Long Vowels
- Manual / ˈmænjuːəl /
- Turbulent /ˈtɜːbjʊlənt/
- Mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/
type this following latex code in Latex editor for drawing a number line:
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%% Based on a TexWorks,TexMaker,TeXnicCenter-Template by Tino Weinkauf.
%% Tikz Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Math Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}% number line
% edit here for the x-axis horizontal line
\draw[latex-,very thick] (-5,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[-latex,very thick] (-5,0) -- (5,0);
%x axes vertical lines
\foreach \x in {-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4} \draw[shift={(\x,0)}, color=black] (0,0) node{$\bullet$};
% edit here for the axes numbers below the x-axes horizontal line
\foreach \x in {-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black](0,0) node[below] {$\textbf{\x}$};
%% draw arrow negative line
\draw[shift={(0,-0.75)}, thick, -latex] (-0.9,0) |- (-5,-0.75);
%% draw negative label
\draw[shift={(-3,0)}] (-1, -2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan Bulat Negatif}};
%% draw arrow zero line
\draw[shift={(0,-0.75)}, thick, -latex] (0,0) -- (0,-0.75);
%% draw zero label
\draw (0,-2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan}};
\draw (0,-2.2) node[below]{\textbf{\normalsize{} Nol}};
%% draw arrow positive line
\draw[thick,-latex] (1,-0.75) |- (5,-1.5);
%% draw positive label
\draw[shift={(3,0)}] (1, -2) node{\textbf{\normalsize{} Bilangan Bulat Positif}};
Number Line 4 Latex |
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: linearGraphTypes1.tex
% Description:
% Linear Functions Graph
% Composer: private course and tutor course
axis line origin/.style args={#1,#2}{
x filter/.append code={ % Check for empty or filtered out numbers
y filter/.append code={
\makeatletter \newcommand{\pgfplotsdrawaxis}{\pgfplots@draw@axis} \makeatother
every tick/.append style={color=black},
after end axis/.append code={
axis line style=opaque,
ticklabel style=opaque,
tick style=opaque,
} % applies to major and minor ticks,
axis lines = middle,
xlabel = {$\mathbf{x\ axis}$},
ylabel = {$\mathbf{y\ axis}$},
xtick = \empty,
ytick = \empty,
xmin=-3, xmax=3.5,
ymin=-3, ymax=3.5,small, axis on top, grid=none, minor grid style={very thin,gray!30}, major grid style={very thin,gray!30},
%% Draw the origin:
after end axis/.code={
\path (axis cs:0,0)
node [anchor=north east,yshift=-0.075cm] {0};
} ]
% Plot 1, type of slope: zero slope, y = constant, type of line: horizontal
\addplot [
domain = -1:5,
samples = 1000,blue,very thick] coordinates {(-3,1.5)(3,1.5)}
node [pos=.75, above, black] {\bfseries $\mathbf{y=b=f(x)}$};
2. Save file as linearGraphTypes1.texThe workbench:
\frametitle{Sample frame title}
or you can type like this following command:
\begin{frame}{Sample frame title}
\title[short title]{Presentation Title}
\subtitle[short title]{Presentation Title}
\author[short author]{Presentation Author}
\institute[short institute]{Presentation Institute}
\date[short date]{Presentation Date}
\subject{Presentation Subject}
\keywords{Presentation Keywords}
\titlegraphic{Presentation Title Graphic}
type this following command before \begin{frame} to remove footline in the certain frame after this following command.
Latex Command above is format in monospace font ( e.g. courier )
Di antara beberapa awalan/awalan dan akhiran/imbuhan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dapat digunakan sebagai pembentuk kata dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Imbuhan me-/men-/meng- dan pe-/per-/peng- merupakan awalan yang terkait pola pada peluluhan/perubahan bentuk fonem awalan dan peluluhan bentuk kata dasar jika digabungkan dengan kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem tertentu.
Khusus untuk kata dasar yang diawali dengan konsonan K, T, S, P, apabila diberikan awalan meN-, konsonan yang ada di awal kata dasar tersebut menjadi luluh kecuali kata berkluster (konsonan+konsonan), contoh: praktik, stabil, program, kritik, khusus, proses.
Awalan me-, misalnya, dapat berubah bentuknya menjadi me-, meny-, men-, mem-, dan meng-.
Awalan pe-, dapat berubah bentuknya menjadi pe-, peny-, pen-, pem-, dan peng-.
Awalan me- tetap menjadi me- dan berubah menjadi me-+-i jika dirangkaikan dengan kata dasar yang berawal fonem /l, m, n, ng, ny, r, w, y/.
me + lihat = melihat
me + masak = memasak
me + nanti = menanti
me + nganga = menganga
me + nyala = menyala
me + rawat = merawat
me + warna + i = mewarnai
Awalan me- berubah menjadi mem- jika dirangkaikan dengan kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem /b, f, p, v/.
me + baca = membaca
me + foto = memfoto
me + pegang = memegang
me + program = memprogram
me + validasi = memvalidasi
Awalan me- berubah menjadi men- jika dirangkaikan dengan kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem /c, d, j, sy, t, z/.
me + cuci = mencuci
me + daftar = mendaftar
me + jabat = menjabat
me + tulis = menulis
Awalan me- menjadi meng- jika dirangkaikan dengan kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem /g, h, k, kh, dan vokal ( a, i, u, e, o )/.
Awalan me- menjadi meny- jika dirangkaikan dengan kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem /s/.
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation | Name |
A | a | /eɪ/or/æ/ | ay |
B | b | /biː/ | bee |
C | c | /siː/ | cee |
D | d | /diː/ | dee |
E | e | /iː/ | ee |
F | f | /ɛf/ | eff |
G | g | /dʒiː/ | gee |
H | h | /eɪtʃ/ | (h)aitch or Ay-tch |
I | i | /aɪ/ | eye |
J | j | /dʒeɪ/ | jay |
K | k | /keɪ/ | kay |
L | l | /ɛl/ | ell |
M | m | /ɛm/ | em |
N | n | /ɛn/ | en |
O | o | /oʊ/ | oh |
P | p | /piː/ | pee |
Q | q | /kjuː/ | cue |
R | r | /ɑr/ | ar |
S | s | /ɛs/ | ess |
T | t | /tiː/ | tee |
U | u | /juː/ | you |
V | v | /viː/ | vee |
W | w | /dʌbəljuː/ | double-you |
X | x | /ɛks/ | ex |
Y | y | /waɪ/ | wy |
Z | z | /ziː/, /zɛd/ | zee, zed |
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\caption{Top Scorers}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ l p{0.8\textwidth} }
\bf Goals & \bf Players\\
4 & First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last\\
3 & First Last\\
2 & First Last\\
1 & First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last\\
2. Save file as tableFitPageSo1.tex
3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
< Previous Tables In Latex 2
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
%% File Name: tableFitPage1.tex
%% File Description:
%% Fit the table to page
%% Wrap the text in the Latex Table Column.
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} % Loading the package %--------------------------- \usepackage{fouriernc} %\usepackage{helvet} \usepackage{array} %--------------------------- \begin{document}
%% Table 1
\caption{Top Scorers}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ l p{0.8\textwidth} } \hline%% Table Header %---------------------------
\bf Goals & \bf Players\\
%--------------------------- 4 & First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last\\ 3 & First Last\\ 2 & First Last\\ 1 & First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last\\ \hline \end{tabular*} \caption{Caption} \label{tab:my_label} \end{table}
2. Save file as tableFitPage1.tex3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.Output
To learn Tables in preview environment, click Tables In Latex 2 Standalone >
tabular, latex table sample, table in latex, latex table in latex page, latex document
University of Illinois
Learn About Latex List 1
where filename is the name of the LaTeX file (with or without the .tex extension) that contains the content to be inserted. This way, we can insert text, equations, or images (latexeps, pdf, png, jpeg, jpg).
\section{My First Section}
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
We can insert its content into our main document using \input:
Additionally, we can use \input in our document’s preamble. In that case, the included file should contain only the commands that are allowed to be in a preamble.
For example, let’s say we have three chapters. We can keep each chapter in its own file and compile the entire book by including them with \include:
, \include
And \includeonly
and \end{document}
command. when a page break is not required\include