- type this following latex code in Latex editor for drawing a number line:
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%Plotting inequalities on a number line
%* Using Relative Coordinates
%draw axes line
\draw[latex-,thick] (-1,0) -- (9,0) ;
\draw[-latex,thick] (-1,0) -- (9,0) ;
%edit here for vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} \draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt);
%edit here for number labels
\foreach \x in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} \draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,0pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) node[below] {$\mathbf{\x}$};
%draw a node in number
\draw[o-*] (2.9223,0) -- (5.075,0);
%edit to sharpen the intersection line of axes
\draw[ultra thick] (2.98,0) -- (5.02,0);
%draw x <= 5 line
\draw [red, thick, -stealth] (5,0) -- ++(0,0.6) -- ++(-5,0);
%draw x >= 3 line
\draw [blue, thick, -stealth] (3,0) -- ++(0,0.4) -- ++( 4,0);
\end{document} - Save file as plotInequal1a.tex.
- Typeset or Build.
Senin, 28 Oktober 2024
Number Line In Latex 3
How To Check Sqlite Version
- You must installed sqlite.
- Open Command Prompt, to learn How To Launch Command Prompt >
- Go to sqlite path, in this example D:\portable\sqlite\
- type sqlite3, press Enter on keyboard.
- type SELECT sqlite_version(); Built-In Scalar SQL Function then press Enter on keyboard.
Alternative step
- You must installed sqlite.
- Open Command Prompt, to learn How To Launch Command Prompt >
- Go to sqlite path, in this example D:\portable\sqlite\
- type sqlite3 --version, press Enter on keyboard.
- Type only font in monospace in command prompt, e.g. sqlite3.
- To see the more clear screenshot, click on the picture.
Related Post
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 7
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
Difference Set picture
Related Post
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 6
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
Disjoint Set picture
Related Post
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 5
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
Subset picture
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 4
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
A intersect B picture
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 3
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
A union B picture
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 2
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
Complement Set A picture
Related Post
Mathematics Set Operation In Latex 1
- Set A picture
- Complement Set A picture
- A union B picture
- A intersect B picture
- Subset picture
- Disjoint Set picture
- Difference Set picture
Set A picture
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Jumat, 25 Oktober 2024
Number Line In Latex 2
- type this following latex code in Latex editor for drawing a number line:
- Save file as numberLine2.tex.
number line in latex 2 |
- To see the more clear screenshot, click on the picture.
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Learn Cascading StyleSheet ( CSS )
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Introduction to CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets )
Styling Your Text
Daftar CSS Properties Pada List
Multilevel Nested List In Web Page
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Escape Sequence Character In HTML And XML
Creating Links
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Rabu, 23 Oktober 2024
Jenis Kata Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Jenis Kata / Kelas Kata dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah:
- Kata benda (nomina)
- Berdasarkan Acuan
- Nomina konkret (contoh: meja, kursi, mawar, kucing) dengan nomina abstrak (contoh: masalah, kesalahan, kejujuran, kebenaran).
- Nomina umum atau nama jenis (pasar, hewan) dengan nomina nama diri (menyebut nama spesifik, contoh: Amir, Ita, kelinci).
- Nomina terbilang (contoh: guru, pensil) dengan nomina tak terbilang (contoh: air, rasa hormat, rasa cinta)
- Berdasarkan Bentuk
- Nomina dasar
Nomina dasar adalah kata-kata yang yang secara konkret menunjukkan identitas suatu benda, sehingga kata ini sudah tidak bisa lagi diuraikan ke bentuk lainnya. Contohnya meja, kursi. - Nomina turunan
Nomina turunan adalah nomina yang mengalami proses morfologis, misalnya sudah mendapat imbuhan. Contohnya seperti kata masakan, anaknya, kewajiban. - Kata bilangan (numeralia)
- Kata bilangan pokok yang menjawab pertanyaan, contohnya pada kata “berapa”.
- Kata bilangan tingkat yang menjawab pertanyaan, contohnya kata “keberapa”.
- Kata depan (preposisi)
- Kata ganti (pronomina)
- Kata ganti persona (contohnya: saya, aku, dll),
- Kata ganti tanya (contoh: apa, siapa, bagaimana),
- Kata ganti penunjuk (contoh: ini, disini, begini).
- Kata hubung (konjungsi)
- Konjungsi tunggal memiliki bentuk satu kata saja, misalnya pada kata “untuk”.
- Konjungsi gabungan adalah konjungsi yang terdiri dari dua kata. Misalnya pada kata “oleh karena”.
- Kata kerja (verba)
- Kata kerja dasar adalah verba yang berupa kata dasar sehingga tidak mendapat imbuhan. Contohnya kata makan, minum, lari, dll.
- Kata kerja turunan adalah kata kerja yang sudah mengalami perubahan bentuk, misalnya sudah mendapat imbuhan. Contohnya adalah kata memakan, memasak, berlari, meminum, diminum.
- Kata keterangan (adverbia)
- Berdasarkan makna, yaitu :
- kata keterangan kualitatif,
- kata keterangan kuantitatif,
- kata keterangan limitatif,
- kata keterangan frekuentatif,
- kata keterangan kewaktuan,
- kata keterangan kecaraan atau cara,
- kata keterangan kontrastif,
- kata keterangan keniscayaan.
- Berdasarkan bentukya,
- Kata keterangan tunggal contohnya kata: akan, sebaiknya, dll.
- Kata keterangan gabungan seperti: hampir saja, bukan….saja.
- Kata sandang (artikel/artikula)
- Kata seru
- Kata sifat (adjektiva)
- Berdasarkan Makna
- Kata sifat bertaraf (penunjuk kualitas, misalnya kata ringan)
- Kata sifat menerangkan kualitas atau intensitas, misalnya bersih, rapi, nyaman.
- Kata sifat tak bertaraf (penunjuk keanggotaan dalam golongan, misalnya kata buntu).
- Berdasarkan Bentuk
- Kata sifat dasar, Contohnya pada kata “megah”.
- Kata sifat turunan. Contohnya pada kata dasar ketika ada imbuhan menjadi “termegah” maka menjadi kata sifat turunan.
- Partikel Penegas.
yaitu kata yang berfungsi untuk menegakkan kata yang mendahuluinya. Dalam TBBBI terdapat 4 partikel penegas, yakni pun, -kah, -lah, dan -tah.
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Part Of Speech
Part Of Speech consist of:
- Adjective
- Article
- Adverb
- Conjunction
- Determiner
- Interjection
- Noun
- Preposition
- Pronoun
- Verb
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Hello World In Java
- Type this following Java source code in your IDE:
class MyFirstJavaProgram {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Prints "Hello, World" in the terminal window
System.out.println("Hello World");
//As main method is static no need to create a object for class MyFirstJavaProgram - Save as MyFirstJavaProgram.java.
- Compile and run Java source code from above.
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Change Directory In Command Prompt
Set current directory to the root directory of the current drive
- type this in Command Prompt
cd \ - press Enter
Set current directory to "Windows" relative to current directory of the current drive
- type this in Command Prompt
cd Windows - press Enter
Set current directory absolutely to "\Windows\System" of the current drive
- type this in Command Prompt
cd \Windows\System - press Enter
Set current directory absolutely. Enclosed with double quotes if pathname contains blank.
- type this in Command Prompt
cd "\Program Files\Microsoft Office" - press Enter
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Selasa, 22 Oktober 2024
HTML Alternate Text
HTML ALT Text Notes:
- The ALT text adds a text description to an image on a Web page, and should be used for all images, graphical bullets, and graphical horizontal rules.
- The ALT text is accessed by screen reader (e.g. Jaws, Microsoft Narrator, Apple VoiceOver, etc.) users to provide them with a text equivalent of images.
- In browsers such as Firefox, the ALT text is displayed when an image is fail to load.
Lyx Menu
New from Template
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Move Paragraph Up
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Senin, 21 Oktober 2024
Case Tools
Components of CASE Tools
- Central Repository CASE Tools: A central repository is required by the tools to serve as a common source of integrated and consistent information. The central place of storage consisting of specifications of product, documents requirement, diagrams and reports and information about the management is a central repository. The central repository also acts as a data dictionary.
- Upper CASE Tools: Planning, analysis, and designing of different stages of the software development life cycle can be performed using upper case.
- Lower CASE Tools: Implementation, testing, and maintenance can be performed using lower case.
- Integrated: All the stages of the software development life cycle right from the gathering of requirements for testing and documentation can be performed using integrated tools.
- Diagram Tools:
The components of the system, data flow, control flow and the structure of the system can be represented in graphical form using diagram tools. - Process Modeling:
The software process model can be created using process modelling tools for software development. The managers can choose a process model using process modelling tools or make modifications depending upon the software product requirements. - Project Management
Planning of the project, estimation of cost and efforts, scheduling of project and organizing of resources can be done using project management tools. - Documentation Tools
Before the beginning of software process, documentation of the software project must begin. This documentation must cover the all the software development life cycle phases and the completion of the software development phase as well. The documents are generated by the documentation tools for both technical and end users. The in-house professionals in the development team who refer the manual maintained for the system, manual maintained for reference, manual for training, manuals for installation etc. is described in the technical users documents. The functioning of the system and how system works is described in the end user documents. - Analysis
Requirements gathering, inconsistency checks, diagrams inaccuracy, redundancies in the data etc. can be checked using analysis. - Design
The block structure of the software can be designed by the software designers using design tools which are again broken down into smaller modules using techniques of refinement. The detailing of every module and the interconnections between the modules can be done using this. - Configuration Management Tools
Whenever one version of software instance is released, configuration management tools deals with the following:- Management of revision and version.
- Configuration management of baseline.
- Change control management.
- Change Control
Change Control are a part of configuration management. The changes that occur in the software after fixing its baseline or after the first release of the software are dealt by change control tools. Tracking the changes, management of files, management of codes etc. can be automated using change control. The change policy of the organization can be enforced by using change control. - Programming
The programming environments like integrated development environment , library consisting of in built modules, simulation are all included in programming tools. The development of software product is aided by these and simulation and testing features are included. - Prototyping
The simulated version of the software product to be built is called a prototype in software. The look and feel of the product is provided by the prototype and several aspects of the actual product can be simulated using prototyping. Graphical libraries are contained in the prototyping tools. User interfaces and design that are hardware independent can be created using prototyping. Rapid prototypes can be built using prototyping based on the existing information. The software prototype can be simulated using prototyping tools. - Web Development
The web pages like forms, text, script, graphic etc. can be designed using web development tools. The web page that is being developed can be previewed to see how it looks after completion using web development. - Quality Assurance
Monitoring the engineering process and methods used for software development to ensure the quality is as per the standards of the organization can be performed using quality assurance tools. The configuration change control and software testing tools come under the category of QA tools. - Maintenance
If there are any modifications after the delivery of the software product can be done through software maintenance tools. Techniques for automatically logging, error reporting, generation of error tickets automatically and root cause analysis are used in the maintenance phase of the software development life cycle to help the software organizations.
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DFD ( Data Flow Diagram ) 1
A Data Store/File/Database may represent one of many different physical data; for example, a file folder, one or more computer-based file(s), or a notebook. A Data Store/File/Database symbol notation by Ed Yourdon-Peter Coad and Yourdon-DeMarco use parallel lines, while A Data Store/File/Database symbol notation by Chris Gane and Trish Sarson use an open-ended rectangle.
A Process/Function is the work or actions performed on data so that they are transformed, stored, or distributed. A Process/Function symbol notation by Ed Yourdon-Peter Coad and Yourdon-DeMarco use circles for processes, while A Process/Function symbol notation by Chris Gane and Trish Sarson use rectangles with rounded corners, sometimes called lozenges.
A Source/Sink or Input/Output is the origin and/or destination of the data. Sources/sinks are sometimes referred to as external entities because they are outside the system. A Source/Sink or Input/Output symbol notation use rectangle/square/box.
A Data Flow/Flow can be best understood as data in motion, moving from one place in a system to another. A Data Flow symbol notation use arrow line.
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How To Check Your Dot Net Framework Version
How To Check Microsoft .Net Framework Version Using File Explorer
- Open File Explorer.
- Browse the following path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework
- Open the folder with the latest version – for example, v4.0.30319.
- Right-click any of the ".dll" files and select the Properties option.
- Click the Details tab.
- In the "Product version" section, confirm the version of .NET – for example, 4.8.9032.0.
How To Check Microsoft .Net Framework Version Using Registry
- Open Start.
- Search for regedit and click the top result to open the Registry.
- Browse the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP.
- Expand the main version key – for example, v4 or v4.0.
- Select the Client key.
- On the right, check the "Version" string to determine the release of the .NET Framework.
How To Check Microsoft .Net Framework Version Using Program and Features
- Open Start menu > Control Panel.
- Click “Programs” > “Programs and Features”.
- Scroll down to “Microsoft .NET Framework”.
- Check the version number next to each entry. It’s usually in a format like “vX.Y.ZZZZ”.