Kamis, 02 Januari 2025

Latex Package For Title

These are ordinary latex Package list To Handle Document Title:
authblk package. * 
babel package.
biihead package. *
blkcntrl package. *
context-title package. *
coverpage package.
csquotes package.
dblfont package. *
etoc package.
fncychap package.
fontscale package. *
fwlw package. 
hep-title package.
hyperref package.
indentfirst package. *
lips package. *
luaquotes package.
marginfix package.
marginnote package.
microtype package.
mparhack package.
parskip package.
polyglossia package.
quotes package. *
scalefnt package. *
sectsty package.
setspace package.
slemph package. *
textcase package.
titlecaps package.
titlepages package.
titles package. *
titlesec package.
titling package.
titlepic package.
xcolor package.

* package is not available on all latex Miktex or TexLive version. You must to installed separated.


https://www.ucd.ie/ ( university )
https://www.unpad.ac.id/ ( university )
https://www.york.ac.uk/ ( university )

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