% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
%% File Description:
%% to draw a Latex Shapes
%% Load Packages
% -------------------
% rounded rectangle shape
%% requires tikz package
% -------------------
\draw[rounded corners,very thick] (0,0) rectangle (5,2); \draw (2.5,-0.2) node [below] {\textbf{Rounded Rectangle}};
% -------------------
% a diamond shape
% requires library shapes.geometric
% -------------------
\node [diamond,very thick,draw=black,fill=white,text=white,aspect=2] {\textbf{Diamond Shape}};
\draw (0,-1) node[below] {\textbf{Diamond Shape}};
% -------------------
% a black circled shape
% requires tikz package
% -------------------
\node [circle,radius=5,draw=black,fill=black,
very thick] (0,0) {\textbf{Black Circle Shape}};
\draw (0,-2) node[below] {\textbf{Black Circle Shape}};
3. Save file as roundedRectangle1.tex
4. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
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