Selasa, 05 November 2024

Angles In Parallel Lines Using Latex

  • Type this following latex code for drawing Angles In Parallel Lines using Latex:

% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex 

% pdflatex parallelLines1so.tex






\huge{\textbf{Angles \\ In \\ Parallel Lines}} \\

\large{Private Course \\And \\Tutor Course}



% bottom level----------
\begin{scope}[shift={(60:0cm)},ultra thick] 
% bottom left
\draw(30:-.5cm) node {$\mathbf{4}$};

% bottom right
\draw (-60:0.4cm) node {$\mathbf{3}$};

% middle bottom level----------
% middle bottom left
\draw(120:0.4cm) node {$\mathbf{1}$};

% middle bottom right
\draw(30:0.5cm) node {$\mathbf{2}$};

% middle top level----------
% middle top left
\draw (30:-0.5cm) node {$\mathbf{4}$};

% middle top right
\draw (-60:0.4cm) node {$\mathbf{3}$};

% top level----------
% top left
\draw(120:0.4cm) node {$\mathbf{1}$};

% top right
\draw(30:0.5cm) node {$\mathbf{2}$};

% draw horizontal parallel lines
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]
\draw (60:-2cm) node[fill=white] {$\mathbf{Q}$} -- (60:4cm) node[fill=white] {$\mathbf{P}$};
\draw[black] (-2,0) node[left] {} -- (3,0) node[right]{$\mathbf{N}$};
\draw[black,shift={(60:2cm)}] (-3,0) node[left] {} -- (2,0) node[right]{$\mathbf{M}$};
  • save file as parallelLines1so.tex
  • then build or typeset the Latex code.


to see the other output, click Angles In Parallel Lines >

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