Rabu, 05 Februari 2025

Customizing Latex Font Style 2

Font Family List

T1 = Avant Garde = tgadventor
T1 = Bitstream Vera Sans = bera
T1 = Bookman = tgbonum
bch = Charter = \usepackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign}
ccr = Computer Concrete
cmr = Computer Modern = Serif
cmss = Computer Modern Sans Serif = Sans Serif
cmtt = Computer Modern Typewriter = Typewriter / Monospace
T1 = Courier = courierten
phv = Helvetica = Sans Serif
T1 = Inconsolata = inconsolata
lmr = Latin Modern
lmss = Latin Modern Sans = lmodern
lmtt = Latin Modern Typewriter
T1 = New Century Schoolbook = fouriernc
T1 = Palatino = type this following Latex source code to provide math font in math mode:
T1 = Times = \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} (normal mode font and math mode font) or tgtermes or mathptmx (mathmode font) or txfonts
uncl = Uncial = type this following Latex source code to provide math font in math mode:
\usepackage{uncial} %% locate this code before \begin{document}
{\unclfamily The quick BROWN FOX Jumps over The sleazy dog} %% locate this code inside \begin{document}
put = Utopia = fourier
pzc = Zapf Chancery = urwchancal / tgchorus

The TeX Gyre project font family:

\usepackage{tgadventor} %% URW Gothic L family / ITC Avant Garde Gothic / Sans-Serif
\usepackage{tgbonum} %% RW Bookman L family (from Bookman Old Style
\usepackage{tgchorus} %% URW Chancery L Medium Italic / ITC Zapf Chancery
\usepackage{tgheros} %% URW Nimbus Sans L / Helvetica
\usepackage{tgpagella} %% URW Palladio L / Palatino
\usepackage{tgschola} %% URW Century Schoolbook L family / Century Schoolbook
\usepackage{tgtermes} %%  URW Nimbus Roman No9 L family / Times New Roman


  • Type only font in monospace ( text formatting similar to typewriter machine ) in your Latex editor.
  • If you need Sans-Serif Math Font, type this Latex source code, before \begin{document}:
  • You may choose more agile and robust font in other commercial font that not mention in this post.
  • Some font only compatible in modern Latex editor and modern pdf reader.


https://ctan.org/ ( manual book )
https://tug.org/ ( manual book )

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