type this following latex code for drawing a circle theorem 3:
% Loading the package
% Loading the library
% Creating A Picture Using An Environment
% draw a circle
\node (C2) [draw, shape=circle, minimum size=30mm, very thick] {};
% create a diameter line
\draw[gray, very thick] (C2.north east) -- (C2.south west);
% create a diameter point
\fill[black] (C2.north east) circle (2pt) (C2.south west) circle (2pt);
% create a diameter label
\node[above, very thick, rotate=0] at (0, 0) {$\textbf{d}$};
% create a label notation description:
\node[below, very thick] at (0, -1.7) {$\textbf{d = diameter}$};
Save file as circleDiagram2.tex.
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the circle parts, the circle elements, the circle properties, the parts of a circle, the elements of a circle, the properties of a circle
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