Jumat, 03 Mei 2024

Shorten Form In This Website 1

Singkatan Di Website Ini 1

Computer and Information Technology / Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi

ADO =  ActiveX Data Object.

API = Application Programming Interface.

AWT = Abstract Window Toolkit.

DLL = Dynamic Link Library.

FTP = File Transfer Protocol.

GUI = Graphical User Interface.

HTML = HyperText Markup Language.

IDE = Integrated Development Environment.

JDBC = Java Database Connectivity.

JFC = Java Foundation Class.

MFC = Microsoft Foundation Class Library.

PHP = Hypertext Pre Processor.

SQL = Structured Query Language.

TCP = Transmission Control Protocol.

UML = Unified Modelling Language.

General Lesson Post / Konten Pos Pelajaran Secara Umum

e.g. stands for 'exempli gratia' which means 'for example' ( Latin language ).
et al. stands for 'et alii' which means 'and other people' ( Latin language ).
etc stands for et cetera which means 'and other things' ( Latin language ).
i.e. stands for 'id est' which means 'in other words' ( Latin language ).
N.B. stands for 'nota bene' which means 'Please read this note' ( Latin language ).
No or No. stands for 'numero' which means 'number'. The plural is Nos./Nos in sentence.

Mathematics / Matematika

a = are.

FK = Fungsi Kuadrat.

FPB = Faktor Persekutuan terBesar.

GCD = Greatest Common Divisor.

GCF = Greatest Common Factor.

HCF = Highest Common Factor.

KPK = Kelipatan Persekutuan terKecil.

LCM = Lowest Common Multiple.

LCM = Least Common Multiple.

PK = Persamaan Kuadrat.

Science / IPA ( Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam )

a = percepatan ( rumus )
A = ampere ( ukuran satuan )
A = luas penampang / luas bidang ( rumus )



short, abbreviate, abbreviation

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