuaca terhadap Kehidupan Manusia
    • Cuaca, Musim, dan Iklim
  • Energi dan Perubahannya
    • Sumber Energi
    • Perubahan Energi
    • Energi Alternatif
    • Penghematan Energi
  • Perkembangan Teknologi
    • Perkembangan Teknologi Produksi Pangan
    • Perkembangan Tekonologi Produksi Sandang
    • Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi
    • Perkembangan Teknologi Transportasi

Pelajaran IPA Kelas 4 SD

IPAS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sosial)
  • Tumbuhan, Sumber Kehidupan di Bumi
  • Wujud Zat dan Perubahannya
  • Gaya di Sekitar kita
  • Mengubah Bentuk Energi
  • Cerita Tentang Daerahku
  • Indonesiaku Kaya Budaya
  • Bagaimana Mendapatkan Semua Keperluan Kita?
  • Membangun Masyarakat yang Beradab

IPA Kelas 5 SD

IPAS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sosial)
  • Melihat karena Cahaya, Mendengar karena Bunyi
  • Harmoni dalam Ekosistem
  • Magnet, Listrik, dan Teknologi untuk Kehidupan
  • Ayo Berkenalan dengan Bumi Kita
  • Bagaimana Kita Hidup dan Bertumbuh
  • Indonesiaku Kaya Raya
  • Daerahku Kebanggaanku
  • Bumiku Sayang, Bumiku Malang
  • Organ Gerak Hewan dan Manusia
  • Udara Bersih Bagi Kesehatan
  • Makanan Sehat
  • Sehat Itu Penting
  • Ekosistem
  • Panas dan Perpindahannya
  • Peristiwa dalam Kehidupan
  • Lingkungan Sahabat Kita
  • Benda-Benda di Sekitar Kita

Pelajaran IPA Kelas 6 SD

  • Bagian Tubuh Tumbuhan
  • Siklus Hidup/Metamorfosis Hewan
  • Alat Gerak Pada Hewan
  • Alat Pernapasan Hewan
  • Perkembangbiakan Tumbuhan Dan Hewan
  • Rantai Makanan
  • Hubungan Antar Makhluk Hidup Dengan Lingkungannya
  • Metamorfosis Pada Hewan
  • Menjaga Keseimbangan Lingkungan
  • Energi Alternatif Dan Kegunaannya
  • Daur Air
  • Bunyi
  • Sifat-Sifat Cahaya
  • Alat Pernapasan Manusia
  • Sistem Pencernaan Manusia
  • Peredaran Darah
  • Alat Gerak Manusia
  • Pubertas Pada Laki-Laki Dan Perempuan Dengan Kesehatan Reproduksi
  • Konduktor/Isolator
  • Perpindahan Panas
  • Perubahan Wujud Benda
  • Jenis-Jenis Gaya
  • Pengaruh Gaya Terhadap Benda
  • Sifat-Sifat Magnet Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari
  • Komponen Listrik Dan Fungsinya
  • Sistem Tata Surya
  • Sistem Tata Surya Dan Karakteristik Anggota Tata Surya
  • Rotasi Dan Revolusi Bumi Serta Terjadinya Gerhana Bulan Dan Gerhana Matahari.

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