Minggu, 26 November 2023

Most Java Exception 1

These following list are Java Exception Class Name:
  • ArithmeticException
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • ClassNotFoundException
  • Exception
  • FileNotFoundException
  • IOException
  • IllegalArgumentException
  • InterruptedException
  • NoSuchFieldException
  • NoSuchMethodException
  • NullPointerException
  • NumberFormatException
  • RuntimeException
  • SQLException
  • StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
java programming language, java syntax, error handling



Kamis, 23 November 2023

Preamble In Latex

All LaTeX documents start with a preamble. Most common preamble latex command consists of: 


The first command in any document.  Used to specify what type of document is being made.  Some common arguments are article (common for scientific journals), book, slides, beamer (for presentations), standalone.


This command imports a package into the LaTeX document.  This is important for including any commands that are not standard in LaTeX.


The intended title of the document should be used as the argument


The author of the document should be used as the argument.


The argument is the date associated with the document.  Note that leaving the argument empty will create a blank date in the title, and not including the command will make the default title to the date compiled.


Type this latex script in your latex document, before \begin{document} and after \documentclass{book} line:

\title{your title here...}

\author{Private Course and Tutor Course}

\date{November 1991}

Type this latex script after \begin{document} line:


<< previous Latex Template 1


https://www.gvsu.edu/ ( university )

https://www.nyu.edu/ ( university )

latex, tex, latex script, latex command, latex document, latex article, latex book preamble, latex beamer, latex standalone, latex document title, latex document author, latex document environment

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Rabu, 22 November 2023

Circle Element

Circle=Lingkaran.     Click here to view the circle »

Center / Centre / Midpoint=Titik pusat lingkaran


Diameter=Diameter      Click here to view the circle's diameter  »





Minor Arc=Busur Kecil/Pendek

Major Arc=Busur Besar/Panjang

Chord=Tali Busur


Minor Slice/Sector=Juring Kecil

Major Slice/Sector=Juring Besar


Minor Segment=Tembereng Kecil

Major Segment=Tembereng Besar


Tangent=Garis Singgung

Secant=Garis Potong

Semicircle/Half Of A Circle=Setengah Lingkaran

Quadrant/Quarter Of A Circle=Seperempat Lingkaran


Close the opening window after view the Circle element.

pelajaran sekolah, pelajaran matematika, pelajaran mtk, pelajaran bahasa inggris, ilmu mtk, ilmu sekolah, school lesson, english lesson, school course



Related Post:

PHP MySql Function List

How many rows or records get updated or deleted or affected by a given query.

Adding one incremented auto number to each record once added.

Closing one open connection to MySQL database.

Connecting string to store userid and password and database name to connect to MySQL

Create a database in MySQL

List the name of all databases in MySQL

Associated error number of each mysql query

Error message after executing a query

we can get the type of field with all other details about the field

get the length of data used in all fields of a record

get the row of data from a MySQL table

getting the field flags associated with the field.

Returns the maximum length of a field in a recordset

Returns the name of a field in a recordset

Type of field used in MySQL table.

Get the auto increment id of the last inserted record

List of database in MySQL

List of tables present in a database

Number of fields present in a query or in a table

Getting the total number of rows in a query or in a table

Function to execute any query statement in MySQL database



hypertextpreprocessor, database, web programming. structured query language, web development language

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List All Enabled PHP Extension

Using the php -m Command

The php -m command is a quick and simple way to list all installed and loaded / enabled PHP extensions / modules on a computer.
  1. Type this following command in our terminal / command line / command prompt:
    php -m
  2. press Enter on keyboard.

SQL Queries Command

SELECT * FROM table_name;
If you want to display all the attributes from a particular table, this is the right query to use:

SELECT column_name, ... FROM table;
If you want to display particular attributes from a particular table, this is the right query to use:

DROP VIEW view_name;
This query will delete a view. Remember that the DROP VIEW is disallowed if there are any views dependent on the view you are about to drop.

UPDATE table_name SET Column_1=001, Column_2='value_2', ...;
Update the values of two columns.

CREATE TABLE table ( field_1 int, field_2 varchar(80), .... );
add the table and some of the column labels.

CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_1, column_2, ... FROM table_name;
Create a view that can be used to query data from table1.

INSERT INTO table_name ( column_1, column_2, ... ) VALUES ( value_1, value_2, ... );
to add new rows of data into a table in the database.



Jumat, 17 November 2023

Microsoft Access SQL Sample

  1. Open Microsoft Office Access
  2. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
  3. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Data Definition.
  4. Type the following SQL statement:
    CREATE TABLE product (
    [Id] INTEGER, Name CHAR, Price FLOAT, 
    Stock INTEGER, Category INTEGER,
  5. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.



database, table sample, sequel, structure query language, programmer, administrator, technical support, data, system

Related Post:

Top Database Comment Syntax 1

Comment syntax in SQL/No SQL script or other source code.


Single Line

# comment goes here

or you can type:

-- comment goes here

Multiple Line / Several Line

/* comment goes here */

PLSQL ( Oracle Procedural Language extensions to SQL )

Single Line

-- comment goes here

Multiple Line / Several Line

/* comment goes here */

SQL Server (Microsoft Transact SQL)

Single Line

-- comment goes here

Multiple Line / Several Line

/* comment goes here */


MongoDB Query

you can insert or include or snipping in every MongoDB query as operator.

$comment: comment goes here

MongoDB Configuration Single Line

# comment goes here

MongoDB With JavaScript (JS)

use JavaScript single line comment:

// comment goes here

MongoDB With Python Single Line / Multi Line

# comment goes here








Related Post:

Memelihara Kesehatan Lingkungan

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Office Excel 1

Aktivitas Kebugaran Jasmani

Ribbon Home Pada Microsoft PowerPoint

Fungsi Ribbon Home Pada Microsoft Office PowerPoint:

Clipboard > Paste:

Clipboard > Copy : Menggandakan objek yang dipilih.

Clipboard > Cut :

Clipboard > Format Painter :

Slides > New Slide : Menyisipkan / menambahkan slide baru.

Slides > Layout : Menentukan tata letak slide.

Slides > Reset : Menata ulang ukuran, posisi, dan format slide.

Slides > Delete : Menghapus slide.

Font > Font : Mengatur jenis huruf.

Font > Font Size : Mengatur ukuran huruf sesuai yang diinginkan.

Font > Increase Font Size : Memperbesar ukuran huruf.

Font > Decrease Font Size : Memperkecil ukuran huruf.

Font > Clear All Formatting : Menghapus seluruh format teks.

Font > Font Color : Mengatur warna huruf.

Font > Change Case : Mengatur huruf besar (kapital) / huruf kecil.

Font > Character Spacing : Mengatur spasi di setiap karakter huruf.

Font > Text Shadow : Memberikan bayangan di belakang huruf.

Font > Strikethrough : Memberi tanda coret atau garis di tengah teks.

Font > Underline : Memberikan garis bawah pada teks.

Font > Italic : Memiringkan teks.

Font > Bold : Menebalkan teks.

Paragraph > Bullets : Memberikan tanda “bullet” pada tiap paragraf yang diinginkan.

Paragraph > Numbering : Memberikan tanda berupa penomoran pada tiap paragraf yang diinginkan.

Paragraph > Increase List Level : Menggeser baris paragraf ke kanan.

Paragraph > Decrease List Level : Menggeser baris paragraf ke kiri.

Paragraph > Line Spacing : Mengatur jarak antar baris pada tiap paragraf.

Paragraph > Text Direction : Merubah orientasi teks sesuai yang diinginkan.

Paragraph > Align Text : Merubah posisi teks secara vertikal.

Paragraph > Columns : Merubah teks menjadi 2 kolom / lebih sesuai keinginan.

Paragraph > Justify : Mengatur rata teks pada paragraf.

Paragraph > Align Text Right : Mengatur rata kanan pada teks dalam paragraf.

Paragraph > Center : Mengatur rata tengah pada teks dalam paragraf.

Paragraph > Align Text Left : Mengatur rata kiri pada teks dalam paragraf.

Drawing > Shapes : Membuat gambar / bentuk.

Drawing > Quick Styles

Drawing > Shape Fill : Memberi warna pada objek.

Drawing > Shape Outline : Memberi warna pada bingkai.

Drawing > Shape Effects : Memberi efek pada objek yang dipilih.

Drawing > Shape Fill : Memberi warna pada objek.

Editing > Find : Mencari kata tertentu dalam suatu file tertentu.

Editing > Replace : Mengganti kata tertentu dalam suatu file.

Editing > Select : Memilih objek dalam suatu file.












ms powerpoint, ms office, mspowerpoint, microsoft office powerpoint,

 Related Post:

Ribbon File Pada Microsoft Office Word

Fungsi Ribbon File Pada Microsoft Office Word:

File > New : Membuka document baru yang masih kosong.

File > Open : Membuka file document yang telah disimpan.

File > Close : Menutup document.

File > Save : Menyimpan document ke media penyimpanan.

File > Save As : Menyimpan document ke media penyimpanan dalam format lain.

File > Print > Print Preview : Melihat tampilan dari document yang akan di cetak.

File > Print : Mencetak document dan mengatur kerja printer.

File > Share > Email : Mengirim document melalui email.

File > Info > Properties : Mengetahui beberapa keterangan mengenai isi document.

Close button on Title Bar on Microsoft Word Program Window: Menutup program Microsoft word.

To see Ribbon File Picture click Ribbon File In Microsoft Word With Picture.>>

<< back to Ribbon In Microsoft Word









ms word, ms office, msword, microsoft office modern, office program, word processor

 Related Post:


Kamis, 16 November 2023

TexLive Command Prompt

command ; description

Typing this following command in Command Prompt Line:

tlmgr -?, --help ; Show this help message

tlmgr repository list ; List of repositories (usually online) location.

tlmgr install PACKAGE_NAME ; By default all packages on which the given package is dependent are also installed.

tlmgr install --file FILE ; Install packages from the the package files given on the command line. These files must be standard TeX Live package files (with contained tlpobj file).

tlmgr check PACKAGE_NAME -v ; Check info of installed package ( not all version ). For several version this command to check tlmgr version and the tools.

other additional options/arguments of tlmgr check PACKAGE_NAME:

--version ; Show version information and exit.

other command :

kpsewhich PACKAGE_NAME.sty ; To check if a package is installed and output the path.

TexLive Package Manager Info

tlmgr (TexLive Package manager command) actions "show" and "list" are merged into "info" action,  but are still supported for backward compatibility.

tlmgr info ; With no argument, lists all packages available at the package repository.

other additional options/argument of tlmgr info for list:

--list PACKAGE_NAME ; List the package information, including those for platform-specific dependencies, to check if a package is installed and given with schemes and collections, their dependencies.

--list --data name ; List the package names only.

--only-installed       ;   If this option is given, the installation source will not be used; only locally installed packages, collections, or schemes are listed.

other command example of tlmgr info:

tlmgr info PACKAGE_NAME ; Other alternative for shorter information.

tlmgr info PACKAGE_NAME --only-installed ; Other alternative for shorter information and check for local installed packages only.


https://www.utah.edu/ ( university )
https://www.asu.edu/ ( university )

Rabu, 15 November 2023

How To Check The GTags or CTags Version

How To Check The Exuberant Ctags Version

  1. open Command Prompt.
  2. type ctags --version
    type gtags –-version
  3. press Enter on keyboard.






https://rptu.de/ ( university )


http://www.ulisboa.pt/ ( university )

command line, terminal, bash shell, installation, install

Related Post:

How To Check GhostScript Version

  1. open Command Prompt.
  2. type  gs –-version
    type gswin32c –version
    type gswin64c –version
  3. then press Enter on keyboard.


Related Post:

  • The MySQLi Extension Function Summary 1

Jumat, 10 November 2023

Top Command Prompt


Type dir command to list the contents of a directory so that you know what files and folders are in it


then press Enter on keyboard.


Type cd command to change the current directory or folder.

cd [path to folder]

then press Enter on keyboard.

or you can type :

chdir [path to folder]

then press Enter on keyboard.

How To Access The Another Drive

Type the drive’s letter, followed by : (colon). For example, if you wanted to change the drive from C: to D:, you should type: 

then press Enter on keyboard.


Type the mkdir or the md command to make a new folder.

MKDIR [Folder]

then press Enter on keyboard.


MD [Folder]

then press Enter on keyboard.


Type copy command to copy a file or two, or more, from one directory to another.

copy [path\file.ext] [path\newfile.ext]

then press Enter on keyboard.


Type ren command to rename files and folders.

For example, if you wanted to rename folders, type:

ren Folder NewFolderName

then press Enter on keyboard.

For example, if you wanted to rename the file name, type:

ren filename.extension newname.extension

then press Enter on keyboard.


Type del command to erase a file that you no longer need.

del [file.ext]

then press Enter on keyboard.


Type the rd command to remove any empty folder.

RD [Folder_Name]
then press Enter on keyboard.


Type cls command to clearing Command Prompt window from previous commands and their output.


then press Enter on keyboard.


Type help command to get a list of essential commands.


then press Enter on keyboard.

Type help followed by the name of a command you want to know more about the command, its command syntax, command use, and command detailed description.

help [command]

then press Enter on keyboard.



command line, shell, terminal, bash, microsoft windows, disk, operating system, best of, personal computer, pc, cmd, folder, directory

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Lorem Ipsum

These following text are 5 paragraph static lorem ipsum:

Click on the text area to select all the contents. And then copy the text with Ctrl+C



Selasa, 07 November 2023

Code Block In Markdown

Depending on your Markdown processor or editor, you’ll use three backticks (```) or three tildes (~~~) on the lines before and after the code block.



  "firstName": "John",

  "lastName": "Smith",

  "age": 25



Escaping Backticks

If the word or phrase you want to denote as code includes one or more backticks, you can escape it by enclosing the word or phrase in double backticks (``).

MarkdownHTMLRendered Output
``Use `code` in your Markdown file.``<code>Use `code` in your Markdown file.</code>Use `code` in your Markdown file.

Senin, 06 November 2023

Markdown Emphasis

Markdown Emphasis Italic, Bold, and Monospace

 *Italic* to italic, **bold** to bold, and `monospace` to monospace.

lightweight markup syntax, lightweight markup document, lightweight markup language

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Markdown Basic Syntax Contents

Markdown Headers

Post about Markdown

Latex Text Mode Symbol

Bentuk Aljabar 1 Dalam Bentuk Latex

Opera And Google Chrome Extensions 1

Latex Math Mode Font

Latex Math Mode Text Style Format

Font Type: Command NamePackage RequiredFont Sample
Serif Family \mathrm{ABC abc} - ABCabc
Sans Serif Family \mathsf{ABC abc} - ABCabc
Boldface Series \mathbf{ABC abc} - ABCabc
Italic Shape \mathit{ABC abc} - ABCabc
Typewriter Family \mathtt{ABC abc} - ABCabc
Mathematical Normal \mathnormal{ABCabc} - ABCabc
Mathematical Boldface \boldmath{ABCabc} amssymb ABCabc
Calligraphic \mathcal{ABC abc} -
Open \Bbb{ABC abc} amsfonts / amssymb
Open \mathbb{ABC abc} amsfonts / amssymb / txfonts / pxfonts
Fraktur \mathfrak{ABC abc} eufrak / amsfonts / amssymb
RSFS Font \mathscr{ABC abc} mathrsfs
\varmathbb{ABC abc} txfonts / pxfonts
\textgoth{ABC abc} yfonts
Double Stroke Font \mathds{ABC abc} dsfont


https://latex-tutorial.com/  https://en.wikipedia.org/ https://www.math-linux.com/ https://www.overleaf.com/ https://stackoverflow.com/ https://www.compart.com/ http://latex.org/ https://physicsread.com/ https://blog.webnersolutions.com/

latex math, learn latex, latex document formatting, reference table, reference sheet, bold

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Kamis, 02 November 2023

Boilerplate HTML

These code are HTML Starter template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>My Website</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
    <link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
        <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>  
<script src="index.js"></script>




hypertext markup language, template, sample, page, web page, internet page

Related Post:

JavaScript RoadMap

  • Learn HTML and CSS (web dev). click this link to learn HTML 
  • JS foundations like ECMAScript docs, JS Architecture.
  • JS Basics: Syntax, variables, DataTypes, Expression And Operators, Data Type Casting, Loops And Iterations.
  • Learn Arrays, Functions, Control Flow and Conditionals.
  • Objects and Prototypes*, JSON.
  • Classes, Iterators and Generators*.
  • Promises, Async, Await, and other API*.
  • Collections And Data Structures*, Error Handling or Exception Handling, Modules*.
  • Proxy and Reflection*, DOM. * is intermediate and advanced level.

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Rabu, 01 November 2023

Check ImageMagick Version

To Check ImageMagick Version Method 1

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt or command line and type :
    "convert -version".
  2. then press Enter on keyboard. 
    If ImageMagick is installed, it will return the version number.

To Check ImageMagick Version Method 2 In Linux / Unix / Apple macOS ( Macintosh )

  1. Open a Linux Terminal or Linux Shell or Linux Command Line or Linux Console 
  2. and type : 
    "which convert" 
    command on a Linux/Apple macOS ( Macintosh )
  3. then press Enter on keyboard.
  4. This will return the path to the convert executable if it is installed.

To Check ImageMagick Version Method 2 In Microsoft Windows

  1. Open a Microsoft Windows Command Prompt or Microsoft Windows Command Line 
  2. and type :
    "where convert"
    command on a windows.
  3. then press Enter on keyboard.
  4. This will return the path to the convert executable if it is installed.

To Check ImageMagick Version Method 3

  1. You can use the command "magick -version" to check the version of ImageMagick.
  2. then press Enter on keyboard.
  3. This will return the path to the convert executable if it is installed.


Every command in monospace font type, must be typing without double quotes, except the command with parameter and option that need a whitespace and other character.

how to verify imagemagick installation, command line program, command prompt software

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