Rabu, 05 Februari 2025

Seeing The Doctor 1

Doctor: Good Morning. How can I help you?
Patient: I have a cold lately.
Doctor: I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you been feeling like this?
Patient: I have a cold for two weeks.
Doctor: Okay, let me check you. Have you done anything recently that might have caused the pain?
(Doctor performs the physical exam.)
Patient: Not really. I haven’t changed anything, but I have not enough sleep.
Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms like headaches, or any aches and pains?
Patient: No, nothing like that.
Doctor: You’re looking healthy. Just keep up with a healthy condition, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
Patient: Okay, I will. Thank you.
Doctor: You are welcome. We will make schedule your next check-up appointment before you leave. Call me before your next check-up appointment if you are feel worse.
Patient: Okay. Is there anything else to do, doctor?
Doctor: No, there are not. Goodbye!
Patient: Goodbye!


Cambridge; English Books
Language Success Press; English Books

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