Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension (Text Editor)
- anderseandersen.html-class-suggestions = Adds code completion suggestions to HTML class attributes based on the CSS files in your workspace.
- anteprimorac.html-end-tag-labels = Labels HTML end tags.
- christian-kohler.path-intellisense = plugin that autocompletes filenames.
- chunsen.bracket-select = Quick select code between brackets, support for (),{} and \[\], <>.
- dorian-marchal.add-line-break = Add line breaks before/after selections.
- esbenp.prettier-vscode = Code formatter using prettier.
- gforcedev.ctrl-semicolon = Semicolon insertion extension.
- ionutvmi.path-autocomplete = Provides path completion.
- = Simple plugin that allows you to quickly open file starting from path string.
- kisstkondoros.vscode-gutter-preview = Shows image preview in the gutter and on hover.
- = Preview your HTML file with localhost server live-reloading enabled.
- ritwickdey.liveserver = Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
- seunghwan.smartsemicolon = Smart Semicolon Placement.
- = Select between brackets or quotes.
- svipas.control-snippets = Disable or enable built-in snippets and manually installed snippets from extensions.
- ysemeniuk.emmet-live = Expand your Emmet abbreviations dynamically.
text editor, vscode, apps, programmer editor, program, software, computer application
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