Sabtu, 25 Januari 2025

Customizing Latex Font Style

Settings Document Font Sizes

For example, the article class supports 10pt11pt and 12pt for the main document text:

Customizing Latex Heading / Section Font Style And Body Font Family Style / Font Face Style / Font Type Style

You can set up the use of sans font as a default in a LaTeX document by using the command:


Similarly, for using roman font / serif font as a default:


Similarly, for using typewriter font / monospace font as a default:


Customizing Latex Font Family Style / Font Face Style / Font Type Style


Font Family List
pag = Avant Garde
fvs = Bitstream Vera Sans
pbk = Bookman
bch = Charter
ccr = Computer Concrete
cmr = Computer Modern = Serif
cmss = Computer Modern Sans Serif = Sans Serif
cmtt = Computer Modern Typewriter = Typewriter / Monospace
pcr = Courier = Typewriter / Monospace
phv = Helvetica = Sans Serif
fi4 = Inconsolata
lmr = Latin Modern
lmss = Latin Modern Sans
lmtt = Latin Modern Typewriter
pnc = New Century Schoolbook
ppl = Palatino
ptm = Times
uncl = Uncial
put = Utopia
pzc = Zapf Chancery

Format Font Style In Bold For Entire Document


Format Font To Standard Main Document Font

\textnormal{text normal}
{\normalfont text normal}

Format Font For A Part Of Our Document 1

If we need to use a certain font family only for a part of our document, we can write it in a text command.
\textrm{Serif Font Family}
\textsf{Sans Serif Font Family}
\texttt{Monospaced Font Family}

Format Font For A Part Of Our Document 2

If we need to use a certain font family only for a part of our document, we can write it in a text declaration form/text switches, which is often useful. This form takes no arguments, as in {\rmfamily text}. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the next type style command or the end of the current group.
Serif Font Family

Sans Serif Font Family

Monospaced Font Family

or you can use like this following foms:
{\rmfamily Serif Font Family}

{\sffamily Sans Serif Font Family}

{\ttfamily Monospaced Font Family}

Format Font Shape For A Part Of Our Document

for italic shape
{\itshape Italic}
for slanted shape
{\slshape Slanted}

Format Font Weight For A Part Of Our Document

to print in bold characters

Format Font Emphasizing For A Part Of Our Document

 to print in emphasize or italic characters
\emph{emphasised text}

Changing Letter Case

LaTeX provides the option to change the letter case of a piece of text to lower or upper case: \lowercase and \uppercase are the commands for the job. 


Changing Underline 

to print in underline characters using underline command 

Changing SuperScript And SubScript

to print in subscript and superscript characters using subscript and superscript command 


Notice that in the sans serif font family, italic and slanted fonts are the same. Some font families don’t have a format or some font shape form. If that is the case, these previous commands produce the form that is available.

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