Kamis, 02 Mei 2024

Shorten Form In English

Shorten Form (Contractions) List In English:

Aren’t (Are Not)

Can’t (Cannot)

Could’ve (Could Have)

Couldn’t (Could Not)

Didn’t (Did Not)

Doesn’t (Does Not)

Don’t (Do Not)

Hadn’t (Had Not)

Hasn’t (Has Not)

Haven’t (Have Not)

He’d (He Had)

He’d (He Would)

He’ll (He Shall)

He’ll (He Will)

He’s (He Is)

I’d (I Had)

I’d (I Would)

I’ll (I Will)

I’m (I Am)

I’ve (I Have)

Isn’t (Is Not)

It’ll (It Shall)

It’ll (It Will)

It’s (It Is)

Let’s (Let Us)

Might’ve (Might Have)

Must’ve (Must Have)

Mustn’t (Must Not)

She’d (She Had)

She’d (She Would)

She’ll (She Shall)

She’ll (She Will)

She’s (She Is)

Should’ve (Should Have)

Shouldn’t (Should Not)

That’s (That Is)

There’s (There Is)

They’d (They Had)

They’d (They Would)

They’ll (They Will)

They’re (They Are)

They’ve (They Have)

Wasn’t (Was Not)

We’d (We Had)

We’d (We Would)

We’ll (We Will)

We’re (We Are)

We’ve (We Have)

Weren’t (Were Not)

What’ll (What Shall)

What’ll (What Will)

What’s (What Is)

What’ve (What Have)

Where's (Where Is)

Who’re (Who Are)

Who’s (Who Is)

Won’t (Will Not)

Would’ve (Would Have)

Wouldn’t (Would Not)

You’d (You Had)

You’d (You Would)

You’ll (You Will)

You’re (You Are)

You’ve (You Have)

Contractions Grammar Rules

  • Use an apostrophe punctuation mark (') to replace the missing letters.
  • Use contractions in anything else that is formal writing and speech only.
to read punctuation, click the Punctuation hyperlink.



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