Rabu, 27 Maret 2024

HTML Accents

These following list is about accent character in Office Application (e.g. Microsoft Office), HTML ( HyperText Markup Language ), and other tools that support ANSI ( American National Standards Institute ), ASCII ( American Standard Code for Information Interchange ), and Unicode Characters.

Character,Entity Number;Entity Name,Description

¨ ¨ ¨ spacing diaeresis

¯ ¯ ¯ spacing macron

´ ´ ´ spacing acute

¸ ¸ ¸ spacing cedilla

À À À capital a, grave accent

Á Á Á capital a, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

   capital a, circumflex accent

à à à capital a, tilde

Ä Ä Ä capital a, umlaut mark, German

Å Å Å capital a, ring

Ç Ç Ç capital c, cedilla

È È È capital e, grave accent

É É É capital e, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

Ê Ê Ê capital e, circumflex accent

Ë Ë Ë capital e, umlaut mark

Ì Ì Ì capital i, grave accent

Í Í Í capital i, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

Î Î Î capital i, circumflex accent

Ï Ï Ï capital i, umlaut mark

Ð Ð Ð capital eth, Icelandic

Ñ Ñ Ñ capital n, tilde

Ò Ò Ò capital o, grave accent

Ó Ó Ó capital o, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

Ô Ô Ô capital o, circumflex accent

Õ Õ Õ capital o, tilde

Ö Ö Ö capital o, umlaut mark, German

Ø Ø Ø capital o, slash

Ù Ù Ù capital u, grave accent

Ú Ú Ú capital u, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

Û Û Û capital u, circumflex accent

Ü Ü Ü capital u, umlaut mark, German

Ý Ý Ý capital y, acute accent, Czech

Þ Þ Þ capital THORN, Icelandic

ß ß ß small sharp s, German

à à à small a, grave accent

á á á small a, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

â â â small a, circumflex accent

ã ã ã small a, tilde

ä ä ä small a, umlaut mark, German

å å å small a, ring

ç ç ç small c, cedilla

è è è small e, grave accent

é é é small e, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

ê ê ê small e, circumflex accent

ë ë ë small e, umlaut mark

ì ì ì small i, grave accent

í í í small i, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

î î î small i, circumflex accent

ï ï ï small i, umlaut mark

ð ð ð small eth, Icelandic

ñ ñ ñ small n, tilde

ò ò ò small o, grave accent

ó ó ó small o, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

ô ô ô small o, circumflex accent

õ õ õ small o, tilde

ö ö ö small o, umlaut mark, German

ø ø ø small o, slash

ù ù ù small u, grave accent

ú ú ú small u, acute accent, Spanish, Chinese

û û û small u, circumflex accent

ü ü ü small u, umlaut mark, German

ý ý ý small y, acute accent, Czech

þ þ þ small thorn, Icelandic

ÿ ÿ ÿ small y, umlaut mark

Commonly used in Czech country:

ALT 0158 ž Lowercase letter z with caron

ALT 0142 Ž Capital letter Z with caron

ý=Lowercase letter y with acute
ý=HTML (Hex)=ý
ý=HTML (Dec)=ý

Ý=Capital letter Y with acute
Ý=HTML (Hex)=Ý
Ý=HTML (Dec)=Ý

Commonly used in Chinese country:


ú,Lowercase letter u with acute
ú,HTML (Hex),ú
ú,HTML (Dec),ú

ALT 472 ǘ Lowercase letter u with diaeresis  and acute
ALT 476 ǜ Lowercase letter u with diaeresis  and grave
ALT 7803 ǖ Lowercase letter u with diaeresis  and macron
ALT 7801 ǚ Lowercase letter u with diaeresis and caron
ALT 471 Ǘ Capital letter U with diaeresis  and acute
ALT 475 Ǜ Capital letter U with diaeresis  and grave
ALT 7800 Ǚ Capital letter U with diaeresis and caron
ALT 7802 Ǖ Capital letter U with diaeresis  and macron

Commonly used in Dutch country:

¨ ¨ spacing diaeresis

Commonly used in French country:

ÿ, Lowercase letter y with diaeresis
ÿ, Unicode, U+00FF
ÿ, HTML (Hex), ÿ
ÿ, HTML (Dec), ÿ
ÿ, CSS, \00FF
ÿ, JS/Java/C, \u{FF}



Jumat, 22 Maret 2024

Learn About Latex List 1

Preamble In Latex
All LaTeX documents start with a preamble. Most common preamble latex command list, definition and example. 

Line Break And Paragraph In Latex
Line break in Latex, paragraph in Latex, and vertical white space in Latex or vertical blank spaces command in Latex.

Latex Books
Short review about Latex book. A book for learning Latex.

Latex Package To Handle Unicode
Latex Package list To Handle Unicode Character.

Latex Package list To Handle Math And Science Equation.

Latex Package list To Handle Table.

Text Formatting size In Latex text mode.

Latex Preamble Font Size
documentclass font size options in syntax and example.

MikTex Command Prompt
MiKTeX Package Manager ( mpm ) in command prompt.

TexLive Command Prompt
tlmgr (TexLive Package manager) in command prompt.

perintah LaTex untuk menulis bentuk aljabar.

Latex Text Mode Symbol
Latex Text Mode Symbol list and description

Latex Math Mode Font
Latex Math Mode Text Style Format list, Font Type, Command Name, Latex Package Required, Font Sample.

Latex Template 1
Latex simple template for writing foreign language, technical document and academic document.

Latex Line Symbol 1
Latex line symbol  in math mode.

Checking the version of LaTeX on command prompt, tested using MikTex and TexLive.

Whitespace In Latex
whitespace symbol from horizontal space, vertical space, a string of dots as respectively to fill the space available.

Google Chrome Extension
Extension About Editor And Reader In Google Chrome browser, there are some extension for latex in the list.

learn latex, preamble latex, latex books, latex ebook, latex electronic book, latex digital book, latex e-book


https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ ( university )

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Kamis, 21 Maret 2024

Show The Developer Tab Of The Microsoft Office Excel

To show the Microsoft Office Excel Developer tab, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Microsoft Office Excel File tab and select Options to show the Excel Options dialog box.
  2. Select the Customize Ribbon option.
  3. In the right list box, check the Developer tab.
  4. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.


Belajar Excel Macro VBA Step-by-Step;Christopher Lee
Microsoft Excel VBA and Macros (Microsoft Office);Tracy Syrstad, Bill Jelen

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Learn About Visual Basic Classic List 1

Check Is Nothing In Visual Basic Classic

Is Nothing command on SDI (Single Document Interface), MDI (Multiple Document Interface), ADO ( ActiveX Data Object ) Set To Nothing, ADO ( ActiveX Data Object ) Create Object.

Default Value Of Data Types In Visual Basic 6
Default value Of Data Types from numeric data types, string, boolean, date, and variant in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.

Error Handling In Visual Basic 
Short Notes about Error Handling in Microsoft Visual Basic Classic and Microsoft Visual Basic.Net.

Fungsi File Dalam Visual Basic 6
Daftar fungsi file dalam Microsoft Visual Basic 6 untuk Membuka File Text, Menyimpan File Text,  Membaca File Text, dan Update File Text.

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6
Microsoft Windows Visual Basic Control Toolbox or Microsoft Visual Basic Component Toolbox.

Most Common Chr Code In Visual Basic 
Most Common Character, Code And Description In Microsoft Visual Basic Classic with Chr function.

Replace Double Quotes In A String VB6
How to replace double quotes in a text string using Replace string function of Microsoft Visual Basic Classic.

Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database Code 
A downloadable the source code to a fix of Visual Basic (VB6) CRUD with Ms Access Database from sourcecodester. This source code using ADODC and DataGrid Control.

Visual Basic 6 Data Type Function
Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic Application (VBA) data type function.

Visual Basic Error Codes
Visual Basic error codes number and Visual Basic error message.

Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls
Microsoft Visual Basic intrinsic controls list.

Visual Basic Variable Keywords 1
Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Visual Basic.Net variable keywords list.

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Common Windows Run Commands 1

Memelihara Kesehatan Lingkungan

Get Selected Item Value On ComboBox - Visual Basic Classic

return value for this following methods or properties is string / text. You can get selected item value on combo box using this following snippet code:


or this following snippet code:


Visual Basic Classic, Visual Basic 6, Programming Language



Rabu, 20 Maret 2024

Check Is Nothing In Visual Basic Classic

Is Nothing command consist of Is operator and Nothing keyword. Is Nothing command function for check whether an object is used or not.

SDI (Single Document Interface)

For this following objects:


you can use this following snippet code:

Private Sub mnuFileClose_Click()
  If Not ( Screen.ActiveForm.Name = "Form1" ) Then Unload Screen.ActiveForm
End Sub

Multiple Document Interface

For this following objects:


Me.ActiveForm ' in MDI parent Form

you can use this following snippet code:

'In the other form

Private Sub mnuFileClose_Click()

    If Not (MDIForm1.ActiveForm Is Nothing) Then Unload ActiveForm

End Sub

or you can use this following snippet code:

'In the MDI form

Private Sub mnuFileClose_Click()

    If Not (Me.ActiveForm Is Nothing) Then Unload ActiveForm

End Sub

ADO ( ActiveX Data Object ) Set To Nothing

For this following objects:

Dim m_adoCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim m_adoRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim m_adoCmd As ADODB.Command

you can use this following snippet code:

'To unload m_adoCon object when m_adoCon object has created
Private Sub Form_Load()
  If Not ( m_adoCon Is Nothing ) Then Set m_adoCon = Nothing
End Sub

ADO ( ActiveX Data Object ) Create Object

For this following object:

Dim m_adoCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim m_adoRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim m_adoCmd As ADODB.Command

you can use this following snippet code:

'To Create m_adoCon object
Private Sub Form_Load()
  If m_adoCon Is Nothing Then Set m_adoCon = New ADODB.Connection
End Sub



http://www.shershahcollege.co.in/ ( university )

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ADODB Properties 1
Datagrid Visual Basic Classic 1
Visual Basic Variable Keywords 1
Error Handling In Visual Basic 
Most Common Chr Code In Visual Basic 
Default Value Of Data Types In Visual Basic 6
Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls
 Visual Basic 6 Data Type Function

    Istilah Matematika 5

    Alat ukur : peralatan baku yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengukur. Contoh meteran, timbangan, jam.
    Bangun datar : benda-benda yang permukaannya berupa bidang datar. Contoh segiempat, persegi, persegi panjang.
    Barisan bilangan : urutan bilangan dengan pola tertentu.
    Bilangan ganjil : bilangan yang tidak habis bila dibagi dengan bilangan 2.
    Bilangan genap : bilangan yang tepat habis jika dibagi dengan bilangan dua.
    Diagonal : garis yang menghubungkan dua titik yang berhadapan pada suatu bangun.
    Garis bilangan : Garis yang memuat bilangan berurutan yang jaraknya sama.
    Garis bilangan : garis untuk meletakkan bilangan.   Klik untuk melihat gambar garis bilangan »
    Geometri : cabang matematika yang menerangkan tentang sifat-sifat garis, sudut, bidang, dan ruang.
    Jam : Salah satu alat untuk mengukur waktu.
    Jam analog : jam yang cara kerjanya secara mekanis.
    Jam digital : jam yang penampilan angkanya secara elektronik.
    Keliling : Jumlah sisi-sisi bangun tertutup.
    Logis : sesuai dengan pemikiran yang sehat.
    Meteran : Salah satu alat untuk mengukur panjang.
    Meteran : alat ukur baku untuk mengukur panjang.
    Operasi hitung : perhitungan yang melibatkan tanda operasi hitung, misalnya penjumlahan, pembagian, pembagian, dan perkalian.
    Operasi hitung campuran : operasi hitung yang melibatkan lebih dari satu tanda operasi.
    Pecahan : Bilangan yang menggambarkan bagian dari suatu keseluruhan.
    Pecahan : merupakan perbandingan yang menyatakan suatu bagian dari seluruh bagian.
    Pembilang : Angka dalam pecahan yang menunjukkan bilangan yang dibagi.
    Penggaris : Salah satu alat untuk mengukur panjang.
    Penyebut : Angka dalam pecahan yang menunjukkan bilangan pembagi.
    Persegi : Bangun datar yang keempat sisinya sama panjang dan keempat sudutnya siku-siku.
    Persegi : bangun datar yang keempat sisi-sisinya sama panjang.
    Persegi panjang : Bangun datar yang sisi-sisi berhadapannya sama panjang dan keempat sudutnya siku-siku.
    Segitiga : Bangun datar yang mempunyai tiga buah sisi.    Klik untuk melihat gambar segitiga ».
    Sensus : penghitungan jumlah penduduk.
    Sudut : Bangun yang dibentuk oleh sepasang garis yang salah satu ujungnya bertemu atau bersatu.
    Sudut : bangun yang dibentuk oleh dua buah garis di sekitar titik potongnya.
    Sudut lancip : Sudut yang besarnya kurang dari 90°.
    Sudut siku-siku : Sudut yang besarnya 90°.
    Sudut tumpul : Sudut yang besarnya lebih dari 90°.
    Suku (bilangan) : bilangan yang menjadi bagian dari suatu barisan bilangan.
    Timbangan : alat ukur baku untuk mengukur berat.
    Uang pecahan : uang yang nilainya lebih kecil sehingga dapat dipakai sebagai penukar uang yang nilainya lebih besar.

    < Previous Istilah Matematika 4

    Next Istilah Matematika 6 >

    istilah, mtk, math, terms, count, algebra, theory, geometry, numbers, shape, lesson, glosarium, definisi

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    Minggu, 03 Maret 2024

    Comment In Batch, Registry, PowerShell, Bash File

    Comment In Microsoft Windows Command Prompt and Batch File

    • To create a single line comment in batch file start with the REM

      REM This is a comment
    • Other way to create a single line comment in batch file start with double colon ::

      :: This is a comment
    • To create an inline comments in batch file start with the percentage and equal sign %= then end the comment with equal and percentage sign =%

      echo "Hello world!" %= This is an inline comment. =%
    • To create multiline batch comments, start each line with the double colon ::

      :: This is the first line
      :: This is the second line


    • Batch script file extension is .bat
    • Inside nested parts (IF/ELSE, FOR loops, etc...) :: should be followed with normal line, otherwise it gives error (use REM there).
    • if they are not in the beginning of line, then add ampersand & sign character, for example
      echo "Hello world!" & :: This is an inline comment.
    • To avoid printing a REM command to screen, start with @, for example @ REM This is a comment

    Comment In Registry File

    • To create a single line comment in registry file start with the semicolon ;

      ; This is a comment


    • Registry file extension is .reg

    Comment In PowerShell File

    • To create a single line comment in registry file start with the start with the hash sign (#):

      # This is a comment
    • To create multiline powershell comments, start each line with the hash sign (#):

      # This is the first line
      # This is the second line
    • Another way to create multiline block comments is valid in the modern PowerShell version, start with less than and hash mark <# together then end with hash mark and greater than #>

      <# 'COMMENT'
      This is the first line
      This is the second line #>


    • PowerShell script file extension ( .ps1 )
    • PowerShell script data files ( .psd1 ), 
    • PowerShell script module files ( .psm1 ).
    • and Script Pane are configuration files (.ps1xml), XML based files.

    Comment In Linux/Unix Terminal and Bash File

    • To create a single line comments in bash scripts start with the hash sign (#):

      # This is a comment
    • To create an inline comments in bash scripts start with the hash/number sign (#):

      echo "Hello world!" # This is an inline comment.
    • To create multiline bash comments, start each line with the hash sign (#):

      # This is the first line
      # This is the second line
    • Another unconventional way to create multiline block comments is to use the bash null command (:) together with the heredoc notation:

      : << 'COMMENT'
      This is the first line
      This is the second line


    • Linux / Unix command is case sensitive
    • Bash script file extension is .sh


    https://learn.microsoft.com/ https://phoenixnap.com/ https://ss64.com/ https://stackoverflow.com/ https://www.computerhope.com/, https://www.commandlinefu.com/

    Sabtu, 02 Maret 2024

    Visual Studio Code Extension 2

    • Alefragnani.bookmarks = Mark lines and jump to them
    • Alefragnani.project-manager = Easily switch between projects.
    • Atishay-Jain.All-Autocomplete = Create autocomplete items from open files in VSCode.
    • Brunnerh.insert-unicode = Search for unicode characters and insert them into documents, show the Unicode name and code point of the selected characters in the Output and the Explorer sidebar.
    • ChakrounAnas.turbo-console-log = Automating the process of writing meaningful log messages.
    • Formulahendry.auto-rename-tag = Automatically rename paired HTML or XML tag, same as Visual Studio IDE does.
    • Gruntfuggly.Todo Tree = Show TODO, FIXME, et cetera and show comment tags in a tree view.
    • Idleberg.icon-fonts = Snippets for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Ionicons, Glyphicons, Octicons, Material Design Icons and many more!
    • Johnpapa.vscode-peacock = Subtly change the workspace color of your workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS Code instances and you want to quickly identify which is which.
    • Kamikillerto.vscode-colorize = A vscode extension to help visualize css colors in files.
    • Oderwat.indent-rainbow = Makes indentation easier to read. Some may find it helpful in writing code for Python, Nim, Yaml, JSON, et cetera.
    • Pnp.polacode = Screenshot for your code to png file.
    • Pranaygp.vscode-css-peek = Allow peeking to CSS ID and class strings as definitions from HTML files to respective CSS. Allows peek and goto definition.
    • SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode = Linter to detect & fix coding issues locally in JS/TS, Python, PHP, Java, C, C++, C#, Go, IaC. Use with SonarQube & SonarCloud for optimal team performance. Needs a JRE.
    • Streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker = Spelling checker for source code (can be Enable or Disable).
    • Stylelint.vscode-stylelint = Official Stylelint extension for Visual Studio Code to validate CSS, PostCSS, Less, SCSS
    • WallabyJs.quokka-vscode = JavaScript and TypeScript playground in your editor.
    • Wayou.vscode-todo-highlight = Highlight TODOs, FIXMEs, and any keywords, annotations...
    • Wix.vscode-import-cost = Display import/require package size in the editor for JavaScript
    • Xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets = Code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax.
    • Shinotatwu-DS.file-tree-generator = generate tree text from directory and files
    text editor, vscode, microsoft visual studio code, apps, programmer editor, program, software, computer application



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    Powerpoint Text Alignment

    Microsoft Powerpoint Text Alignment

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Classic Horizontal Alignment

    1. Select the textbox or the shapes.
    2. Click Format menu > Alignment,
    3. then choose:
      1. Left = left alignment.
      2. Center = center alignment.
      3. Right = right alignment.
      4. Justify = justify alignment.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Classic Vertical Alignment

    1. Select the textbox or the shapes.
    2. Click "Format" menu > Autoshape or "Format" menu > Textbox,
    3. then click Text Box tab
    4. then on "Text anchor point" combo box choose:
      1. Top = top alignment.
      2. Middle = middle alignment.
      3. Bottom = bottom alignment.
      4. Top Centered = top centered alignment.
      5. Middle Centered = middle centered alignment.
      6. Bottom Centered = bottom centered alignment.
    5. then click OK button.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Modern Horizontal Alignment

    1. Select the textbox or the shapes.
    2. Click Home ribbon > Paragraph group
    3. then choose:
      1. Align Left = left alignment.
      2. Center =  center alignment.
      3. Align Right = right alignment.
      4. Justify = justify alignment.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Modern Vertical Alignment

    1. Select the textbox or the shapes.
    2. Click Home ribbon > Paragraph group
    3. then click Align Text.
    4. then choose:
      1. Top = top alignment.
      2. Middle = middle alignment.
      3. Bottom = bottom alignment.
    To see result example, click this result example on Instagram.


    Microsoft PowerPoint Step by Step. Joan Preppernau.
    PowerPoint For Dummies. Doug Lowe

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