Selasa, 30 April 2024

Cloth In English 1

Baseball Cap
Crewneck Sweater
Outdoor Clothing
Rain Hat
Running Shoes
V-Neck Sweater

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How To Type Accent In Computer 1

French Accents Marks

Here’s how to type French accents on a Microsoft Windows PC (Personal Computer).

L'accent aigu: Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe) + vowel (é)
L'accent grave: Ctrl + ` (accent grave) + vowel (à, è, ù)
La cédille: Ctrl + , (comma) + c/C (ç)
L'accent circonflexe: Ctrl + Shift + ^ (caret) + vowel (â, ê, î, ô, û)
L'accent tréma: Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) + vowel (ë, ï, ü)

Here’s how to type the French accents on an Apple Macintosh computer. For all but la cédille, you’ll need to hold down Option and the first key together, then release and type the vowel of your choice to have it appear under the accent.

L'accent aigu: Option (alt) + e, then vowel (é)
L'accent grave: Option (alt) + `, then vowel (à, è, ù)
La cédille: Option (alt) + c/C (ç)
L'accent circonflexe: Option (alt) + i, then vowel (â, ê, î, ô, û)
L'accent tréma: Option (alt) + u, then vowel (ë, ï, ü)

Unicode Character (Decimal) for:
é as in L'accent aigu: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0233" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "é" should appear.
à as in L'accent grave: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0224" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "à" should appear.
è as in L'accent grave: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0232" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "è" should appear.
ù as in L'accent grave: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0249" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ù" should appear.
ç as in La cédille: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0231" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ç" should appear.
â as in L'accent circonflexe: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0226" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "â" should appear.
ê as in L'accent circonflexe: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0234" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ê" should appear.
î as in L'accent circonflexe: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0238" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "î" should appear.
ô as in L'accent circonflexe: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0244" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ô" should appear.
û as in L'accent circonflexe: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0251" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "û" should appear.
ë, as in L'accent tréma: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0235" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ë" should appear.
ï as in L'accent tréma: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0239" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ï" should appear.
ü as in L'accent tréma: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0252" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ü" should appear.

Unicode Character (Hexadecimal ) for:
É Capital E-acute is xC9
À Capital A-grave is xC0
È Capital E-grave is xC8
Ù Capital U-grave is xD9
Ç Capital C-cedilla is xC7
 Capital A-circumflex is xC2
Ê Capital E-circumflex is xCA
Î Capital I-circumflex is xCE
Ô Capital O-circumflex is xD4
Û Capital U-circumflex is xDB
Ë Capital E-umlaut is xCB
Ï Capital I-umlaut is xCF
Ü Capital U-umlaut is xDC.

German Accents Marks

Here’s how to type a German Umlaute / diacritic mark / accents on a Microsoft Windows PC (Personal Computer).

Ä as in März: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0196" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ä" should appear.
Ö as in Königin: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0214" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ö" should appear.
Ü as in Glück: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0220" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ü" should appear.

ä as in März: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0228" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ä" should appear.
ö as in Königin: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0246" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ö" should appear.
ü as in Glück: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0252" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ü" should appear.

ß as in Eszett (sz) or "scharfes S" (sharp s): Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0223" on the number keys pad. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "ß" should appear.

Here’s how to type the German Umlaute / diacritic mark / accents on an Apple Macintosh computer.

Ä: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "A".
Ö: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "O".
Ü: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "U".
ß: Hold down the "Option" key and the "S" key, then release both keys.

Unicode Character (Hexadecimal ) for:
Ä Capital März is 00C4
Ö Capital Königin is 00D6
Ü Capital Glück is 00DC
ä Lowercase März is 00E4
ö Lowercase Königin is 00F6
ü Lowercase Glück is 00FC
ß Eszett (sz) or "scharfes S" is 00DF

Alternatively, you can just write the “ä” as “ae”, the “ö” as “oe”, the “ü” as “ue”and the "ß" as "ss".

Bibliography: ( university ) ( university )

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Sabtu, 27 April 2024

Caption and Text Property In Visual Basic Classic

Caption and Text Property In Microsoft Visual Basic Classic

Label, CommandButton, CheckBox, OptionButton, Data, and Frame controls expose the Caption property. TextBox, ListBox, and ComboBox controls expose the Text property.


Using Visual Basic 6; Rob Reselman

microsoft visual basic, programming language, coding syntax, software development, apps development

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Visual Basic Common Properties

The Left, Top, Width, and Height Properties

'Default properties in Form.
Form1.Width = 4800 'Single Precision Floating Point variable
Form1.Left = 0 'Single Precision Floating Point variable
Form1.Top = 0 'Single Precision Floating Point variable
Form1.Height = 3600 'Single Precision Floating Point variable

The ForeColor and BackColor Properties

'Default properties in corresponding control.
Label1.ForeColor = &H80000012& 'vbButtonText
Label1.BackColor = &H8000000F& 'vbButtonFace
Text1.ForeColor = &H80000008& 'vbWindowText
Text1.BackColor = &H80000005& 'vbWindowBackground

'ForeColor and BackColor are Long Integer
'These statements are equivalent.
Text1.BackColor = vbCyan
Text1.BackColor = 16776960
Text1.BackColor = &HFFFF00
Text1.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 255)    ' red, green, blue values
Text1.BackColor = QBColor(11)

To learn about textbox, click on Visual Basic TextBox >

The Font Property

'Default properties in corresponding control.
Text1.Font.Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Text1.Font.Size = 12
Text1.Font.Bold = True
Text1.Font.Underline = True

<< back to Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls


Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming;John Connell
Learning Visual Basic .NET Introducing the Language, .NET Programming & Object Oriented Software Development;Jesse Liberty
Mastering Visual Basic 6 Paperback;Evangelos Petroutsos
Microsoft® Visual Basic® Step by Step;Michael Halvorson 
Professional Visual Basic 6: A Programmer's Resource;Jerry Ablan et. al.
Professional Visual Basic 6 Databases;Charles Williams
Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0;Francesco Balena
The Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 How-To;Eric Brierley
The Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 Database How-To;Eric Winemiller et. al.
Using Visual Basic 6; Rob Reselman
Visual Basic 6 Black Book;S Holzner
Visual Basic 6 Complete;Steve Brown 
Visual Basic 6 Developer's Handbook;Evangelos Petroutsos
Visual Basic 6 From The Ground Up;Gary Cornell
Visual Basic 6 How To Program;Harvey M. Deitel
Visual Basic In Easy Steps;Mike McGrath
Visual Basic 6 Made Easy;Liew Voon Kiong

microsoft visual basic, programming language, coding syntax, sample code, snippet code

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Contoh Kalimat Matematika 6

Apabila P={}, Q={} dan R={}; maka (P Q R) adalah ...
Jika P={} dan Q={} maka Q - P adalah ...
Jika K = {}, L = {}, M = {}, dan N = {} maka (1) K M = L N
(2)L N = 
(3) {2, 4} = K N
(4) {9} = L M
Jika S = {} adalah himpunan semesta, K = {}, L = {}, M = {}, dan A' berarti komplemen himpunan A, maka:
(1) K L = { }
(2) L M' = {}
(3) (L M)' = {}
L M = {}
Diketahui himpunan A = {} dan B = {}. Pernyataan di bawah ini yang benar adalah ...
Jika ditentukan: P = {} dan Q = {} maka himpunan P - Q adalah ...
Jika R adalah himpunan semesta, A = {} dan B = {} dan B menyatakan komplemen B, maka A B = ...
Di antara lima hubungan di bawah ini yang benar adalah ...
Jika P Q dan P Q, maka ...
Diketahui dua himpunan A dan B. Jika A - B = maka dapat terjadi ...
Jika himpunan P dan himpunan Q berpotongan, sedangkan P dan Q berturut-turut adalah komplemen dari P dan Q, maka (P Q) (PQ) = ...
Jika A dan B dua buah himpunan bagian dari suatu himpunan semesta S dan A adalah komplemen dari A, maka [A (A B)] (A B) = ...
Dari pernyataan berikut yang benar adalah ...
(1) jika A B maka A B = A
(2) jika A B maka A B = B
(3) jika A B, B C = maka A C = 
(4) jika A B, A C = maka B C = 
S adalah sembarang himpunan yang tidak kosong. Pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini yang salah adalah ...
Jika himpunan semesta S = {}, A = {}, B = {}, maka B - A = ...
Jika A, B, dan C berturut-turut adalah komplemen A, komplemen B, dan komplemen C, maka himpunan yang diarsir adalah ...
Perhatikan diagram Venn di bawah ini. Dengan mengingat bahwa X menyatakan komplemen himpunan X, maka daerah yang diarsir dapat dinyatakan sebagai ...
Dari diagram Venn di samping ini, bagian yang diarsir menyatakan ...
Diagram yang diarsir di bawah ini yang benar adalah ...
Jika A adalah komplemen A, maka daerah yang diarsir pada diagram Venn di samping ini dapat dinyatakan dengan ...
Jika A adalah komplemen A, maka daerah yang diarsir menyatakan ...
Misalkan B bagian dalam lingkaran yang besar dan A bagian dalam lingkaran kecil,  yang sepusat seperti dalam diagram di bawah ini. Jika A adalah komplemen A dan B komplemen B, maka A - B ialah daerah yang diarsir dalam diagram ...
Apabila: P = {}
G = {}
T = {}, maka dari diagram Venn ini dapat dibaca ...
(1) Beberapa pelajar yang tidak berambut gondrong tidak berbaju putih.
(2) Tidak satupun pelajar yang tidak berbaju putih berambut gondrong.
(3) Semua pemuda berambut gondrong yang bukan pelajar tidak berbaju putih.
(4) Semua pemuda berambut gondrong yang tidak berbaju putih bukan pelajar.
A menyatakan himpunan pelajar yang lulus ujian matematika dan B menyatakan himpunan pelajar yang lulus ujian biologi, sedangkan syarat masuk suatu fakultas ialah lulus ujian matematika dan lulus ujian biologi. Bila Amin tidak diterima masuk fakultas itu, maka ...
A himpunan bilangan asli dan C himpunan bilangan cacah. Banyaknya himpunan bagian dari (C - A) adalah ...
Banyaknya himpunan bagian dari himpunan {} adalah ...
Himpunan H = {}. Banyaknya himpunan bagian dari H yang terdiri atas 3 elemen adalah ...
Jika M adalah himpunan huruf yang terdapat pada kata "CATATAN", maka banyaknya himpunan bagian dari M yang tidak kosong adalah ...
Jika H himpunan huruf yang terdapat dalam kata "PRAKIRAAN", maka banyaknya himpunan bagian dari H yang cacah anggotanya dua atau lebih adalah ...
Diketahui: A = {}. Banyaknya himpunan bagian A yang memiliki anggota paling sedikit 3 unsur adalah ...
Jika menyatakan himpunan kosong, maka ...
Dengan n(S) dimaksud banyaknya anggota himpunan S. Jika n(A) = adalah; n(B) = b, dan n(A B) = cacah, maka n(A B) sama dengan ...
Diketahui X himpunan, X menyatakan komplemen X, n(X) menyatakan banyaknya unsur X, sedangkan S menyatakan himpunan semesta. Seandainya n(S) = 34, n(A) = 17, n(B) = 18 dan n(A B) = 2 maka n(A B) adalah ...
Dari angket yang dilaksanakan pada suatu kelas yang terdiri atas 50 siswa diperoleh data sebagai berikut. 20 orang siswa senang bermain bola basket, 30 orang siswa senang bermain bola volley, dan 10 orang tidak senang bermain keduanya. Banyaknya siswa yang senang bermain keduanya adalah ...
Dari seratus anak, 39 di antaranya gemar olahraga. Di antara penggemar olahraga ini 11 orang anak juga gemar bermain musik. Jika ternyata 32 orang anak tidak gemar olahraga maupun musik, maka banyaknya penggemar musik di antara 100 anak tersebut adalah ...
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Dalam suatu kandang terdapat 50 ekor ayam, 27 ekor yang jantan dan jantan dan 18 berwarna hitam. Yang berwarna hitam seluruhnya 35 ekor. Berapa ekorkah ayam betina yang tidak berwarna hitam?
Suatu himpunan bilangan asli terdiri atas 10 bilangan yang habis dibagi 6; 15 bilangan yang habis dibagi 2, dan 10 bilangan yang habis dibagi 3 dan satu bilangan yang tidak habis dibagi 2 ataupun 3. Banyaknya unsur himpunan bilangan tersebut adalah ...
Dari 100 orang mahasiswa, terdaftar 45 orang mengikuti kuliah Bahasa Indonesia, 50 orang mengikuti kuliah Sejarah dan 25 mengikuti kedua mata kuliah tersebut. Dipanggil seorang di antara 100 mahasiswa itu. Berapakah peluang agar mahasiswa yang dipanggil itu tidak mengikuti kuliah Bahasa Indonesia maupun sejarah?
Suatu kompleks perumahan mempunyai 43 orang warga, 35 orang di antaranya aktif mengikuti kegiatan olahraga, sedang sisanya tidak mengikuti kegiatan apapun. Kegiatan bola Voli diikuti 17 orang, Tenis diikuti 19 orang, dan Catur diikuti 22 orang. Warga yang mengikuti bola Voli dan Catur 12 orang, bola Voli dan Tenis 7 orang, sedang Tenis dan Catur 9 orang. Banyaknya warga yang mengikuti kegiatan bola Voli, Tenis, dan Catur adalah ...

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Kamis, 25 April 2024

Profesi dalam bahasa Inggris

Accountant = Akuntan, ahli akuntansi

Actor = Aktor, Bintang Film Pria

Actress = Aktris, Bintang Film Wanita

Actuary = Aktuaris

Advertising Agent = Agen Iklan

Advisor = Penasihat

Aide = Ajudan

Air Steward = Pramugara

Air Stewardess = Pramugari

Ambassador = Duta Besar

Animator = Animator, pembuat animasi

Archer = pemanah

Architect = Arsitek, (ahli) perancang bangunan

Art Director = Penata Artistik

Artist = Artis, seniman

Assistant = Asisten

Astronaut = Astronot

Astronomer = ahli astronomi, ahli perbintangan

Athlete = Atlet

Attorney = Pengacara

Auctioneer = Petugas lelang, Pelelang, juru lelang

Author = Penulis (pria)

Authoress = Penulis wanita

Aviator = Penerbang, pilot

Babysitter = Pengasuh Bayi, Penjaga Bayi

Baker = Tukang Roti, pembuat roti/kue

Ballerina = balerina

Banker = Bankir

Barber = Tukang Cukur, pemangkas rambut

Barman = Pelayan Bar

Barwoman = Pelayan Bar Wanita

Bartender = Pelayan Bar

Baseball Player = Pemain Bisbol

Basketball Player = Pemain Basket

Beautician = Ahli Kecantikan

Bell Boy = Pelayan Hotel

Bellhop = Pelayan Hotel

Biologist = Ahli Biologi

Blacksmith = Tukang Besi / Pandai Besi

Bodyguard = Pengawal

Bookkeeper = Pemegang pembukuan, pengurus pembukuan, ahli tata buku, akuntan

Book seller = Penjual Buku

Bowler = Pemain Bowling

Breeder = Peternak

Bricklayer = Tukang Batu

Broker = Makelar

Builder = Pembangun, kuli bangunan, tukang bangunan

Businessman = Pengusaha (Pria)

Bus Driver = Supir Bus

Businessman = Pengusaha Wanita

Butcher = Tukang Daging

Butler = Kepala Pelayan (restoran)

Cab Driver (Ame) = Supir Taxi

Calligrapher = Pelukis Tulisan / Penulis Kaligrafi, pembuat kaligrafi

Cameraman = Juru Kamera

Captain = Kapten

Cardiologist = Ahli Kandungan

Caregiver / carer = Pengurus rumah tangga, perawat orang tua/anak/orang sakit di rumah

Caretaker = Pengurus, penjaga rumah

Carpenter = Tukang Kayu

Cartographer = Pembuat Peta

Cartoonist = Kartunis, Pembuat Kartun

Cashier = Kasir

Catcher = Penangkap Bola

Caterer = Penyedia Jasa Catering

Cellist = Pemain Selo

Chambermaids = Pembantu

Chaplain = Pendeta/Kyai Untuk Golongan Tertentu (Seperti Di Sekolah, Di Tentara, Dsb)

Charlatan = Tukang jual obat

Chauffeur = Pengendara Mobil / Sopir

Chef = Koki (utama), kepala tukang masak / kepala juru masak

Chemist = Ahli Kimia

Choreographer = Koreografer, Penata Tari, Perancang Tari

Civil Servant = Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS)

Cleaner  =  orang yang membersihkan suatu daerah atau tempat (seperti di kantor)

Cleaning Lady  =  wanita tukang pembersih

Cleaning Woman  =  wanita bertugas membersihkan daerah atau tempat

Clergyman = Pendeta Laki-Laki

Clergywoman = Pendeta Perempuan

Clerk = Juru Tulis, Pramuniaga, pegawai toko

Clown = Badut / Pelawak

Coach = Pelatih

Coacher = Kusir

Cobbler = Tukang Sepatu

Collector = Tukang tagih, penagih hutang

College Teacher = Dosen

Comedian = Pelawak

Company Director = Direktur Perusahaan

Composer = Komposer, penulis / pengarang lagu, penyusun lagu, penggubah lagu

Computer Operator = Operator Komputer

Computer Programmer = Ahli Pemrograman

Concierge = Pengawas Pintu

Conductor = Konduktor / Kenek

Construction Worker = Pekerja Konstruksi, Pekerja Bangunan

Consul = Konsul, duta besar

Consultant = Konsultan

Contractor = Kontraktor, pemborong pembangunan

Cooker = Pemasak, juru masak

Cop = Polisi

Correspondent = Koresponden, wartawan / penulis surat (kabar/menyurat)

Coroner = Pemeriksa Kematian/Mayat, juru autopsi

Cosmetician = Ahli Kosmetik

Cosmetologist = Ahli Kecantikan

Coster, Coster monger (Bre) = Tukang Sayur

Courier = Kurir

Craftsman = Perajin

Cryptographer = Ahli Pembaca Sandi

Custodian = Pengurus, petugas pemelihara (gedung)

Dancer = Penari

Dean = Dekan

Decorator = Tukang Hias / Penghias

Dentist = Dokter Gigi

Deputy = Deputi, Kepala Polisi Daerah

Dermatologist = Dokter Kulit

Designer = Perancang, desainer

Detective = Detektif, Penyelidik

Dietician = ahli diet

Director = Direktur, sutradara

Disc Jockey = Orang Yang Memainkan Musik Denga Alat Elektronik Di Tempat Hiburan

Diver = Penyelam

Doctor = Dokter

Doorman = Penjaga Pintu

Dramatist = Penulis (Cerita) Sandiwara

Dress Designer = Perancang busana

Driver = Supir

Drummer = Pemain Drum

Driver Bus = Supir Bus

Dustman = Tukang Sampah

Ecologist = Ahli Ilmu Lingkungan Hidup

Economist = Ekonom, ahli ekonomi

Editor = Editor, penyunting, redaktur

Educator = Pendidik

Electrician = Teknisi Listrik, Ahli Listrik

Employee = Karyawan

Employer = Majikan

Empress = Kaisar Wanita

Emperor = Kaisar Lelaki

Engineer = Insinyur

English Teacher = Guru Bahasa Inggris

Entertainer = Penghibur

Entomologist = Ahli Serangga

Entrepreneur = Wirausahawan

Executive = Eksekutif

Explorer = Penjelajah

Exporter = Pengekspor

Exterminator = Pembasmi

Extra (In A Movie) = Pemain Figuran (Dalam Film)

Eye Specialist = (Dokter) Spesialis Mata

Factory Worker  =  orang yang bekerja di pabrik.

Family Doctor  =  dokter keluarga

Farmer = Petani

Farrier = Tukang Besi

Fashion Designer = Perancang Busana

Film Director = Sutradara Film

Financier = Ahli Keuangan, Modalwan (Pemberi Modal)

Fire Fighter = Pemadam Kebakaran

Fire Man = Pemadam Kebakaran

Fisherman = Nelayan

Fishmonger = Penjual Ikan

Flight Attendant = Pramugara/Pramugari

Florist = Tukang Bunga, Penjual Bunga

Flutist = Pemain Suling

Fruit Seller = Penjual Buah

Football Player = Pemain Bola

Furniture Designer = Desainer Furnitur / mebel / perabot

Foreman = Mandor

Game Designer = Pendesain Game

Garbage man = Tukang Sampah

Gardener = Tukang Kebun

Gasman = Tukang Gas

Gem cutter = Pemotong Batu Mulia

General Practitioner = Dokter Praktek Umum

Geologist = Ahli Geologi

Geographer = Ahli Bumi

Glazier = Tukang Kaca

Goldsmith = Tukang Emas

Golfer = Pemain Golf

Governor = Gubernur

Graphic Designer = Desainer Grafis

Graver = Tukang Ukir

Green Grocer = Penjual Sayur

Grocer = Pedagang bahan makanan / sembako

Guard = Penjaga

Guide = Pemandu

Gynecologist (Ame), Gynaecologist (Bre) =Dokter Kandungan

Hairdresser = Penata Rambut

Hairstylist = Penata (Gaya) Rambut

Handyman = Tukang Serba Bisa, Tukang (cat: dapat digunakan untuk berbagai bidang)

Hawker = Pedagang Asongan

Head Cooker = Kepala Koki, Pimpinan Koki

Head Master (Bre) = Kepala Sekolah (lelaki)

Head Mistress (Bre) = Kepala Sekolah perempuan

Head Teacher (Bre) = Kepala Sekolah

Head Waiter = Pimpinan Pelayan

Heart Specialist = (Dokter) Spesialis Jantung

Herdsman = Penggembala

Historian = sejarawan

History Teacher = Guru Sejarah

Hotel Keeper = Pemilik Hotel

Housemaid = Pembantu Rumah Tangga

Hunter/huntsman = Pemburu

Iceman = Tukang Es

Illustrator = Ilustrator, pembuat ilustrasi

Importer = Pengimpor

Innkeeper = Pemilik Penginapan

Interior Designer = Desainer Interior

Instructor = Instruktur

Intern = Pegawai Internal Perusahaan

Internist = Dokter (Ahli) Penyakit Dalam

Interpreter = Penerjemah, juru bahasa, penafsir bahasa

Inventor = Penemu

Investigator = Penyelidik, pemeriksa

Investor = Penanam Modal

Jailer = Sipir Penjara

Janitor = Petugas Kebersihan

Jester = Pelawak

Jeweller = Ahli Perhiasan

Jockey = Joki Kuda

Jointer = Tukang Las

Journalist = Wartawan (Penulis Berita), jurnalis

Judge = Hakim

Junk Dealer = Tukang Loak

King = Raja

Knitter = Perajut

Labour = Tenaga Kerja / Buruh

Landlord = Pemilik Penginapan, tuan tanah

Laundress = Tukang Cuci Perempuan

Lawyer = Pengacara

Lecturer = Dosen, Penceramah

Legal Adviser = Ahli Hukum

Librarian = Petugas Perpustakaan / Pustakawan

Librettist = Penulis Kata-Kata Nyanyian

Lifeguard = Perenang Penyelamat, penjaga kolam renang atau di pantai

Linguist = Ahli Bahasa

Locksmith = Tukang Kunci, Tukang (Duplikat) Kunci

Magician = Tukang Sulap / Pesulap, Tukang Sihir

Maid = Asisten Rumah Tangga, Pembantu, Pelayan perempuan

Mail Carrier = Pembawa Surat

Manager = Manajer, Pemimpin

Manufacturer = Pengusaha Pabrik

Marine = Marinir, tentara angkatan laut

Massager = Tukang Pijat

Mason = Tukang Batu

Marketer = Pemasar

Mason = Tukang Pemahat Batu

Mathematician = Ahli Matematika

Mathematics (math.) Teacher = Guru Matematika

Mayor = Walikota

Mechanic = Montir, ahli mesin, mekanik

Merchant = Pedagang

Messenger = Kurir Pesan

Midwife = Bidan, dukun beranak

Milker = Tukang Susu

Miner = Buruh Tambang, penambang

Model = Model

Money Lender = Rentenir

Monk = Biarawan, biksu

Music Teacher = Guru Musik

Musician = Pemusik, musisi, pemain musik

Navigator = Ahli Navigasi, Pengemudi Kapal

Negotiator = Perunding

News Presenter = Presenter Berita, Pembawa Acara Berita, Penyaji Acara Berita

News Reader = Pembaca Berita

Newsboy = Penjual Koran, Loper Koran

Notary = Notaris

Novelist = Penulis Novel

Nun = Biarawati

Nurse = Perawat, suster

Oboist = Pemain Oboe

Obstetricians = Dokter Kandungan

Office Clerk = Kerani

Officer = Pegawai Kantor

Oculist = Dokter Mata

Operator = Penyelenggara

Ophthalmologist = Dokter Ahli Mata

Optician = Ahli Kacamata

Oracle = Peramal, dukun

Orderly = Perawat, Juru Rawat

Ornithologist = Ahli Ilmu Burung

Painter = Pelukis, Tukang Cat

Paleontologist = Ahli Fossil Dan Purbakala

Paperboy = Tukang Koran, loper koran

Paralegal = Pembantu Pengacara

Paramedic = paramedis

Pathologist = Ahli Patologi

Pawnbroker = Pemilik Rumah Gadai

Park Ranger = Penjaga Taman

Pastor = Pendeta

Patcher = Tukang Tambal

Parker = Tukang Parkir

Pastor = Pastur

Peddler (Ame) / Pedlar (Bre) = Pedagang Keliling, pedagang asongan, penjaja asongan

Pediatrician = Dokter Anak

Performer = Pemain Sandiwara

Percussionist = Pemain Perkusi

Personal Assistant = Asisten Pribadi

Pharmacist = Apoteker, ahli farmasi

Philosopher = Filsuf, Ahli Filsafat

Photographer = Juru Potret, Juru Foto, Fotografer

Physician = Tabib, Dokter

Physicist = Ahli Fisika

Pianist = Pemain Piano

Pilot = Pilot

Pitcher = Pelempar Bola (Bisbol)

Playwright = Dramawan

Plumber = Tukang Ledeng

Poet = Penyair, pujangga

Police = Polisi

Policeman = Polisi pria

Policewoman = Polisi wanita

Politician = Politikus, ahli politik

Porter = Pengantar Barang / Porter

Postman = Tukang Pos

Poultryman = Peternak Unggas

Priest = Imam

President = Presiden

Presenter = Pembawa Acara

Prince = Pangeran

Princess = Putri

Principal (Ame) = Kepala Sekolah

Printer = Tukang Cetak

Prison Officer = Petugas Lapas (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan) atau Rutan (Rumah Tahanan), Sipir penjara

Producer = Produsen, Pengusaha Film

Professor = Profesor

Programmer = Ahli Pemrograman

Psychiatrist = Psikiater

Psychologist = Psikolog, Ahli Ilmu Jiwa

Publisher = Penerbit

Quarterback = Gelandang (Dalam Olah Raga)

Quilter = Perajut Kain

Rabbi = Pendeta Yahudi

Radiologist = Radiolog, ahli radiologi

Rancher = Pengusaha Peternakan

Ranger = Penjaga Hutan

Real Estate Agent = Agen Real Estate

Receptionist = Resepsionis

Referee = Wasit

Refuse Collector = Tukang sampah, orang yang mengumpulkan sampah di jalanan

Registrar = Panitera, Bagian (Pencatat) Administrasi Pendaftaran

Repairer = Tukang Bengkel

Reporter = Reporter, wartawan (pelapor)

Representative = Wakil

Researcher = Peneliti

Retailer = Pengecer (Penjual Eceran)

Room Servant = Pelayan Kamar

Sailor = Pelaut

Sales Assistants = Asisten Penjualan

Salesclerk = pramuniaga

Salesgirl = Penjual (Wanita)

Salesman = Penjual (Pria), Tukang Jual

Salesperson = Pelayan Toko

Sales Representative = perwakilan penjualan

Saleswoman = Penjual wanita

Samurai = Samurai

Saxophonist = Pemain Saxofon

Scenarist = Penulis Skenario

School Guard = Penjaga Sekolah

Scientist = Ilmuwan

Scuba Diver = Penyelam

Sculptor = Pengukir

Seaman / Seamen (plural) = pelaut, kelasi, bahariawan

Seamstress = penjahit wanita

Secretary = Sekretaris

Security = Penjaga Keamanan

Security Guard = Penjaga Keamanan

Senator = Anggota Senat

Servant = Pembantu

Serviceman = Tukang reparasi

Sewer = Penjahit, tukang jahit

Shepherd = Penggembala (Pria)

Shepherdess = Penggembala Wanita

Sheriff  = Kepala Polisi Daerah

Shoe-shine boy = tukang semir sepatu

Shoemaker = Tukang Sepatu, Pembuat Sepatu

Shop Assistant  = Pelayan di Toko, Penjaga Toko

Singer = Penyanyi

Smith = Tukang Besi

Socialite = Tokoh Masyarakat (penggalang dana)

Soldier = Prajurit, Tentara

Solicitor = Pengacara

Spy = Mata-Mata

Star = Bintang (misal film), selebriti

Statistician = Ahli Statistik

Stockbroker = Makelar Saham

Stenographer = Stenografer, Juru catat tulisan tangan

Steward = Pramugara

Stewardess = Pramugari

Street Musician = Pengamen

Street Peddler / Street Pedlar (Bre) = Pemulung

Street Sweeper = Penyapu Jalan

Surgeon = Ahli Bedah, dokter bedah

Surveyor = Penyurvei, tukang survei, petugas pemberi rekomendasi kelayakan kredit

Swimmer = Perenang

Tailor = Penjahit

Tax collector = penagih pajak

Taxi Driver = Supir Taxi

Teacher = Guru

Technician = Ahli mesin, teknisi, juru teknik

Telegrapher = Pengirim telegraf, pengetok kawat

Telephone Operator = Operator Telepon

Telephonist = Penjaga Telepon, teleponis, operator telepon

Tennis Player = Pemain Tenis

Throat Specialist = dokter spesialis tenggorokan

Tourist Guide = Pemandu Wisata, Pemandu Turis

Trader = Pedagang

Traffic Officer = Petugas Lalu Lintas

Trainer = Pelatih

Translator = Penerjemah

Trash Collector = Pengumpul Sampah, petugas kebersihan

Travel Agent = Agen Perjalanan, agen bepergian, agen pariwisata

Tv (Televisi) Cameraman  = Tukang Kamera TV (Televisi), Juru Kamera

Tv (Televisi) Presenter = Presenter Tv (Televisi)

Treasurer = Bendaharawan

Truck Driver = Supir Truk

Tutor = Guru Pribadi

Typist = Juru Ketik, Tukang Ketik, Ahli Ketik

Umpire = Wasit

Undertaker = Pengurus Kuburan, pengurus pemakaman

Usher = Penerima Tamu, Penjaga Pintu

University Teacher = Guru Universitas

Valet = Pelayan Pria

Vendor = Pedagang

Vet = Dokter Hewan

Veterinarian = Dokter Hewan

Vicar = Vikaris, Padri, Pendeta Yang Mewakili Paus

Violinist = Pemain Biola

Waiter = Pelayan (pria)

Waitress = Pelayan wanita

Warden = Sipir, Kepala Rumah Penjara

Warrior = Prajurit

Watchmaker = Tukang Arloji

Watchman = Penjaga malam

Weaver = Tukang Tenun, Penenun

Web Designer = web designer

Web Programmer = Programmer Web

Welder = Tukang Las

Wholesaler = grosir

Window Cleaner = orang yang membersihkan jendela, biasanya jendela bangunan besar.

Woodcarver = Tukang Pahat Kayu

Worker = Pekerja

Workman = Buruh Pria

Wrangler = Koboi pengurus sadel (kursi) kuda

Writer = Penulis

Xylophonist = Pemain Sejenis Gambang

Yodeler = Penyanyi Yodel

Zookeeper = Penjaga Kebun Binatang

Zoologist = Ahli Hewan


Cambridge English TextBook and Other Cambridge Lesson TextBook.

Longman English Dictionaries and Longman English Test Preparation E-Books

Merriam Websters Everyday Language Reference Set: Dictionaries and Other English E-Books

Oxford English Grammar and Other Oxford English E-TextBook

Pekerjaan Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Karir Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Rabu, 24 April 2024

IT Tools Online 1

online cross-browser testing, cross operating system and cross browser. Pricing from developer to team. URL Encoder, URL Decoder, URL Parser, Base64 Encoder, Base64 Decoder, HTML Prettifier, JSON Prettifier, JSON Minifier, JSON Escaper, JSON Unescaper, JSON Validator, XML to JSON Converter, XML to CSV Converter, XML to YAML Converter, YAML to TSV Converter, Markdown to HTML Converter, Jade to HTML Converter, BBCode to HTML Converter, IE Testing, Edge Testing, Chrome Testing, Firefox Testing, Opera Testing, Safari Testing, etc. Internet browser addon or extension or plugin is available.

online tools for developer. Buy me a coffee sponsored. Hash Text, Date-Time Converter, Integer Base Converter, Roman Numeral Converter, Base 64 String Encoder/Decoder, Color Converter, Case Converter, Text To NATO Alphabet, Text To Unicode, YAML to JSON, JSON to TOML, List Converter, Encode/Decode URL Formatted Strings, Escape HTML Entities, URL Parser, Device Information, Open Graph Meta Generator, Mime Types, KeyCode Info, Slugify String, HTML WYSIWYG Editor, HTTP Status Codes, JSON Diff, Outlook Safelink Decoder, SVG Placeholder Generator, Random Port Generator, Crontab Generator, Chmod Calculator, Docker Run To Docker Compose Generator, IPv4 Subnet Calculator, Math Evaluator, ETA Calculator, Percentage Calculator, Chronometer, Temperature Converter, Lorem Ipsum Generator, Text Statistics, Text Diff, ASCII Art Text Generator, Phone Parser And Formatter, IBAN Validator And Parser.

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Visual Studio Code Extension 2
visual studio code extension
Visual Studio Code Extension 3
Study About PHP 1
Commonly Used HTML Tags
Web Page Process
NVU editor Menu 1

Comment In Programming

HTML/XML Single Line Comment

HyperText Markup Language, eXtensible Markup Language, Cascading StyleSheet, Java Script, Programming Language Comment

<!-- <code to be commented out>  -->

HTML/XML Multiple Line Comment

<!-- <code to be 

commented out>  


CSS Single Line Comment

/* <code to be commented out> */

CSS Multiple Line Comment

  <code to be commented out> 
   <Other code to be commented out> 
   <Some more code to be commented out> 

JS Single Line Comment

// <code to be commented out> 

JS Multiple Line Comment

Math Symbol In English

These following list are operator and math symbol:

= Equal.


> is greater than

< is less than

is greater than or equal to

is less than or equal to

() Calculate expression between parentheses in the first order.

% Percentage

÷ Division / divided by

+ Addition / Plus

Subtraction / Minus

× Multiplication / times / multiplied by

Operator, Notation, Unicode Character and Math Symbol

Simbol Matematika, Operator, Notasi, Karakter Unicode


  • buku Grasindo
  • buku Erlangga

High School Math

High School / Vocational School Mathematics Lesson:

Sequences and series

Arithmetic sequences
Geometric sequences
Finite arithmetic series
Finite geometric series
Infinite series


Functions and relations
Inverse functions
Linear functions
Quadratic functions
Exponential functions


Calculating the period of an investment
Future value annuities
Present value annuities
Analysing investment and loan options


Compound angle identities
Double angle identities
Solving equations
Applications of trigonometric functions


Cubic polynomials
Remainder theorem
Factor theorem
Solving cubic equations

Differential calculus

Differentiation from first principles
Rules for differentiation
Equation of a tangent to a curve
Second derivative
Sketching graphs
Applications of differential calculus

Analytical geometry

Equation of a circle
Equation of a tangent to a circle

Euclidean geometry

Ratio and proportion
Pythagorean theorem


Curve fitting


Tools and Techniques
The fundamental counting principle
Factorial notation
Application to counting problems
Application to probability problems

sequence, function, exponent, limit, factor, count, statistic

Related Post:

Senin, 22 April 2024

Prevent PHP Commented Out


when I enter in code like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function showName() {

   document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = "<p>Hello <?php echo $name; ?>, How are you?</p>";



It prints:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function showName() {

   document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = "<p>Hello <!--?php echo $name; ?-->, How are you?</p>";




Follow one of this guide to prevent PHP script file to commented out: 

  • You must type PHP script code between <?php tag and ?> tag.
    • Beware of the white space between <? and php.
    • Beware of the white space between ? and >
  • To run PHP scripts file, you have to save the file as a .php file.
    • ensure the file was saved as right file encoding ( Unicode or ANSI encoding for example ).
    • Save the .php file inside the right web server's root directory or DOCUMENT_ROOT folder (\www or \htdocs for example).
  • If the file is being served by Apache, you must enabled the php interpreter to run on html files.
    • to add the .html extension to the php interpreter as below:
      AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
    • This line is in the httpd.conf file.
  • You must  to run PHP scripts file from some kind of local server (using Apache through XAMPP for  example) or online hosting server.
    • After you run the local server or upload PHP script file to online hosting server, 
    • view your PHP scripts file through something like http://localhost/mypage.php on the internet browser (Google Chrome for example).
  • Ensure you access the right URL address of your web server's URL PHP scripts file ( http://localhost/mypage.php or for example ).


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How To Get Active File Path In Notepad 2

How To Get Active File Path In Notepad 2 / How To Get Current File Path In Notepad 2

These are several methods that you can choose one based on your requirement:

Method 1

  1. click File > Save As menu
  2. after the Open dialogue box window has opened, then you can get the current file path from "location bar" or "address bar".

Method 2

  1. click Edit > Copy to Clipboard > Full Path Name menu
  2. then you can get the full path name from clipboard.

Method 3

  1. click Tools > Run Command...
  2. after Run dialogue box window has opened, then you can get the full path name from "Open edit box".

Method 4

  1. click File > Properties...
  2. after Properties dialogue box window has opened, then you can get the directory/folder path from "Location: Read-only Text Boxes".
Method 5
  1. click File > Browse... menu
  2. On the Metapath dialogue box, right click
  3. then click Copy Path Name right click menu/context menu.
Method 6
  1. click File > Favorites > Add Current File... menu.
  2. then click File > Favorites > Manage... menu.
  3. after the Microsoft (Windows) File Explorer window has opened, find the file on the "File And Folder List pane/File And Folder List area" (right side of Microsoft (Windows) File Explorer).
  4. then right click on the current file, then click "Open File Location" right click menu/context menu.
  5. then you can get the current file path from "location bar" or "address bar".
NOTES: this method will be work on the current version of Microsoft Windows ( not the old version ).

Method 7
  1. click File > Open Containing Folder menu.
  2. after the Microsoft (Windows) File Explorer window has opened, you can get the current file path from "location bar" or "address bar".


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Notepad2 Edit Menu

Notepad 2 Edit SubMenu

Notepad 2 File Menu

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Notepad3 AutoCompleteFillUpChars Settings With Spacebar and Enter

Current Directory In Command Prompt

Bagian File Explorer

File Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Study About Microsoft Office 1

Jumat, 19 April 2024

Microsoft Access SQL Sample 2

These following steps are alternative way to create table:

  1. Open Microsoft Office Access
  2. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
  3. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Data Definition.
  4. Type the following SQL statement:
    CREATE TABLE product (
    [Id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name CHAR(15), Price FLOAT, 
    Stock INTEGER, Category INTEGER
  5. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.
To see the result click the hyperlink below:


DDL, SQL command, table sample, data column, data row, data field, field type, field size, field length

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Most Common HTML Entities

These are some useful HTML entities:

Result Description "HTML Entity Name" "HTML Unicode Values"

> "greater than" &gt;  &#062;

<      "less than"   &lt;  &#060;

& "ampersand" &amp;

" "double quotation mark" &quot;

' "single quotation mark" &apos;

« » Guillemets &laquo; &raquo; &#171; &#187;

© Copyright &copy; &#169;

® "Registered trademark" &reg; &#174; (R)

° Degree(s) &deg; &#176;  

± "Plus/minus" &plusmn; &#177;

½ "Fractional half" &frac12; &#188; 1/2

"En dash"  &ndash; &#8211; - for ranges

"Em (long) dash"&mdash; &#8212;

† ‡ "Single & double daggers" &dagger; &Dagger; &#8224; &#8225; * and **

"Bullet" &bull; &#8226; *

"Ellipsis"  &hellip; &#8230;

Trademark  &trade; &#8482; (tm)

"Almost equal to" &asymp; &#8776; ~

"Not equal to" &ne; &#8800; !=

≤ ≥ "Less/greater than or equal to <= or >=" &le; &ge; &#8804; &#8805;

HyperText Markup Language, eXtensible Markup Language, symbol, operator, dot, period, quote, notation, sign

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Commonly Used HTML Tags

HTML Syntax 1

Most Common Quotation On HTML Entities

HTML Accents

HTML Table Element

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How To Check Your Java Version

Daftar CSS Properties Pada List

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Post about web

Rabu, 17 April 2024


The getElementById() method of the Document interface returns an Element object representing the element whose id property/HTML element attribute.


<html lang="en">
    <title>getElementById example</title>
    <p id="para">Some text here</p>
    <button onclick="changeColor('blue');">blue</button>
    <button onclick="changeColor('red');">red</button>
  <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function changeColor(newColor) {
// the method to represent the element whose id property attribute is "para".
// elem const as "para" Id representation.
  const elem = document.getElementById("para");
//  to change text color of paragraph element that id attribute is "para". = newColor;

The above example is used to change text color of paragraph element that id attribute is "para".
The getElementById() method is only available as a method of the global document object, and not available as a method on all element objects in the DOM.

HTML Syntax 1

Web page will displayed well, if HTML Tags:
  • are always enclosed in angle brackets: < >.
  • as container tags have an opening and closing tag. An opening tag begins a section of page content, and a closing tag ends it. For example, markup a section of text as a paragraph, you would open the paragraph with an opening paragraph tag <p> and close it with a closing paragraph tag </p> (closing tags always proceed the element with a / slash).

Example HTML modern:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>


Example HTML classic:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>


Bibliography: ( university )

HyperText Markup Language, internet programming, web development,

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Markdown Tools Online 1

This tool formats basic MultiMarkdown style tables for easier plain text reading.

Convert Markdown to HTML, source file can be from the file, URL/website URL, direct typing or copy paste.

Simple markdown editor, side by side preview, can copy Markdown text source, can be sync scroll. Open source, so you can locate to your own server.

Markdown online editor, can edit even when offline too. Extended Markdown support features, like: fenced code block, check list, table. Can be import from Markdown file and HTML file. Can be export to Markdown, HTML, PDF, and Pandoc.

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