Minggu, 30 April 2023

Most Used Chinese Fonts

For Learning Chinese Language or Read News Paper in Chinese Language, Comic in Chinese Language or ManHua in Chinese Language, or Novel in Chinese language, You must install Windows in Chinese language or install Chinese font ( 字體, 字体 zì tǐ, 字形 zì xíng ).

Chinese fonts:

  • songti ( 宋 体 ) = Chinese font serif
  • heiti ( 黑 体 ) = Chinese font sans serif.
  • kaiti ( 楷 体 ) = Chinese decorative brush script fonts.

Songti fonts ( 宋 体 ) Sòng Tǐ :

similar to Times New Roman font.

  • Simsun ( 简体字 ) jiǎn tǐ zì / Simplified Chinese input font or other name is Zhongyi Songti (中易宋体).
  • New Songti (NSimsun – 新宋体) Simplified Chinese input font.
  • MingLiu 明體  ( 繁體字 or 繁体字 ) fán tǐ zì or Traditional Chinese input font.
  • DFKai-SB font is a serif style with Traditional Chinese support.

Heiti fonts ( 黑 体 ) Hēi Tǐ:

similar to Helvetica / Arial Unicode MS

  • Hiragino Sans GB ( 冬 黑体 简体 中文 )
  • Microsoft Yahei ( 微 软 雅 黑 )
  • Simhei ( 黑 体 )

(most screens are still non-Retina, so it’s much safer for designers to use Heiti fonts)


  • 仿宋体 (Fang Song Ti) is a Simplified Chinese font, (Fang Song Ti) is a hybrid of Song Ti and some brush stroke techniques.
  • 楷体 (Kai Ti) is a Simplified Chinese font, (Kai Ti) is a nice looking Chinese font imitating brush strokes..







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Font - font umum di komputer

Font Simbol Matematika Di Microsoft Word 1

Font for Math

Latex Math Mode Font

Latex Text Mode Symbol

Font Size In Latex

How To Type Accent In Computer 1

Kamis, 13 April 2023

Use Case Diagram Notation 1

The most used of Use Case Diagram Notation on the following list:

  • System Boundary ( rectangle )
  • System Boundary Subject ( in this example: Clinic Appointment Receptionist System )
  • Actor ( stick figure actor )
  • Actor Role
  • Use Case
  • Association

Use Case Context Diagram Notation

NOTES: From above example, only to introduce about Notation of Use Case Context Diagram.

Unified Modelling Language ( UML ), diagram, chart

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Senin, 10 April 2023

Belajar Fisika SMA

Fisika SMA/MA Kelas Setya Nurachmandani,dkk
BabI Pengukuran
A.   Besaran  dan  Satuan
B.    Dimensi
C.   Instrumen Pengukuran
D.   Ketidakpastian  Pengukuran
E.    Vektor
BabII   Gerak  Lurus
A.   Jarak  dan  Perpindahan
B.    Kecepatan  dan  Kelajuan
C.   Percepatan
D.   Gerak  Lurus  Beraturan  (GLB)
E.    Gerak  Lurus  Berubah  Beraturan
BabIII Gerak  Melingkar
A.   Gerak  Melingkar  Beraturan
B.    Gerak  Melingkar  Berubah  Beraturan
C.   Hubungan  Roda-Roda
BabIV Dinamika  Partikel
A.   Hukum-Hukum  Newton
B.    Jenis-Jenis  Gaya
C.   Penerapan  Hukum  Newton
Pelatihan  Ulangan  Semester  Gasal
BabV   Alat-Alat  Optik
A.   Mata
B.    Lup  (Kaca  Pembesar)
C.   Kamera
D.   Mikroskop
E.    Teropong
F. Periskop
G. Proyektor Slide
Bab VI Kalor dan Suhu
A. Suhu dan Termometer
B. Pemuaian
C. Kalor
D. Perubahan Wujud
E. Perpindahan Kalor
Bab VII Listrik Dinamis
A. Arus Listrik
B. Beda Potensial
C. Hukum Ohm
D. Hambatan Listrik
E. Hukum Kirchoff
F. Rangkaian Hambatan Listrik
G. Daya Listrik dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari
H. Penghematan Energi Listrik
Bab VIII Gelombang Elektromagnetik
A. Hipotesis Maxwell
B. Sifat dan Spektrum Gelombang Elektromagnetik
C. Karakteristik dan Aplikasi Gelombang Elektromagnetik
Pelatihan Ulangan Semester Genap
Kunci Jawaban
Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Gambar
Daftar Tabel
Indeks Subjek dan Pengarang

Related Topics:

Jenis Section Break Dalam Microsoft Word

Belajar Matematika Kelas 6

Istilah-istilah matematika dalam bahasa inggris

Memelihara Kesehatan Lingkungan 

How to know Microsoft Access Database File Version

Eclipse Version

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 3

Font Simbol Matematika Di Microsoft Word 1

Font - font umum di komputer

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

Istilah-istilah matematika dalam bahasa inggris 1

Addition : Penjumlahan
Algebraic Form : Bentuk Aljabar
Area : Luas
Associative Principle : Sifat Asosiatif
Circumference : Keliling
Complement Of A Set : Komplemen Suatu Himpunan
Decimal : Desimal
Degrees : Derajat
Diagram Venn : Diagram Ven
Enrichment : Pengayaan
Even Number : Bilangan Genap
Fraction : Pecahan
Integers : Bilangan Bulat
Interior Angle : Sudut Dalam
Kite : Layang-Layang
Lines : Garis
Mixed Rational Number : Pecahan Campuran
Natural Number : Bilangan Asli
Numerator : Pembilang
Odd Number : Bilangan Ganjil
Paralellograms : Jajar Genjang
Power Of Number : Pangkat Bilangan
Proportion : Perbandingan
Rectangle : Persegi Panjang.          Click here to view a rectangle ».
Rhombus : Belah Ketupat
Scientific Notation : Bentuk Baku
Sets : Himpunan
Side : Sisi
Subtraction : Pengurangan
The Number Line : Garis Bilangan.     Click here to view the number line »
Trapezoid : Trapesium
Triangle : Segitiga..     Click here to view a triangle ».
Union Of Sets : Himpunan Gabungan
Universal Set : Himpunan Semesta
Variable : Variabel
Whole Number : Bilangan Cacah

istilah, mtk, math, terms, count, algebra, theory, geometry, english, numbers, shape, lesson, term,  degree, integer, line, set, subtract, parallelogram

Sabtu, 08 April 2023

How to know Microsoft Access Database File Version

Enable the macro VBA (Visual Basic Application)

  1. In a Microsoft Office Access program, click the File tab > Access Options button.
  2. When the Access Options window is showed. Click Trust Center on the left side.
  3. Click Trust Center Settings button.
  4. Click Macro Settings on the left side.
  5. Check "Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run).
  6. Click Ok button twice.
or you can do this:
  1. Open the Microsoft Access database file.
  2. When the Message Bar is showed. Click Options button.
  3. Click Enable the content.
  4. Click OK button.

Running the VBA command

1. Click Ribbon tab "Database Tools".
2. Click Visual Basic.
3. On Microsoft Visual Basic Editor, click View > Immediate Window menu.

4. Type in Immediate Windows:
Print CurrentProject.FileFormat

The result may similar, like some of these following number:
2 = Microsoft Access 2
7 = Microsoft Access 95
8 = Microsoft Access 97
9 = Microsoft Access 2000
10 = Microsoft Access 2003
12 = Microsoft Access 2010, 2007

database management system, dbms

Related Post:

DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL Commands

Microsoft Access SQL Sample

Contoh Desain Tabel Database 1

Common Windows Run Commands 1

Memelihara Kesehatan Lingkungan

Jenis Section Break Dalam Microsoft Word

Tambahkan Section Break

  1. Pilih di mana Anda ingin memulai bagian baru.
  2. Buka tab Page Layout atau tab Layout > Breaks ( di bagian groups Page Setup ).
  3. Lalu tambahkan Section Break sesuai dengan section break yang diinginkan dari pilihan Jenis Section Break Dalam Microsoft Word di bawah ini:

Jenis Section Break Dalam Microsoft Word

Next Page:  Section break memulai bagian baru di halaman berikutnya.

Continous: memulai bagian baru di halaman yang sama. Tipe hentian bagian ini sering digunakan untuk mengubah jumlah kolom tanpa memulai halaman baru.

Even Page : memulai bagian baru pada halaman bernomor genap berikutnya.

Odd Page : memulai bagian baru pada halaman bernomor ganjil berikutnya.

click to see Section Break Next Page Dalam Microsoft Word >>

Related Post:

Kamis, 06 April 2023

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Data Binding Object

Microsoft ADO Data Control
Microsoft Calendar
Microsoft Chart Control
Microsoft Data Bound Grid Control
Microsoft Data Bound List Control
Microsoft DataGrid Control
Microsoft DataList Control
Microsoft DataRepeater Control
Microsoft Flexgrid Control
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Microsoft Hierarchical Flexgrid Control
Microsoft Masked Edit Control
Microsoft Rich Textbox Control
Microsoft Windows Common Controls

combo box, text box, label control, option button, list box, check box

Related Post:

Fungsi File Dalam Visual Basic 6

Replace Double Quotes In A String VB6

Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database Code 

Visual Basic Variable Keywords 1

Error Handling In Visual Basic 

Most Common Chr Code In Visual Basic 

Default Value Of Data Types In Visual Basic 6

Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls

Visual Basic 6 Data Type Function

Visual Basic Error Codes 

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6

Eclipse Version

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 3

Font Simbol Matematika Di Microsoft Word 1

Font - font umum di komputer

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

PHP Requirements

Notepad++ Menu 1 

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Office Excel 1

Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database Code

To share a fix of Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database from sourcecodester.
Using ADODC and DataGrid Control.
Download the source code:
Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database code





Related Post

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6

Fungsi File Dalam Visual Basic 6

Font Simbol Matematika Di Microsoft Word 1

Font - font umum di komputer

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 3

PHP Requirements

Rabu, 05 April 2023

Visual Basic Error Codes

The following list of Visual Basic Error Codes:

3Return without GoSub
5Invalid procedure call
7Out of memory
9Subscript out of range
10This array is fixed or temporarily locked
11Division by zero
13Type mismatch
14Out of string space
16Expression too complex
17Can't perform requested operation
18User interrupt occurred
20Resume without error
28Out of stack space
35Sub, Function, or Property not defined
47Too many DLL application clients
48Error in loading DLL
49Bad DLL calling convention
51Internal error
52Bad file name or number
53File not found
54Bad file mode
55File already open
57Device I/O error
58File already exists
59Bad record length
61Disk full
62Input past end of file
63Bad record number
67Too many files
68Device unavailable
70Permission denied
71Disk not ready
74Can't rename with different drive
75Path/File access error
76Path not found
91Object variable or With block variable not set
92For loop not initialized
93Invalid pattern string
94Invalid use of Null
97Can't call Friend procedure on an object that is not an instance of the defining class
98A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
298System DLL could not be loaded
320Can't use character device names in specified file names
321Invalid file format
322Can’t create necessary temporary file
325Invalid format in resource file
327Data value named not found
328Illegal parameter; can't write arrays
335Could not access system registry
336Component not correctly registered
337Component not found
338Component did not run correctly
360Object already loaded
361Can't load or unload this object
363Control specified not found
364Object was unloaded
365Unable to unload within this context
368The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later version
371The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show
380Invalid property value
381Invalid property-array index
382Property Set can't be executed at run time
383Property Set can't be used with a read-only property
385Need property-array index
387Property Set not permitted
393Property Get can't be executed at run time
394Property Get can't be executed on write-only property
400Form already displayed; can't show modally
402Code must close topmost modal form first
419Permission to use object denied
422Property not found
423Property or method not found
424Object required
425Invalid object use
429Component can't create object or return reference to this object
430Class doesn't support Automation
432File name or class name not found during Automation operation
438Object doesn't support this property or method
440Automation error
442Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost
443Automation object doesn't have a default value
445Object doesn't support this action
446Object doesn't support named arguments
447Object doesn't support current locale setting
448Named argument not found
449Argument not optional or invalid property assignment
450Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
451Object not a collection
452Invalid ordinal
453Specified not found
454Code resource not found
455Code resource lock error
457This key is already associated with an element of this collection
458Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic
459This component doesn't support the set of events
460Invalid Clipboard format
461Method or data member not found
462The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
463Class not registered on local machine
480Can't create AutoRedraw image
481Invalid picture
482Printer error
483Printer driver does not support specified property
484Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly
485Invalid picture type
486Can't print form image to this type of printer
520Can't empty Clipboard
521Can't open Clipboard
735Can't save file to TEMP directory
744Search text not found
746Replacements too long
31001Out of memory
31004No object
31018Class is not set
31027Unable to activate object
31032Unable to create embedded object
31036Error saving to file
31037Error loading from file



vb, reference table, reference sheet, Integrated Development Environment, Dynamic Link Library, temporary, vb6, input/output

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6 (Microsoft Control Toolbox or Microsoft Component Toolbox):

  • ImageCombo Control
  • ImageList Control
  • ListView Control
  • ProgressBar Control
  • Slider Control
  • StatusBar Control
  • TabStrip Control
  • Toolbar Control
  • TreeView Control
  • DataGrid Control
  • MsFlexGrid Control
To learn ListView Control, click ListView Properties hyperlink

To learn Microsoft FlexGrid Control, click MSFlexGrid Properties hyperlink.

To learn DataGrid control, click Datagrid Visual Basic Classic 1

vb, visual basic, component

Eclipse Version

This following table about Eclipse version:
Version name Platform version Projects Main changes
N/A 1.0
A Java 1.3*.
N/A 2.0

N/A 2.1
A Java 1.4 or 1.3*.
N/A 3.0
A Java 1.4.1*.
N/A 3.1
Java 5**^.
Callisto 3.2 Callisto projects
Europa 3.3 Europa projects
Ganymede 3.4 Ganymede projects
Galileo 3.5 Galileo projects
Helios 3.6 Helios projects
Indigo 3.7 Indigo projects Java 7 support (3.7.1 sr1)**^.
Juno 3.8 and 4.2 Juno projects
Kepler 4.3 Kepler projects A Java 6 JRE/JDK*.
Luna 4.4 Luna projects Java 8 support^; in the prior version, use a Java 8 patch plug-in. A Java 7 JRE/JDK*.
Mars 4.5 Mars projects A Java 7 JRE/JDK*.
Neon 4.6 Neon projects A Java 8 JRE/JDK*.
Oxygen 4.7 Oxygen projects Oxygen.1a ( Java 9 and Junit 5 ).
Oxygen.3a (Java 10)^.
Unix based platforms^^. A Java 8 or newer*.
Photon 4.8 Photon projects Dropped support for 32bit Windows and Linux.

 *  Since this Eclipse version, a Java JRE/JDK ( Java runtime Environment /Java development kit ) certain version must be installed on the machine in order to run this version/packages of Eclipse and all packages.
** Java 5 features: generics, annotations, boxing-unboxing, enums, enhanced for loop, varargs, static imports.
*** Java 7 features: Improved Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation (Diamond), Multi-catch, try-with-resources statement, Simplified Varargs Method Invocation, Strings in switch, Binary Literals and Underscores in Numeric Literals, Polymorphic Methods.
^ Added or integrated  Java certain version support since this Eclipse version.
^^ Dropped support for the following Unix based platforms: AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and s390.

Related Topics:

Selasa, 04 April 2023

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 3

Menu View

    Normal: Perintah untuk menampilkan lembar kerja pada posisi normal.
    Page Break Preview: Perintah untuk melihat hasil pemotongan halaman lembar kerja.
    Task Pane: Perintah untuk membuka tampilan perintah.
    Toolbars: Perintah untuk menampilkan toolbar.
    Formula Bar: Perintah untuk memunculkan baris rumus.
    Status Bar: Perintah untuk memunculkan status bar.
    Header and Footer: Perintah untuk membuat header dan footer.
    Comments: Perintah untuk memunculkan toolbar comment dan reviewing lembar kerja.
    Custom Views: Perintah untuk menyimpan area cetak pada workbook.
    Full Screen: Perintah untuk menampilkan layer secara penuh.
    Zoom: Perintah untuk mengganti ukuran lembar kerja.


ub.ac.id ( university )

uma.ac.id ( university )

ms excel, ms office excel, microsoft office excel, spreadsheet, computer desktop application, menu command, program, menu item, software, menu bar, apps

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Some Of Microsoft Excel Function

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 1

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Excel 2

Font Simbol Matematika Di Microsoft Word 1

Font - font umum di komputer

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

Fungsi File Dalam Visual Basic 6

PHP Requirements

Replace Double Quotes In A String VB6

Replace Double Quotes In A String Using Visual Basic 6

Dim Text1 As String

Text1 = Replace(Text1, Chr(34), "")


34 is Ascii code for double quote

Related Topics:

C Programming Language Basic Terms 2

C Programming Language Basic Terms 2

Address=Reference to a memory location. In C pointers are used to hold addresses.

ANSI=American National Standards Institute

API=Application Programming Interface

Argument=A value passed to a function (see parameter).

Character Set=C or C++ Programming Language character set refers to a set of all the valid characters that we can use in the source program for forming words, expressions, and numbers.

Six phases of C language=C programs typically go through six phases to be executed. These are: edit, preprocess, compile, link, load and execute.

C Programming identifier=Identifier is a combination of alphanumeric characters, i.e. first begin with a letter of the alphabet or an underline, and the remaining are letter of an alphabet, any numeric digit, or the underline. Identifiers, must be unique.

C Programming Keywords=Keywords are predefined, reserved words used in programming that have special meanings to the compiler. Keywords are part of the syntax and they cannot be used as an identifier. 

Programming Variables=A variable is a container (storage area) to hold data.

Programming Literals=Literals are data used for representing fixed values. They can be used directly in the code.

Programming Constants=Constants refer to fixed values that the program may not alter during its execution.

Programming Statement=A statement is a command given to the computer that instructs the computer to take a specific action. Statements consist of tokens, expressions, and other statements.

Programming Expression=Expression is a combination of variables, Constants, operators, Function Calls and may followed by a semicolon. An expression followed by a semicolon is a statement. Expression can be any operation like Arithmetic operation, Logical Operation, etc.

Programming Operators=Operators are some special character or symbol that allow the program to perform the function.

Programming Precedence Of Operator=Precedence Of Operator determines the grouping of terms in an expression and decides how an expression is evaluated. Certain operators have higher precedence than others; for example, the multiplication operator has a higher precedence than the addition operator.

Programming Input=a function to take input from the user.

Programming Output=a function to given output to the user.

Programming Assignment Statement=Assignment statement that is used to set a value to the variable name in a program.

Decision Making statements=Decision Making statements will change the execution order with the checking process.

A loop statement=A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times while the condition is true.

Programming  Error Handling=Programming error handling is to prevent errors from occurring in the program.

Programming Code Documentation=Generate documentation from the annotated or commented source code.



https://www.yale.edu/ ( university )


https://www.utexas.edu/ ( university )

https://www.uhcl.edu/ ( university )

https://sjctni.edu/ ( university )


https://www.washington.edu/ ( university )

Related Topics:

C Programming Language Basic Terms 1

Karakter Pembentuk Program C atau Program C++

Lima Tipe Data Dasar Bahasa C 

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1 


Rumus Matematika Bilangan Bulat

Kamus Ipa 1


Markdown Basic Syntax Contents

Headings ( Heading level 1 to 6 ).       click here to view >
Line Breaks.
Emphasis ( Bold, Italic ).       click here to view >
Lists ( Ordered Lists and Unordered Lists )
Inline Code Blocks
Fenced Code ( Code Blocks )      click here to view >
Syntax Higlight For Fenced Code ( Code Blocks )          click here to view >
Horizontal Rules
Links ( Formatting Links, Reference-style Links )          click here to view >
Escaping Characters

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Markdown Emphasis

Markdown Headers

Post about Markdown

Latex Text Mode Symbol

Senin, 03 April 2023

Conjunction In English 1

Coordinate Conjuction
For = Karena
And = Dan
Nor = Tidak juga
But =Tetapi
Or = Atau
Yet = Tetapi
So = Sehingga

Related Topics:

English Vocabulary About Environment

Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcut 

Notepad2 Edit Menu


Swap = Replace your selection with the content inside the clipboard.

Copy to Clipboard = include sub menus, such as File Name, File Name and Ex., Full Path Name, Copy All, Copy Add, Copy as RTF, Window Position


Enclose Selection




Find And Replace












Notepad2, Notepad 2 (Text Editor, Program, Microsoft Windows Software), Rich Text Format

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Java Platform Look And Feel

PlatformLook and Feel
Solaris, Linux with GTK+ 2.2 or laterGTK+
Other Solaris, LinuxMotif
Classic WindowsWindows
Windows XPWindows XP
Windows VistaWindows Vista
* Supplied by the system vendor.

JDBC Class For Name

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Class.for Name Attributes



Oracle:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver or oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

Microsoft SQL Server:com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver


Java Database Programming, Brian Jepson, Wiley
Shortcourse Series Pengembangan Aplikasi Database Berbasis JavaDB, Wahana Komputer, Andi
Shortcourse Series Membuat Aplikasi Database Dengan Java Dan MySQL, Wahana Komputer, Andi

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