Selasa, 31 Oktober 2023

RGB And CYMK Color Palette

Color combination of Primary Colors:

CYMK ( Cyan Yellow Magenta Black)

Color combination of Secondary Colors:

Magenta 100 + Yellow 100 = Red

Magenta 80 + Cyan 20 + Black 20 = Purple

Cyan 100 + Yellow 100 = Green

Magenta 60 + Yellow 100 = Orange

Magenta 40 + Yellow 20 = Pink

Magenta 20 + Yellow 40 + Black 40 = Brown

Color combination of Primary Colors:

RGB ( Red Green Blue )

Color combination of Secondary Colors:

Red 255 + Green 255= Yellow

Green 255 + Blue 255 = Cyan

Red 255 + Green 102 = Orange

Red 153 + Blue 204 = Purple

Red 255 + Blue 255 = Magenta

Red 255 + Green 153 + Blue 204 = Pink

Red 153 + Green 102 + Blue 51 = Brown


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