Selasa, 02 Juli 2024

Triangle In Latex

type this following latex code for drawing a triangle:

\documentclass[12pt, border=5mm]{standalone}
\draw [ultra thick] (0,0) node[anchor=north]{$\textbf{A}$}
-- (3,0) node[anchor=north]{$\textbf{C}$}
-- (3,4) node[anchor=south]{$\textbf{B}$}
-- cycle;


Triangle picture

If you want to draw an angle in LaTeX, click this Angle In Latex hyperlink.
If you want to draw the picture only (ex. gratia triangle as above picture) using latex, click this LaTeX Standalone Margin hyperlink.

 latex, latex math, latex equation, latex mathematics, latex draw, geometry, euclidean

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