Rabu, 02 Oktober 2024

Latex Package To Handle The Box

These are latex ordinary Package list To Handle Box:
amsmath package. ( boxed command )
bclogo package.
breqn package. ( dmath command with frame parameter )
color package.
empheq package.
environ package. ( fitbox command )
framed package.
fancybox package.
graphicx package. ( resizebox, scalebox command )
mathtools package. ( Aboxed command )
mdframed package.
pbox package.
rotating package. ( rotatebox command )
rotfloat package.
tcolorbox package.
tikz package. ( tikznode command )
xcolor package.

Latex Box Commands noindent with fbox, parbox

        % your text here

Use \linewidth - 2\fboxsep instead \textwidth for two column layout and the box around text to align with text.

Latex Box Commands fbox with minipage

% your text here

Latex Box Commands fcolorbox

% your text here
Add \begin{minipage} on % your text here for two column layout and the box around text to align with text.

These are Latex Box:



https://www.itb.ac.id/ ( university )

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