Senin, 27 Januari 2025

Months Of The Week













< Previous lesson: Days Of The Week

to learn formatting a date, click Common Date Format >

Related Post

Common Date Format

The date format in British English ( DMY )

The day is followed by the month, which is then followed by the year. The 6th day of the month September, in the year 2019, might be written in full (more formal): 

6 Sept 

6 September 

6 September 2019 

6th September 2019 

the 6th of September 2019 

the 6th of September, 2019 

The word “the” and the word “of” are optional but if you do use them, you must add both “the” and “of”.

How to write the day name in British English date format?

If you wish to add the name of the day, it should come before the date, and should either be separated by a comma or joined by “the” and “of”. 

Saturday, 13 April 2019 

Saturday the 13th of April, 2019

How to write the date in numbers ( British English date format )?

If you prefer to abbreviate the date, you can use the following style in British English. Again, the day comes first, then the month, then the year. 

6/9/19 or 6.9.19 or 6-9-19 

06/09/2019 or 06.09.2019 or 06-09-2019 

9Sept2019 or 6-Sept-19 

The most commonly used separator in the all-numeric date format is a forward slash ( ). However, you can also use a hyphen ( ) or a period ( ). 

The date format in American English ( MDY )

The month is followed by the day, which is followed by the year. The 6th day of the month September, in the year 2019, might be written in full (more formal): 

Sept 6 

September 6 

September 6, 2019 

Dates written as April the 13th or April 13th are not incorrect, but are less common in American English.

How to write the day name in American English date format?

If you wish to add the name of the day, it should come before the month, and should either be separated by a comma. And then add the number of the day, it should come before the year. 

Monday, September 6, 2019 

How to write the date in numbers ( American English date format )?

In American English, if you want to write the date in all-numeric, you will need to use the following style. Here, too, the month comes first, then the day, then the year. 

04/13/19 or 04.13.19 or 04-13-19 

04/13/2019 or 04.13.2019 or 04-13-2019 

Apr. 13, 2019

Notes: Use this tutorial according to your prefer, your environment, and your requirement.

<  Previous lesson:  Days Of The Week

adverb of time, articles, part of speech

English-Grammar; Cambridge

Related Post

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2025

Customizing Latex Font Style

Settings Document Font Sizes

For example, the article class supports 10pt11pt and 12pt for the main document text:

Customizing Latex Heading / Section Font Style And Body Font Family Style / Font Face Style / Font Type Style

You can set up the use of sans font as a default in a LaTeX document by using the command:


Similarly, for using roman font / serif font as a default:


Similarly, for using typewriter font / monospace font as a default:


Customizing Latex Font Family Style / Font Face Style / Font Type Style


Font Family List
pag = Avant Garde
fvs = Bitstream Vera Sans
pbk = Bookman
bch = Charter
ccr = Computer Concrete
cmr = Computer Modern = Serif
cmss = Computer Modern Sans Serif = Sans Serif
cmtt = Computer Modern Typewriter = Typewriter / Monospace
pcr = Courier = Typewriter / Monospace
phv = Helvetica = Sans Serif
fi4 = Inconsolata
lmr = Latin Modern
lmss = Latin Modern Sans
lmtt = Latin Modern Typewriter
pnc = New Century Schoolbook
ppl = Palatino
ptm = Times
uncl = Uncial
put = Utopia
pzc = Zapf Chancery

Format Font Style In Bold For Entire Document


Format Font To Standard Main Document Font

\textnormal{text normal}
{\normalfont text normal}

Format Font For A Part Of Our Document 1

If we need to use a certain font family only for a part of our document, we can write it in a text command.
\textrm{Serif Font Family}
\textsf{Sans Serif Font Family}
\texttt{Monospaced Font Family}

Format Font For A Part Of Our Document 2

If we need to use a certain font family only for a part of our document, we can write it in a text declaration form/text switches, which is often useful. This form takes no arguments, as in {\rmfamily text}. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the next type style command or the end of the current group.
Serif Font Family

Sans Serif Font Family

Monospaced Font Family

or you can use like this following foms:
{\rmfamily Serif Font Family}

{\sffamily Sans Serif Font Family}

{\ttfamily Monospaced Font Family}

Format Font Shape For A Part Of Our Document

for italic shape
{\itshape Italic}
for slanted shape
{\slshape Slanted}

Format Font Weight For A Part Of Our Document

to print in bold characters

Format Font Emphasizing For A Part Of Our Document

 to print in emphasize or italic characters
\emph{emphasised text}

Changing Letter Case

LaTeX provides the option to change the letter case of a piece of text to lower or upper case: \lowercase and \uppercase are the commands for the job. 


Changing Underline 

to print in underline characters using underline command 

Changing SuperScript And SubScript

to print in subscript and superscript characters using subscript and superscript command 


Notice that in the sans serif font family, italic and slanted fonts are the same. Some font families don’t have a format or some font shape form. If that is the case, these previous commands produce the form that is available.

Bibliography ( university )

Related Post

Jumat, 24 Januari 2025

Latex Package To Text Format

These are latex ordinary Package list To Handle Text Format :

bold-extra package;
csquotes package;
eurosym package;
extdash package;
fontenc package;
hyphenat package;
hyperref package;
inputenc package;
latexsym package;
microtype package;
parskip package;
pifont package;
ragged2e package;
setspace package;

Latex Hyperlink Back To TOC

type this following latex code for write Latex Hyperlink Back To TOC
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: hyperrefTOCprv.tex
% Description:
% hyperlink refer to Table of Content

pdftitle={HyperRef TOC}



\section{A section}

Here is a link to the \hyperref[contents]{Table of Contents} on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 1}

Here is some text for section 1. It refers back to the table of contents 
on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 2}

And here is some more text, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 3}
And here is some more text
\hyperref[contents]{click back to go to Table of Contents} \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 4}

And here is some more text section 4, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 5}

And here is some more text section 5, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

\subsection{Section 5.1}
\subsubsection{Section 5.1.1}
\subsection{Section 5.2}
\subsection{Section 5.3}
\subsection{Section 5.4}
\subsection{Section 5.5}

\section{Section 6}

And here is some more text section 6, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 7}

And here is some more text section 7, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 8}

And here is some more text section 8, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 9}

And here is some more text section 9, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 10}

And here is some more text section 10, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 11}

Here is some text for section 11. It refers back to the table of contents 
on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 12}

And here is some more text, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 13}
{click back to go to Table of Contents \pageref{contents}.}


\section{\hyperref[contents]{Section 14}}

And here is some more text section 14, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{\hyperref[contents]{Section 15}}

And here is some more text section 15, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

\subsection{Section 15.1}
\subsubsection{Section 15.1.1 {\hyperref[contents]{$<<$ back to table of contents}}}
\subsection{Section 15.2}
\subsection{Section 15.3}
\subsection{Section 15.4}
\subsection{Section 15.5}

\section{Section 16}

And here is some more text section 16, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 17}

And here is some more text section 17, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 18}

And here is some more text section 18, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 19}

And here is some more text section 19, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 20}

And here is some more text section 20, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

Save file as hyperrefTOCprv.tex
Build, Typeset or Compile this document 2 times.



  • To see the more clear picture, click on the picture.


Notepad++ Plugin Configuration List

Plugin Name;Configuration File Name


Use this reference according to your notepad++ installed path location, your needs, your environment and your requirement.

Rabu, 22 Januari 2025

Latex Command, Declaration, Environment

Latex Commands / Latex Control Sequences

  • A Latex command name starts with a backslash character ( \ ).
  • LaTeX commands names are case sensitive so that \pagebreak differs from \Pagebreak 
  • A command may be followed by zero, one, or more arguments. Required or Mandatory arguments are contained in curly braces, {...}. Optional arguments are contained in square brackets, [...].


 \centerline{This line will be centered}

Latex Declaration Form

Latex declaration form takes no arguments, as in {\itshape text}. Latex declaration include between curly brackets. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the next type style command or the end of the current group.


{\centering This line will be centered}

Latex Environment

The environment-name at the beginning must exactly match that at the end. This includes the case where environment-name ends in a star (*); both the \begin and \end texts must include the star.


 This is line one. \\This is line two. \\This is line three.


LaTeX2e Reference Manual
LaTeX2e User Guide

Senin, 20 Januari 2025

Circle Theorem Using Latex 5

type this following latex code for drawing a circle theorem 5
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: sectorSegmentCirclePriv1.tex
% Description:
% Draw Major Segment and Minor Segment of Circle
% Co-Author: private course and tutor course

\filldraw[fill=blue!40,pattern=north west lines] circle (2.5cm);
     (320:2.5cm) node[right] {\textbf{Q}} 
  -- (220:2.5cm) node[left] {P} 
  arc[start angle=220, end angle=320, radius=2.5cm] 
  -- cycle;
\node[fill=white] {\textbf{Major Segment}};
\node[font=\bfseries] at (-90:2) {Minor Segment};
Save file as sectorSegmentCirclePrv1.tex
Build, Typeset or Compile this document.


to learn other Latex draw topics, click  Study About Draw In Latex >>

the circle parts, the circle elements, the circle properties, the parts of a circle, the elements of a circle, the properties of a circle

Integral Di Latex 1

Integral Tak Tentu Dan Integral Dasar Di Latex

Ketik kode Latex berikut ini di Latex editor:

%% Load packages




\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\label{Judul rumus}
\Huge{} Integral Tak Tentu \\
Integral Dasar

\int{k\ x^{\ n}\ d\ x} = \dfrac{k\cdot x^{\ n\ +\ 1}}{n+1}\ +C

untuk\quad n \neq -1

\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\label{keterangan rumus}
\textbf{Keterangan} \\\\
\int &\ =\ \textbf{\textsf{lambang\ integral}} \vspace{1.15mm}\\
k &\ =\ \textbf{\textsf{nilai\ integral\ dari\ fungsi}} \\
f(x) &\ =\ \textbf{\textsf{fungsi\ yang\ diintegralkan (fungsi integran)}} \\
dx &\ =\ \textbf{\textsf{variabel\ yang\ diintegrasikan}} \\
C &\ =\ \textbf{\textsf{konstanta integrasi}}
Simpan dengan nama file integralPrv1.tex
Build atau compile.


Bibliography ( university )

Data Definition Of DFD Operators

Data Definition Of Data Flow Diagram Operators

Composite data items can be defined in terms of primitive data items using the following data definition operators.

+: (plus sign) denotes composition of two data items, e.g. a+b represents data a and b.
[,,]: (square bracket with comma inside) represents selection, i.e. any one of the data items listed inside the square bracket can occur For example, [a,b] represents either a occurs or b occurs.
(): (parentheses or circle bracket) the contents inside the bracket represent optional data which may or may not appear.
a+(b) represents either a or a+b occurs.
{}: (curly bracket) represents iterative data definition, e.g. {name}5 represents five name data.
{name}* represents zero or more instances of name data.
=: represents equivalence, e.g. a=b+c means that a is a composite data item comprising of both b and c.
/* */: Anything appearing within /* and */ is considered as comment.

Related Post

Circle Theorem Using Latex 4

type this following latex code for drawing a circle theorem 4


%% Label for chord line
\coordinate[label=above left:$\mathbf{A}$] (A) at (130:1);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\mathbf{B}$] (B) at (230:1);
\draw node [xshift=-60pt] (0,0) {$\mathbf{Chord}$}; 
\draw node[xshift=-60pt,yshift=-15pt]{$\mathbf{Line}$} (0,0);
%% draw circle
\draw[name path=circ, thick] (0,0) circle (1);
%% draw other lines
\path[name path=AC] (A) -- ($(A)!1.4!30:(B)$);

%% draw chord line
\draw[line join=bevel,ultra thick] (A) -- (B);

Save file as chordCircle1.tex.


to learn other Latex draw topics, click  Study About Draw In Latex >>

the circle parts, the circle elements, the circle properties, the parts of a circle, the elements of a circle, the properties of a circle

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025

Vocabulary Exercise 1

Learning Objectives: Practice speaking these following words.

Long Vowels

  • Manualˈmænjuːəl /
  • Turbulent /ˈtɜːbjʊlənt/
  • Mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/

Primary Intonation

  • Bracket  /ˈbrækɪt/
  • Market  /ˈmɑː(r)kɪt/
  • Racket / ˈrækɪt /
how to say words, learn to pronounce words, learn spelling words, learn word phonetics

Bibliography ( book ) ( university )

Jumat, 17 Januari 2025

Using TexMaker To Compile Latex PSTricks

Learning Objective:

To write a LaTeX document with PSTricks or to do some PSTricks drawings with LaTeX, using TeXmaker.
  1. Before you run the Latex file using Tools menu -> Quick Build menu (usually F1 button), 
  2. Go to the Texmaker Options menu -> Configure Texmaker menu -> Quick Build and change the quick build command to "Latex+dvips+ps2pdf+View PDF".
  3. Go to Commands -> and add -shell-escape to PdfLaTeX box.
  4. Press OK button.

Related Post

Number Line In Latex 4

  1. type this following latex code in Latex editor for drawing a number line:
    % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
    % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
    %% Based on a TexWorks,TexMaker,TeXnicCenter-Template by Tino Weinkauf.


    %% Tikz Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %% Math Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    \begin{tikzpicture}% number line

    % edit here for the x-axis horizontal line
    \draw[latex-,very thick] (-5,0) -- (5,0);
    \draw[-latex,very thick] (-5,0) -- (5,0);

    %x axes vertical lines
    \foreach \x in {-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4} \draw[shift={(\x,0)}, color=black] (0,0) node{$\bullet$};

    % edit here for the axes numbers below the x-axes horizontal line
    \foreach \x in {-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
    \draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black](0,0) node[below] {$\textbf{\x}$};

    %% draw arrow negative line
    \draw[shift={(0,-0.75)}, thick, -latex] (-0.9,0) |- (-5,-0.75);

    %% draw negative label
    \draw[shift={(-3,0)}] (-1, -2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan Bulat Negatif}};

    %% draw arrow zero line
    \draw[shift={(0,-0.75)}, thick, -latex] (0,0) -- (0,-0.75);

    %% draw zero label
    \draw (0,-2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan}};
    \draw (0,-2.2) node[below]{\textbf{\normalsize{} Nol}};

    %% draw arrow positive line
    \draw[thick,-latex] (1,-0.75) |- (5,-1.5);

    %% draw positive label
    \draw[shift={(3,0)}] (1, -2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan Bulat Positif}};
  2. Save file as numberLine4.tex.


Number Line 4 Latex


Scroll to the appropriate direction, to read the Latex code.

Related Post

Linear Functions Graph in Latex 1

1. Type this following latex code in the latex editor:

% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex

% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode


% File name: linearGraphTypes1.tex

% Description:

% Linear Functions Graph


% Composer: private course and tutor course











    axis line origin/.style args={#1,#2}{

        x filter/.append code={ % Check for empty or filtered out numbers



        y filter/.append code={







\makeatletter \newcommand{\pgfplotsdrawaxis}{\pgfplots@draw@axis} \makeatother


    every tick/.append style={color=black},

    after end axis/.append code={


            axis line style=opaque,

            ticklabel style=opaque,

            tick style=opaque,





} % applies to major and minor ticks,




            axis lines = middle,

            xlabel = {$\mathbf{x\ axis}$},

            ylabel = {$\mathbf{y\ axis}$},

            xtick = \empty,

            ytick = \empty,

            xmin=-3, xmax=3.5,

            ymin=-3, ymax=3.5,small, axis on top, grid=none, minor grid style={very thin,gray!30}, major grid style={very thin,gray!30},

    %% Draw the origin:

    after end axis/.code={

        \path (axis cs:0,0) 

            node [anchor=north east,yshift=-0.075cm] {0};

    } ]

            % Plot 1, type of slope: zero slope, y = constant, type of line: horizontal

            \addplot [

            domain = -1:5,

            samples = 1000,blue,very thick] coordinates {(-3,1.5)(3,1.5)} 

            node [pos=.75, above, black] {\bfseries $\mathbf{y=b=f(x)}$};




2. Save file as linearGraphTypes1.tex
3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.


Kamis, 16 Januari 2025

Motion In 2 Dimensions Physics

Resultant Length Using Cosine

  • R is the resultant force
  • A and B are the magnitudes or vector of the two forces
  • θ is the angle between the forces.
Notes To see more clear picture, click on the picture


Use Cosine Law To Find The Resultant Force, Calculate The Magnitude Of The Resultant Force

Rabu, 15 Januari 2025

Eclipse IDE Parts

The workbench:

  • Window
  • Product / Icon
  • A Main Menu Bar
    • Menu
    • Submenu
      • Menu Item
    • Menu Item
    • Action
      • A label
      • A Tool Tip
      • An Action Image.
      • Global Action Format
      • Edit Action Format
      • Insert Action Format
      • Format Action Format
      • Perspective Action Format;
  • A Main Toolbar
  • One or More Perspectives.
    • Views
      • View Toolbar
      • View Pull Down Menu
      • Title Area
      • Embedded Control
      • Properties Dialog / Properties View
      • Explorer View
      • Object Properties View
      • Console View
    • Editor.
      • Editor Page
      • Editor Tab
      • Line Numbers
    • Context Menu
  • Shortcut Bar
  • Status Line
  • Wizard
    • Wizard Header
  • Tool Item
  • A Command Button
  • Perspective Button
  • Plugins

Eclipse SDK Standard Components

Navigator view
Outline view
Properties view
Tasks view
Bookmarks view.
Text Editor view
Resource perspective view.


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Working In Eclipse IDE 1

Bekerja Dengan Workspace Dan Project Di Eclipse

Study About Java 1

Selasa, 14 Januari 2025

CSV Format File In Microsoft Excel

Comma-separated values  or “comma delimited files” (CSV) is a text file format that uses commas to separate values, and newlines or line breaks to separate records.

‍What delimiter Excel uses for CSV files

To handle .csv files, Microsoft Excel uses the List separator defined in Windows Regional settings.

In North America and some other countries, the default list separator is a comma (,) punctuation, so you get CSV comma delimited.

In European countries, a comma is reserved for the decimal symbol, and the list separator is generally set to semicolon (;) punctuation.

Save Excel File As CSV With Different Delimiter / Separator

When your save a workbook as a .csv file, Excel separates values with your default List separator. To force it to use a different delimiter, proceed with the following steps:
  1. Click File menu > Options button > Advanced.
  2. Under Editing options, clear the Use system separators check box.
  3. Change the default Decimal separator. As this will change the way decimal numbers are displayed in your worksheets, choose a different Thousands separator to avoid confusion.
Depending on which separator you wish to use, configure the settings in one of the following ways.

To save Excel file as CSV comma delimited, set the decimal separator to a period (dot). This will make Excel use a comma for the List separator (CSV delimiter):
  • Set Decimal separator to period (.)
  • Set Thousands separator to comma (,)
To save Excel file as CSV semicolon delimited, set the decimal separator to a comma. This will make Excel use a semicolon for the List separator (CSV delimiter):
    • Set Decimal separator to comma (,)
    • Set Thousands separator to period (.)
    If you want to change a CSV separator only for a specific file, then tick the Use system settings check box again after exporting your Excel workbook to CSV.

    A CSV file structured

    For Microsoft Excel program to be able to read a CSV file with a field separator used in a given CSV file, you can specify the separator directly in that file. For this, open your file in any text editor, e.g. Notepad, and type the below (common separator) string before any other data:
    • To separate values with comma: sep=,
    • To separate values with semicolon: sep=;
    • To separate values with a pipe: sep=|
    In the CSV file format, a field separator are used to separate the values in different cells in a spreadsheet data format.

    For example, 

    • In the dataset "10001,Small Golden Bead Bars,$18.95", the semicolon (,) separates the three data items 10001, Small Golden Bead Bars, and $18.95.
    • In the dataset "10001;Small Golden Bead Bars;$18.95", the semicolon (;) separates the three data items 10001, Small Golden Bead Bars, and $18.95.
    • In the dataset “10001|Small Golden Bead Bars|$18.95” the pipes (|) separates the three data items 10001, Small Golden Bead Bars, and $18.95.
    CSV files often contain a header row at the top which specifies the titles of each column in the file.
    Order no.,Item,Price
    10001,Small Golden Bead Bars,$18.95
    10002,Geometric Demonstration Tray,$39.95
    10003,Color Tablets,$69.95

    CSV files end with the extension “.csv”, and the simple structure of CSV data makes it an efficient format for storing and transferring data between different applications.

    Understanding how to use delimiters seems fairly straightforward, but once you’re working with actual datasets, problems arise quickly. For example, how do you handle a comma in a value where commas are also being used as the delimiter for the file? One option would be to surround that value in double quotes, but what if the quote character is also being used inside that value? How about the situation where a newline is used to separate each record, but it’s also present inside of an entry?

    Properly handling these complications are often dependent on the platform, so depending on where the CSV data was exported from, a different set of rules in order needs to be applied to properly interpret the dataset.


    • Remember, if you change CSV delimiter or separator with different delimiter / separator, it will be impact to Microsoft Excel number format ( Decimal separator and Thousands separator ).
    • Obviously, the changes you've made in Excel Options are limited to Excel. Other applications will keep using the default List separator defined in your Windows Regional settings.


    Senin, 13 Januari 2025

    Latex Beamer Short Reference

    Latex Beamer TitlePage List

    • \title
    • \subtitle
    • \author
    • \institute
    • \date
    • \subject
    • \logo
    Each frame consists of several components:
    1. a headline and a footline,
    2. a section and a subsection,
    3. a left and a right sidebar,
    4. navigation bars,
    5. navigation symbols,
    6. a logo,
    7. a frame title,
    8. a background, and
    9. some frame contents

    Latex Beamer Components Commands


    type this following command before \begin{document} to remove headline ( container of section and subsection ) in the whole document.


    type this following command before \begin{frame} to remove headline ( container of section and subsection ) in the certain frame after this following command.


    Custom FrameTitle:

    type this following command between \begin{document} and \end{document}, to custom the FrameTitle text:


    \frametitle{Sample frame title}


    or you can type like this following command:

    \begin{frame}{Sample frame title}


    Remove FrameTitle:

    type this following command before \begin{document} to remove frametitle ( container of frame title and frame subtitle ) in the whole document.
    type this following command before \begin{frame} to remove frametitle ( container of frame title and frame subtitle ) in the certain frame after this following command.


    type this following command before \begin{document}

    \title[short title]{Presentation Title}

    \subtitle[short title]{Presentation Title}

    \author[short author]{Presentation Author}

    \institute[short institute]{Presentation Institute}

    \date[short date]{Presentation Date}

    \subject{Presentation Subject}

    \keywords{Presentation Keywords}

    \titlegraphic{Presentation Title Graphic}


    to insert the above titlepage, type this following code, after \begin{document}:
    to insert the short part, type this following code, after \begin{document}:

    Section And Subsection In Latex: 

    type this following command before \begin{frame} to add section and subsection in the certain frame after this following command.
    \section{section title}
    \subsection{sub section title}

    Navigation Symbols:

    type this following command before \begin{document} to remove navigation symbols in the whole document.
    \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
    type this following command before \begin{frame} to remove navigation symbols in the certain frame after this following command.
    \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


    type this following command before \begin{document} to remove footline in the whole document.


    type this following command before \begin{frame} to remove footline in the certain frame after this following command.



    Latex Command above is format in monospace font ( e.g. courier  )

    Bibliography ( university )

    Various Other Posts