a | a² |
1 | 1 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 16 |
5 | 25 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 49 |
8 | 64 |
9 | 81 |
10 | 100 |
11 | 121 |
12 | 144 |
13 | 169 |
14 | 196 |
15 | 225 |
16 | 256 |
17 | 289 |
18 | 324 |
19 | 361 |
20 | 400 |
21 | 441 |
22 | 484 |
23 | 529 |
24 | 576 |
25 | 625 |
26 | 676 |
27 | 729 |
28 | 784 |
29 | 841 |
30 | 900 |
31 | 961 |
32 | 1024 |
33 | 1089 |
34 | 1156 |
35 | 1225 |
36 | 1296 |
37 | 1369 |
38 | 1444 |
39 | 1521 |
40 | 1600 |
41 | 1681 |
42 | 1764 |
43 | 1849 |
44 | 1936 |
45 | 2025 |
46 | 2116 |
47 | 2209 |
48 | 2304 |
49 | 2401 |
50 | 2500 |
51 | 2601 |
52 | 2704 |
53 | 2809 |
54 | 2916 |
55 | 3025 |
56 | 3136 |
57 | 3249 |
58 | 3364 |
59 | 3481 |
60 | 3600 |
61 | 3721 |
62 | 3844 |
63 | 3969 |
64 | 4096 |
65 | 4225 |
66 | 4356 |
67 | 4489 |
68 | 4624 |
69 | 4761 |
70 | 4900 |
71 | 5041 |
72 | 5184 |
73 | 5329 |
74 | 5476 |
75 | 5625 |
76 | 5776 |
77 | 5929 |
78 | 6084 |
79 | 6241 |
80 | 6400 |
81 | 6561 |
82 | 6724 |
83 | 6889 |
84 | 7056 |
85 | 7225 |
86 | 7396 |
87 | 7569 |
88 | 7744 |
89 | 7921 |
90 | 8100 |
91 | 8281 |
92 | 8464 |
93 | 8649 |
94 | 8836 |
95 | 9025 |
96 | 9216 |
97 | 9409 |
98 | 9604 |
99 | 9801 |
100 | 10000 |
Kamis, 19 Desember 2024
Tabel Exponensial
Straight Angle In Latex 1d
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: straightAngle1d.tex
% Description:
% The Straight Angle
% Composer: private course and tutor course
% horizontal straight angle with angle in the left side
% Label the nodes and position
\coordinate[label=right:$\textbf{A}$] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{C}$] (B) at (0,1.5);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{B}$] (C) at (0,-1.5);
% Draw the Angle Leg / Angle Ray
\draw (B) -- (A) node [circle,fill=black,radius=0.01,scale=0.1] {vertex} -- (C);
% Label the sides
\node[above] at (-0.15,0.75) {$\textbf{b}$};
\node[above, rotate=270] at (0.03,0.75) {\textbf{right ray}};
\node[above, rotate=270] at (0.03,-0.75) {\textbf{left ray}};
\node[above] at (-0.15,-0.75) {$\textbf{a}$};
% Draw the straight angle mark
\draw [thick] (0,-0.2) arc(270:90:0.2);
2. Save file as straightAngle1d.tex3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
Rabu, 18 Desember 2024
Cara Membuat Program Kerja
Jenis Program Kerja Berdasarkan Rentang Waktu Perencanaan
- Program Kerja Untuk Rentang Waktu Satu Periode Kepengurusan
- Program Kerja Untuk Waktu Tertentu
Jenis Program Kerja Berdasarkan Sifatnya
- Bersifat Kontinu: Artinya, program kerja ini tidak hanya dijalankan satu kali saja di dalam lembaga atau organisasi tersebut. Contoh: kegiatan penerimaan mahasiswa baru setiap tahunnya, kegiatan membayarkan pajak pada negara.
- Bersifat Insidental: Artinya, program kerja yang biasanya dilakukan hanya di waktu tertentu saja dalam sebuah organisasi, di mana hal ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan momen tertentu (penting). Contoh kerja bakti yang dilakukan pasca terjadinya musibah banjir bandang di sebuah wilayah, kegiatan antisipasi membersihkan lingkungan, mengolah sampah, penanaman kembali tanaman dan membuang sampah untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir.
- Bersifat Tentatif: Artinya, program kerja yang dijalankan sesuai untuk kondisi yang di masa mendatang. Contoh pengadaan acara bazaar, penyiaran kegiatan perawatan sarana dan prasarana
Jenis Program Kerja Berdasarkan Target
- Program kerja jangka panjang
- Program kerja jangka pendek
Tujuan Program Kerja
- Membantu Mencapai Visi Dan Misi / Tujuan Kegiatan Dengan Baik Dan Tepat.
- Membantu Mengatasi Permasalahan Di Dalam Organisasi
- Membantu Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi. Agar setiap anggota yang ada di dalam organisasi tersebut akan bisa bekerja dengan baik dan tepat.
Manfaat Program Kerja
- Melahirkan Rasa Kebersamaan dalam Internal Organisasi
- Melahirkan Rasa Tanggung Jawab akan Tugas Individu
- Membantu dalam menyelaraskan tujuan individu dengan tujuan perusahaan
- Membantu dalam identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan.
- Meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan efisiensi kerja.
Cara Membuat Program Kerja
- Membuat Tujuan dan Sasaran yang Jelas
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Kebutuhan Dengan SWOT ( Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threatness ) atau ( Kegiatan untuk mencapai keberhasilan, Kekurangan yang perlu diperbaiki, Hasil dari SW, Berhati-hatilah terhadap kondisi lapangan ).
- Tentukan Model, Metode Hingga Materi Dalam Melaksanakan Program Kerja Dengan SMART Goal ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound ) atau ( Memilih tujuan yang dapat diukur, Menjadikan tujuan dapat diukur, Menjadikan tujuan dapat dikerjakan oleh anggota tim, Menjadikan tujuan yang Anda ambil harus membawa Anda lebih dekat ke sasaran Anda. ).
- Mengetahui Dan Tentukan Evaluasi dan Monitoring.
- Tentukan Anggaran dan Sumber Daya
- Tentukan Jadwal, Prioritas dan Timeline Dan Tempat Pelaksanaan
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Tanggung Jawab dan Pembagian Tugas
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Keterlibatan dan Komunikasi Tim
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Indikator Kinerja (Key Performance Indicators/KPI) / Keberhasilan Kerja
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Risiko dan Rencana Kontingensi / Darurat
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Dukungan Stakeholder / Penanggung Jawab
- Mengetahui Dan Memahami Kondisi Lapangan Dengan Value Chain Analysis: Kegiatan utama dalam membuat produk dan jasa, Kegiatan menyediakan kebutuhan, keperluan kegiatan bisnis dan pendukung kegiatan utama ).
Study About UML Diagram
Use Case Diagram
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Java Primitive Data Types Default Values
- ‘\u0000’ is unicode escape sequences / unicode escape character.
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Jumat, 13 Desember 2024
How To Check AsciiDoctor Version
How To Check Your AsciiDoctor Version In Microsoft Windows
- open Command Prompt.
- type
asciidoctor --version
asciidoctor -V - press Enter on keyboard.
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AsciiDoctor Link
Custom link text
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AsciiDoctor Table Tutorial 3
- Open the AsciiDoctor editor.
- Type this following Asciidoctor code sample in Asciidoctor editor:
|Column 1, header row |Column 2, header row |Column 3, header row |Column 4, header row
|Cell in column 1, row 2
2.3+|This cell spans columns 2 and 3 and rows 2, 3, and 4 because its specifier contains a span of `2.3+`
|Cell in column 4, row 2
|Cell in column 1, row 3
|Cell in column 4, row 3
|Cell in column 1, row 4
|Cell in column 4, row 4
|=== - Result, similar like this:
Column 1, header row Column 2, header row Column 3, header row Column 4, header row Cell in column 1, row 2 This cell spans in column 2 and 3 and rows 2, 3, and 4 because its specifier contains a span of 2.3+ Cell in Column 4, row 2 Cell in column 1, row 3 Cell in column 4, row 3 Cell in column 1, row 4 Cell in column 4, row 4
< Previous click AsciiDoctor Table 2
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Rabu, 11 Desember 2024
Straight Angle In Latex 1c
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: straightAngle1c.tex
% Description:
% The Straight Angle
% Composer: private course and tutor course
% horizontal straight angle with angle in the bottom side
% Label the nodes and position
\coordinate[label=above:$\textbf{A}$] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{C}$] (B) at (-1.5,0);
\coordinate[label=below right:$\textbf{B}$] (C) at (1.5,0);
% Draw the Angle Leg / Angle Ray
\draw (B) -- (A) node [circle,fill=black,radius=0.01,scale=0.1] {vertex};
\draw (C) -- (B) ;
% Label the sides
\node[above] at (-0.75,0) {$\textbf{right ray}$};
\node[below] at (-0.75,0) {\textbf{b}};
\node[below] at (0.75,0) {\textbf{a}};
\node[above] at (0.75,0) {$\textbf{left ray}$};
% Draw the straight angle mark
\draw [thick] (-0.2,0) arc(180:360:0.2);
2. Save file as straightAngle1c.tex3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
Special Characters In Latex
^: caret: Used in math mode for superscripts (e.g., $x^2$).
\~ : Backslash And Tilde: produce accents.
\^: Backslash And Caret: produce accents.
<: Less Than: upside down exclamation
>: Greater Than: upside down quotation mark
Data Processing
The Steps Of Data Processing
Data processing is a serious task that needs to be done in the right way. The data processing cycle consists of a series of steps where raw data (input) is fed into a system to produce actionable insights (output). Each step is taken in a specific order, but the entire process is repeated in a cyclic manner. The first data processing cycle's output can be stored and fed as the input for the next cycle, as the illustration below shows us.
Generally, there are 9 main steps in the data processing cycle:Step 1: Data Collection
Step 2: Storing the data
You can store your data in one of the following places:
- Data Lake: This is a centralised repository that aims to store large amounts of unstructured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.
- Data Warehouse (DW): In this storage facility, data flows into a warehouse from relational databases or transactional systems. It may also be known as an enterprise data warehouse and can be from single or multiple sources.
- Data Vault: This is a data modelling design pattern that’s used to create a warehouse for enterprise-level analytics. There are three different entities in a data vault —satellites, hubs, and links.
Step 3: Data Preparation Or Data Cleaning
The process of sorting and filtering the raw data to remove unnecessary and inaccurate data.
Raw data is checked for errors, duplication, miscalculations or missing data, and transformed into a suitable form for further analysis and processing.
The purpose of this step to remove bad data (redundant, incomplete, or incorrect data) so as to begin assembling high-quality information (accuracy, efficiency, able to analyse) so that it can be used in the best possible way for business intelligence.
Step 4: Input
The raw data is converted into machine readable form and fed into the processing unit. This can be in the form of data entry through a keyboard, scanner or any other input source.
Step 5: Data Processing
Data Processing depending on
- The source of the data being processed: Whether it has come from connected devices, data lakes, online databases, site cookies, or somewhere else.
- To use the data for: Is it for streamlining your operations, establishing patterns in user behaviour, or another purpose.
Step 6: Analysing the data
The part of the process where you extract value from the data. This is achieved by using analytical and logical reasoning to systematically evaluate the data, delivering results and conclusions that you can present to your stakeholders .There are four types of data analytics:
- Descriptive Analytics: This concerns describing things that have occurred over time. It will be things such as whether one month’s revenue is higher than its predecessors, or if the number of visitors to a website has changed from one day to another.
- Diagnostic Analytics: The focus here is on understanding the reason an event has occurred. It needs a much broader set of data and it needs a hypothesis (such as “does the Olympic games increase sales of running shoes?”) that you seek to prove or disprove.
- Predictive analytics: This type of analysis addresses events that are believed to be set for occurrence in the immediate future. It seeks to answer questions concerning things like the weather, for example: “how much hotter will this year’s summer be than last year’s?”
- Prescriptive Analytics: The distinguishing factor in this type of analysis is that there is a plan of action. For instance, a company may seek a plan for how to deal with the impact an increase of 5 degrees in temperature may have on its operations. By considering all the factors relevant to this, the data analysis determines the optimal approach to take in the event of this occurring.
Step 7: Output
Step 8 : Presenting the data
The final part of data processing is to present your findings. To make the demonstration clear and intelligible (accurate, reliable), your data will be represented in one or more of the following ways:- Plain Text Files: This is the simplest way of representing data, with the information being presented as Word, or notepad files.
- Spreadsheets And Tables: A multifunctional way of presenting data, this displays the information in columns and rows. The data can be interpreted in a range of ways, with sorting, filtering, and ordering all possible.
- Charts And Graphs: Using this approach makes it easy for your viewers to make sense of complex data, as numbers can be visualised.
- Images, Maps, Or Vectors: If you’re displaying spatial data or geographical information then you may decide to choose this method of presentation. It’s ideal for data that’s regional, national, continental, or international.
Step 9: Storage
The last step of the data processing cycle is storage, where data and metadata are stored (in well-form condition and well-defined process) for further use. This allows for quick access and retrieval of information whenever needed, and also allows it to be used as input in the next data processing cycle directly.
Well-defined data is data that is described, recorded, and shared using common data standards. These standards are based on industry best practices and ensure that data is consistent, accurate, and easy to understand.
Well-formed data indicate in syntactic correctness. The syntactic correctness satisfies a Specific (detail, simple, sensible, significant), Measurable (can be count, meaningful, motivating), Achievable (reasonably accomplish/achieve, agreed, attainable), Reachable/Relevant (probable to reach/must reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based), dan Timeable/Timebound (time bound/schedule estimation) goal criteria.
Well-accessible data is data that is easy to find, understand, and use by users within an organization. It is a crucial concept in the digital age, where data is used for decision-making, strategic planning, and operational efficiency.
Well-structured data is data that is organized in a standardized format, making it easy to access, analyze, and process:
- Structure: Structured data has a clear structure that conforms to a data model.
- Format: Structured data is presented in a tabular format with rows and columns that define data attributes.
- Meaning: The meaning, format, and definition of the data is explicitly understood.
- Access: Data is easy to access and query for humans and other programs.
- Analysis: Elements can be addressed, enabling efficient analysis and processing.
Types of Data Processing
There are different types of data processing based on the source of data and the steps taken by the processing unit to generate an output. There is no one-size-fits-all method that can be used for processing raw data.
Type: Uses1. Manual Data Processing: The Manual Data processing method is where data entry specialists record and process data manually through then manual data entry process. Though it is one of the earliest data processing methods, manual data entry is costly, time-consuming, error-prone, and labor-intensive. E.g. the ledger, paper record systems.
2. Mechanical Data Processing: Mechanical data processing processes data through mechanical devices. E.g. data from typewriters, mechanical printers, and other devices.
3. Electronic Data Processing: In EDP, the computer seamlessly processes the data automatically with pre-defined instructions from the data specialists. E.g. the use of spreadsheets to record student marks was prevalent during this time.
4. Real-time Data Processing: Real-time processing came into existence with the advent of the internet. By utilizing the internet, this processing method receives and processes data at the same time. Simply put, it captures data in real-time and generates quick or automatic reports. Used for large amounts of data. Though the process saves time and labor, it is expensive and requires heavy maintenance. E.g. take GPS tracking systems and give input on a real-time basis, withdrawing money from ATM.
5. Automatic Data Processing: Data processing cannot be made better, with no human intervention, data entry on a real-time basis, error-free, and secure than any processing methods. Though the process saves time and labor, it is expensive and requires heavy maintenance. E.g. data of billions and billions of invoices in the logistics sector.
6. Online Data Processing: Data is automatically fed into the CPU as soon as it becomes available. Used for continuous processing of data (both receive and process data simultaneously). The user can fed and extract data anytime, anywhere. E.g. barcode scanning, access cards.
7. Batch Processing: Data is collected and processed in batches (process data by providing actions to multiple data sets through a single command). Used for large amounts of data. E.g. payroll system, spreadsheets data.
8. Multiprocessing/Parallel Processing: Data is broken down into frames and processed using two or more CPUs within a single computer system. E.g. weather forecasting.
9. Time-sharing: Allocates computer resources and data in time slots to several users simultaneously. Though the process saves time and labor, it is expensive and requires heavy maintenance. E.g. airport network flight scheduling, dock network shipping scheduling.
From data processing to data analysis
Businesses and public institutions / organizations use software to collect information that reveals associations, patterns, and trends. To arrive at this outcome, they’ll follow five steps:- Determining the questions and goals
- Collecting the data they require
- Wrangling the data
- Establishing the data analysis approach
- Interpreting their results
- Your organisation analyses the data it has collected. The goal of this is to deliver valuable information, provide and support conclusions, and aid decision-making for a variety of purposes.
There are many different examples of data analysis, both in professional and personal environments.
- In the first instance, a private or public organisation may analyse data it holds about its users in order to deliver a more personalised service. For example, a customer’s past purchases may be assessed and this information could be used by companies to create bespoke offers for them.
- In the second instance, you might review a range of different companies that offer the same product and make a data-driven decision on which one to take by assessing the features against the cost
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Venn Diagram Terms
Venn Diagram Terminologies Or Set Notation
- (Mathematic) Sets
- Mathematical Sets Texts commonly denote sets by capital letters in italic, such as A, B, C. Example: A is Set A
- Venn Diagram / A Set Diagram Or Logic Diagram
- Set Element / Set Membership: ∈
Example: A∈B , ∈. A belongs to B - Not An Element Of: ∉
- Roster or Enumeration Notation is when we list elements within a set, we use these { } Curly Brackets and separate each element in the list with , commas.
Example: If A={2,3,5,7,11} - The Cardinality Of A Set, n(A), is the number of elements in a set.
Example: If A={2,3,5,7,11}, n(A)=5. - Infinite Sets In Roster Notation. An infinite set is a set with an infinite number of elements. If the pattern of its elements is obvious, an infinite set can be given in roster notation, with an ellipsis placed at the end of the list, or at both ends, to indicate that the list continues forever.
Example: If A is the set of all integers is A= {..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. - Set-Builder Notation A can be defined as follows:
A ={n |n is an integer, and 0 < n < 19\}.
F ={n | n is an integer, and 0 < n < 19} - The Complement Of A Set is denoted to an apostrophe ' It would be the remaining elements in the universal set that are not part of that set.
Example: A' is Complement Of A Set. - Intersection Of Two Sets A∩B
- Union Of Two Sets A∪B
- Symmetric Difference Of Two Sets A : A△B △ B}
- Relative Complement Of A (Left) In B (Right)
AC∩B = B\A
A'∩B = B\A - Absolute Complement Of A In U
A'=U\A - Difference Set A\B
- Empty Set Or Null Set Or Set Contains No Elements Φ or ϕ
- SubSet A⊂B (where ‘⊂’ means ‘subset of’).
- Disjoint Set A∩B = ϕ or A≠B or A∩B = {}
Senin, 09 Desember 2024
A Custom List In Latex Preview Source Code
Creating A Custom List In Latex > Creating A Custom List Using The List Environment
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Straight Angle In Latex 1b
% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: straightAngle1b.tex
% Description:
% The Straight Angle
% Composer: private course and tutor course
% horizontal straight angle with angle in the right side
% Label the nodes and position
\coordinate[label=left:$\textbf{A}$] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{B}$] (B) at (0,1.5);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{C}$] (C) at (0,-1.5);
% Draw the Angle Leg / Angle Ray
\draw (B) -- (A) node [circle,fill=black,radius=0.01,scale=0.1] {vertex} -- (C);
% Label the sides
\node[above] at (0.15,0.75) {$\textbf{a}$};
\node[below, rotate=270] at (-0.05,0.75) {\textbf{left ray}};
\node[below, rotate=270] at (-0.05,-0.75) {\textbf{right ray}};
\node[above] at (0.15,-0.75) {$\textbf{b}$};
% Draw the straight angle mark
\draw [thick] (0,-0.2) arc(270:450:0.2);
2. Save file as straightAngle1b.tex3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
The Most Common Symbol In Latex
Text Mode
symbol: symbol function/symbol name: latex syntax
\: backslash: \textbackslash or \textasciibackslash
%: percentage: \%
$: dollar currency sign / dollar currency mark: \$ or \textdollar
{ }: curly bracket / curly brace: \{ \}
<: less than: \textless
>: greater than: \textgreater
&: ampersand: \&
#: number sign / hash mark / hash tag: \#
_ under score: \_
^: caret: \^ or \^{} or \textasciicircum
- hyphen: -
–: en-dash: -- or \textendash
—: em-dash: --- or \textemdash
|: vertical bar / pipe bar: \textbar
~ tilde: \~{} or \textasciitilde
Math Mode
\: backslash: \setminus or \backslash
|: vertical bar / pipe bar: \vert or \mid
~ tilde: \sim
- The colon symbol is only for separator delimiter.
- Use \usepackage{amsmath}, \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} and other package, if you see an error. Or use XeLaTeX and other build typeset Tex engine, if you see an error.
special character, delimiter, special symbol, special notation, reserved character
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