Jumat, 17 Januari 2025

Linear Functions Graph in Latex 1

1. Type this following latex code in the latex editor:

% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex

% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode


% File name: linearGraphTypes1.tex

% Description:

% Linear Functions Graph


% Composer: private course and tutor course











    axis line origin/.style args={#1,#2}{

        x filter/.append code={ % Check for empty or filtered out numbers



        y filter/.append code={







\makeatletter \newcommand{\pgfplotsdrawaxis}{\pgfplots@draw@axis} \makeatother


    every tick/.append style={color=black},

    after end axis/.append code={


            axis line style=opaque,

            ticklabel style=opaque,

            tick style=opaque,





} % applies to major and minor ticks,




            axis lines = middle,

            xlabel = {$\mathbf{x\ axis}$},

            ylabel = {$\mathbf{y\ axis}$},

            xtick = \empty,

            ytick = \empty,

            xmin=-3, xmax=3.5,

            ymin=-3, ymax=3.5,small, axis on top, grid=none, minor grid style={very thin,gray!30}, major grid style={very thin,gray!30},

    %% Draw the origin:

    after end axis/.code={

        \path (axis cs:0,0) 

            node [anchor=north east,yshift=-0.075cm] {0};

    } ]

            % Plot 1, type of slope: zero slope, y = constant, type of line: horizontal

            \addplot [

            domain = -1:5,

            samples = 1000,blue,very thick] coordinates {(-3,1.5)(3,1.5)} 

            node [pos=.75, above, black] {\bfseries $\mathbf{y=b=f(x)}$};




2. Save file as linearGraphTypes1.tex
3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.


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