Rabu, 31 Januari 2024

Two Dimensional Shape

A 2D (two-dimensional) shape can be defined as a plane figure that can be drawn on a flat surface.

Two Dimensional Shape has only two dimensions - length and width.

These following shapes list are two dimensional shapes:

Area = Luas

Circle = Lingkaran.   Click here to view the circle picture »

Curved Shape = Bidang Lengkung

Decagon = Segi Sepuluh

Ellipse = Elips

Heptagon = Segi Tujuh

Hexagon = Segi Enam

Kite = Layang - Layang

Nonagon = Segi Sembilan

Octagon = Segi Delapan

Oval = Oval

Parallelogram = Jajar Genjang

Pentagon = Segi Lima

Perimeter = Keliling

Polygon Shape = Bangun / Bidang Poligon

Rectangle = Persegi Panjang     Click here to view the rectangle picture » 

Rhombus = Wajik / Belah Ketupat

Square = Kotak / Persegi Empat

Trapezium = Trapesium

Trapezoid = Trapesium

Triangle = Segitiga.    Click here to view the triangle picture » 

If you want to draw a triangle in LaTeX, click this Triangle In Latex hyperlink.

If you want to draw a circle in LaTeX, click this Circle In Latex hyperlink.

If you want to draw the others in LaTeX, click this Post about Latex draw hyperlink.









shape, plane, geometry, surface, flat, shapes, solid, space, solids, spaces

Related Post:

Two Dimensional Shape 2

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