- Open the Latex editor
- Type this following latex code in your Latex editor:
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=utf-8
\author{private course and after school tutor}
% Title
\Huge{Cartesian Coordinate}
% Step 1
\draw[help lines,opacity=.25] (-12,-12) grid (12,12);
% draw axes label
\foreach \i in {1, ..., 10} \draw(\i,2.5pt) -- +(0,-5pt) node [anchor=north, font=\bfseries] {\large{$\i$}} (-\i,2.5pt) -- +(0,-5pt) node [anchor=north, font=\bfseries] {\large{$-\i$}} (2.5pt,\i) -- + (-5pt,0) node [anchor=east, font=\bfseries] {\large{$\i$}} (2.5pt,-\i) -- + (-5pt,0) node [anchor=east, font=\bfseries] {\large{$-\i$}};
% axes line / horizontal line
\draw[latex->,thick,font=\bfseries] (-10,0) -- (10,0) node [anchor=south,above] {\huge{$\mathbf{x}$}};
% ordinat line / vertical line
\draw[latex->,thick] (0,-10) -- (0,10) node [anchor=west] {\huge{}};
\end{document} - save file as coordinateCartesian1.tex
- Typeset or Build.
Notes To see the more clear picture, click on the picture.
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