Selasa, 08 Oktober 2024

Vertical Subtraction In Latex

  1. Open the Latex editor.
  2. type this following Latex code in the Latex editor:
    %Typeset/Build program
    % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
    % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
    %--Latex Vertical Subtract 1--
    \documentclass[varwidth,multi=page,margin=25]{standalone} % default would be 10pt, max 12pt

    \author{Private Course And Tutor Course}
    \title{Vertical Subtraction}

    \Huge{\textbf{Vertical\\ Subtraction\\ With\\ Regrouping }}\newline\newline
    \large{\textbf{by: Private Course\\ And Tutor Course}}

    {\Huge Step 1}
    % 64.723 - 47.954 = 16.769
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    & & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\
    $-$& & & {\Huge 9 } & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} \\ \hline \\
    & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\Huge \dotfill}

    {\Huge Step 2} 
    & & & & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{40}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{40}{ones}}}   \\
    & & & & & & 1 & 3\\
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    $-$& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\ \hline \\
    & & & {\Huge  } & {\Huge } & {\Huge } & {\Huge 9} \\ 

    {\Huge Step 3} 
    & & & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    & & & & 1 & 1 & & \\
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    $-$& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\ \hline \\
    & & & {\Huge  } & {\Huge } & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 

    {\Huge Step 4} 
    & & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{thousands}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    & & & 1 & 6 &  & & \\
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    $-$& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\ \hline \\
    & & & {\Huge } & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 

    {\Huge Step 5} 
    \begin{tabular}{c@{\,}c@{\,}c@{\,}c@{\,}c@{\,}c@{\,}c@{\,}c} \\
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{ten thousands}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{thousands}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    & & 1 & 3 &  &  & & \\
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    $-$& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\ \hline \\
    & & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 

    {\Huge Step 6} 
    % 64.723 - 47.954 = 16.769
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{ten thousands}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{thousands}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    &  & 5 &  &  &  & & \\
    & & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 3} \\
    $-$& & {\Huge 4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge .9} & {\Huge 5} & {\Huge 4} \\ \hline \\
    & & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 

    {\Huge Step 7} 
    % 64.723 - 47.954 = 16.769
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    &  &  &  &  &  & & \\
    & & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 
    $-$& & {\Huge } & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} \\ \hline \\
    & & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge 6} \\

    {\Huge Step 8} 
    % 64.723 - 47.954 = 16.769
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    &  &  &  & 1 & 6 &  & \\
    & & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 
    $-$& & {\Huge } & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} \\ \hline \\
    & & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge 6} \\

    {\Huge Step 9} 
    % 64.723 - 47.954 = 16.769
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    &  &  &  & 6 &  &  & \\
    & & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 
    $-$& & {\Huge } & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} \\ \hline \\
    & & {\Huge} & {\Huge} & {\Huge 2} & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge 6} \\

    {\Huge Step 10} 
    % 16.769 - 9.473 = 7.296
    & & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{ten thousands}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{thousands}}}& \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{hundreds}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{tens}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{{\rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{ones}}}   \\
    &  &  &  &  &  &  & \\
    & & {\Huge 1} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge .7} & {\Huge 6} & {\Huge 9} \\ 
    $-$& & {\Huge } & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge .4} & {\Huge 7} & {\Huge 3} \\ \hline \\
    & & {\Huge} & {\Huge7} & {\Huge .2} & {\Huge 9} & {\Huge 6} \\

  3. save file as verticalSubtraction1.tex.
  4. run the Typeset command or similar other command with pdfLatex
  5. to see the output, click at the Vertical Subtraction >

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