Jumat, 24 Januari 2025

Latex Hyperlink Back To TOC

type this following latex code for write Latex Hyperlink Back To TOC
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: hyperrefTOCprv.tex
% Description:
% hyperlink refer to Table of Content

pdftitle={HyperRef TOC}



\section{A section}

Here is a link to the \hyperref[contents]{Table of Contents} on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 1}

Here is some text for section 1. It refers back to the table of contents 
on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 2}

And here is some more text, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 3}
And here is some more text
\hyperref[contents]{click back to go to Table of Contents} \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 4}

And here is some more text section 4, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 5}

And here is some more text section 5, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

\subsection{Section 5.1}
\subsubsection{Section 5.1.1}
\subsection{Section 5.2}
\subsection{Section 5.3}
\subsection{Section 5.4}
\subsection{Section 5.5}

\section{Section 6}

And here is some more text section 6, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 7}

And here is some more text section 7, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 8}

And here is some more text section 8, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 9}

And here is some more text section 9, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 10}

And here is some more text section 10, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 11}

Here is some text for section 11. It refers back to the table of contents 
on page \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 12}

And here is some more text, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 13}
{click back to go to Table of Contents \pageref{contents}.}


\section{\hyperref[contents]{Section 14}}

And here is some more text section 14, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{\hyperref[contents]{Section 15}}

And here is some more text section 15, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

\subsection{Section 15.1}
\subsubsection{Section 15.1.1 {\hyperref[contents]{$<<$ back to table of contents}}}
\subsection{Section 15.2}
\subsection{Section 15.3}
\subsection{Section 15.4}
\subsection{Section 15.5}

\section{Section 16}

And here is some more text section 16, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 17}

And here is some more text section 17, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 18}

And here is some more text section 18, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 19}

And here is some more text section 19, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.


\section{Section 20}

And here is some more text section 20, also referring to the table of contents on \pageref{contents}.

Save file as hyperrefTOCprv.tex
Build, Typeset or Compile this document 2 times.



  • To see the more clear picture, click on the picture.



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