Senin, 26 Februari 2024

Latex Package To Handle Unicode

These are ordinary latex Package list To Handle Unicode Character:
albatross package.
alchemist package.
b1encoding package.
babel package.
bxjatoucs package.
codepage package.
commonunicode package.
EUenc package.
euxunicode package. *
fontwrap package.
ginpenc package.
greek-fontenc package.
greek-inputenc package.
hebrew-fonts package. *
inputenx package.
inputnormalization package.
isolatin1 package. **
latex-uni8 package.
latin1jk replace by jknapltx package.
latin2jk replace by jknapltx package.
latin3jk replace by jknapltx package.
lgrx package. **
luainputenc package.
lua-uni-algos package.
ly1 package.
mapcodes package. **
MathTrip package. *
newunicodechar package.
rtkinenc package.
selinput package.
t1enc package. **
t2 package.
texaccents package.
textcomp package. *
textcsc package.
tipauni package.
ucs package.
umlaute package.
unicode-alphabets package.
unicode-data package.
unicodefonttable package.
unicode-math package.
unicode-math-input package.
unimath-plain-xetex package.
uninormalize package.
unisc package.
unitipa package. *
uspace package.
utf8add package.
verbtext package. *
xcjk2uni package.
xetex-devanagari package. *
xetex-tibetan package.
xunicode package.

* not available on all latex Miktex or TexLive version. You must to installed separated.
** obsolete package

Take Care And Hygiene

Blow the nose.

Brush the hair or Comb the hair.

Brush teeth.

Connect with others.

Cover face when sneezing.

Cut nails.

Clean ears.

Do the exercise.

Dry my body.

Eat enough nutrition.

Flush toilet.


Practice having a growth mindset.

Put on deodorant.

Put on makeup.

Read daily.

Showering the body.

Sleep tight.

Spit into sink.

Take a bath.

Take daily walks.

Take off my cloths

Throw used tissues

Use floss to my teeth.

Wash face.

Wash hands.

Wear clean clothes.


Related Topics:

Household Chores In English

Change the pet's litter.

Change a light bulb.

Change the diapers.

Change the sheets.

Clean the bathroom.

Clean the house.

Clean the oven.

Clean the refrigerator.

Clean the rug.

Clean the stove.

Clean the toilet.

Clean the windows.

Clear the table.


Cut the grass.

Do the dishes.

Do the ironing.

Do the laundry.

Do the shopping.

Do the vacuuming

Do the washing up.

Dust the furniture.

Dust the shelves.

Empty the dustpan.

Feed my pet.

Fold the laundry / clothesline.

Grocery shopping.

Hang out the clothes.

Make dinner.

Make the bed.

Mop the floor.

Mow the lawn.

Paint the house

Prepare a meal.

Put the food away.

Put the things in their place

Put the toys away.

Put the washing machine on.

Rake the leaves.


Scrub the floor.

Separating the trash.

Set the table.

Sort mail or sort message.

Sweep the floor.

Take the rubbish out.

Tidy up.

Tidy your room.

To pay bills.

Unload the dishwasher.

Vacuum the carpet or Hoover the carpet.

Walk with the pet.

Wash the car.

Wash the dishes.

Water the plants.

Wipe light switches and door handles.

Work in the garden.

activity at home, learn english, english lesson, study english, chore, daily

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Netbeans Path

Netbeans User directory and Cache directory: 

In Ms ( Microsoft ) Windows operating system:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\<version>

In Linux or Unix operating system:


In Apple Mac ( Macintosh ) operating system:



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Netbeans Menu 2

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Kamis, 22 Februari 2024

Default Java Path Environment

Default ordinary location of JDK ( Java Development Kit ) installation, if you install JDK in,

  • Microsoft Windows 32 bit:
    c:\Program Files\jdk<version>
    c:\Program Files (x86)\jdk<version>
  • Microsoft Windows 64 bit:
    c:\Program Files\jdk<version>
  • Both Microsoft Windows 32 bit and 64 bit version:
  • Linux or Unix:

software development kit, programming, application, program, debugger, sdk, compiler, tooling

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Netbeans Menu 2

These are Netbeans menu list: 

File, Edit, View, Navigate, Source, Refactor, Run, Debug, Profile, Team, Tools, Window, Help

NetBeans File Menu

NetBeans IDE File Menu is a menu where options for opening a project, importing a project, opening a new project, opening a recent project, closing a project, opening a file, opening a recent file, show project properties, import a project, export a project and other such options are visible.

NetBeans View Menu

NetBeans IDE View Menu is a menu for access the IDE log, Show Toolbar options, Show Line Numbers, Show Non Printable Characters, Show Only Editor, enable full-screen view for the IDE, and other such options are visible.

NetBeans Debug Menu

The debug options are visible here for the NetBeans IDE.

NetBeans Profile Menu

Add a new profile and attach it to external process.

NetBeans Team Menu

The version controlling option like Git, Subversion, etc is available here. History, task, as well other useful options are visible here.

NetBeans Tools Menu

Add plugins using the Tools menu. Plugins are bits of software that adds more functionality to your web, desktop and mobile application.

NetBeans Window Menu

NetBeans IDE Window menu is for add more window options to the NetBeans IDE, such as Projects window, Task window, Output window, Editor window, Navigator window etc, also, Configure Windows, Reset Windows, Close Window, view Documents list.

NetBeans Help Menu

Access help content, online document, check for updates from here, Enable or disable start page, keyboard shortcuts, etc.

programming, IDE, version controlling, version management, software development, software integration, integrated development environment, 


Core Java, Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Prentice Hall.

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Netbeans Menu 1

Working In Eclipse IDE 1

Java Font Style

How To Check Your Java Version

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Check PlantUML Installation

Aktivitas Kebugaran Jasmani

How To Check The GTags or CTags Version

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Office Excel 1

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

Month Name In English Language


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Latex Preamble Font Size

documentclass font size options: 10pt / 11pt / 12pt


\documentclass[font size options]{class name}

Type this in latex document :


<< previous Document Class and Document Structure In Latex

Next Headings In Latex Article 1 >>

<< Back to Learn About Latex List 1

Related Topics:

      Sabtu, 10 Februari 2024

      CSS Font formats

      The following list shows the valid CSS keyword on font format.

      Keyword : Font Format : Common extensions

      collection : OpenType Collection : .otc, .ttc

      embedded-opentype : Embedded OpenType : .eot

      opentype : OpenType : .otf, .ttf

      svg : SVG Font (deprecated) : .svg, .svgz

      truetype : TrueType : .ttf

      woff : WOFF 1.0 : .woff

      woff2 : WOFF 2.0 : .woff2

      Notes: not all browser supported, can used by CSS modern.


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      Daftar CSS Properties Pada List

      JavaScript RoadMap

      Boilerplate HTML

      Commonly Used HTML Tags

      Visual Basic Programming Tasks

      Add A Control To A Control Array At Runtime
      Add A Control To A Form
      Add A Control To A Frame
      Add A Project To A Project Group
      Add An ActiveX DLL To Your Code ( Add References )
      Add Controls To The Toolbox ( Add Component )
      Add New Files To A Project From Project Explorer
      Add Or Remove A Toolbar To Or From The IDE
      Associate A Help Files To A Program
      Attach A Database To Program
      Build A Menu
      Build The Project / Compile The Project
      Configuration And Settings
      Configure Your IDE
      Create or Open a Project
      Debugging and Testing
      Draw A Control On A Form
      Install Visual Studio
      Layout Controls On A Form
      Maintenance Features
      Name A Control
      Open Visual Studio
      Run the Project
      Select Target Device or Platform : Console Applications, GUI Applications, Web Applications, Unit 
      Terminate The Program
      Write Your Visual Basic Code

      vb,, coding, computer science, scripting, learn computer, microsoft, Information Technology Road Map, Computer Programmer Task, Graphical User Interface, Integrated Development Environment, Dynamic link library

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      JDBC Class For Name

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      Bibliography: ( university )

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      Direction: These following words are School Subjects In English. Practise saying the words.




      Business Studies




      Driver's Education/Driver's ed


      English Literature







      Home Economics

      Industrial Arts

      Information Technology



      Maths (U.K) – Math (U.S)


      Performing Arts

      Physical Education (P.E.)


      School Subjects


      Social Studies






      (Work) Shop / (Work) Shop Class

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      Check MikTex ( Latex ) Version

      Typing this following command in the command prompt:

      initexmf --version

      mpm --version

      Run your TeX indexer program to update your index package database:

      initexmf --update-fndb


      MiKTeX Package Manager, cli, MiKTeX Configuration Utility

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      Kamis, 08 Februari 2024

      Konjungsi Dalam Bahasa Indonesia 1

      Konjungsi / Kata Hubung / Kata Sambung

      Jenis Kata Hubung Berdasarkan Fungsinya.

      Kata Hubung Aditif / Kata Sambung Gabungan

      Dan, Lagipula, Juga, Serta.

      Kata Hubung Waktu

      Setelah, Sejak, Selanjutnya, Sesudah.

      Kata Hubung Pertentangan

      Tetapi, Melainkan, Sedangkan.

      Kata Hubung Pilihan

      Atau, Ataupun, Maupun.

      Kata Hubung Tujuan 

      Untuk, Agar, supaya.

      Kata Hubung Sebab

      Sebab, Karena.

      Kata Hubung Akibat 

      Sehingga, Sampai, Akibatnya.

      Kata Hubung Urutan

      Lalu, Kemudian.

      Kata Hubung Syarat 

      Jika, Kalau, Jikalau, Apabila.

      Kata Hubung Tak Bersyarat

      Walaupun, Meskipun, Biarpun.

      Kata Hubung Perbandingan

      Seperti, Sebagai, Bagaikan.

      Kata Hubung Pembenaran

      Biar, Biarpun.

      Kata Hubung Korelatif 

      Tidak Hanya….Tetapi Juga, Bukannya…. Melainkan.

      Kata Hubung Penegas

      Bahkan, Yaitu, Yakni.

      Kata Hubung Pembatas

      Kecuali, Selain.


      dan, lagipula, juga, serta, setelah, sejak, selanjutnya, sesudah, tetapi, melainkan, sedangkan, atau, ataupun, maupun, untuk, agar, supaya, sebab, karena, sehingga, sampai, akibatnya, lalu, kemudian, jika, kalau, jikalau, apabila, walaupun, meskipun, biarpun, seperti, sebagai, bagaikan, biar, biarpun, tidak hanya….tetapi juga, bukannya…. melainkan, bahkan, yaitu, yakni, kecuali, selain, tata bahasa indonesia

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      Selasa, 06 Februari 2024

      DAO Object List In Visual Basic

      Microsoft DAO ( Microsoft Data Access Objects ) List

      • DAO.Database
      • DAO.DBEngine
      • DAO.Error
      • DAO.QueryDef
      • DAO.Recordset
      • DAO.TableDef
      • DAO.Workspace


      Fungsi Waktu Dan Tanggal Dalam Visual Basic


      digunakan untuk mendapatkan Tanggal dan Waktu sekarang.

      [ VB 6.0 ]

      Dim d As String

      d = Now

      [ VB .NET ]

      Dim d As DateTime = DateTime.Now

      Dim format As String = "MMM ddd d HH:mm yyyy"


      , hasilnya 13/01/2012 1:22:42


      digunakan untuk mendapatkan Tanggal sekarang.

      [ VB 6.0 ]

      Dim d As Date

      d = Date

      [ VB .NET ]

      Dim d As DateTime

      d = Now.Date

      , hasilnya 13/01/2012


      digunakan untuk mendapatkan Waktu sekarang.

      [ VB 6.0 ]

      d = Time

      [ VB .NET ]

      d = Now.ToLongTimeString

      , hasilnya 1:22:42


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Tanggal saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Day(#1/13/2012#) 

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1/13/2012#.Day 

      , hasilnya 13


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Bulan saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Month(#1/13/2012#)

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1/13/2012#.Month

       , hasilnya 1


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Tahun saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Year(#1/13/2012#) 

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1/13/2012#.Year

       , hasilnya 2012


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Jam saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Hour(#1:22:42 AM#)

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1:22:42 AM#.Hour

       , hasilnya 1


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Menit saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Minute(#1:22:42 AM#)

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1:22:42 AM#.Minute

      , hasilnya 22


      digunakan untuk mengambil nilai Detik saja dari x.

      [ VB 6.0 ] 

      d = Second(#1:22:42 AM#)

      [ VB .NET ] 

      d = #1:22:42 AM#.Second

      , hasilnya 42


      digunakan untuk menghasilkan Tanggal dari kombinasi x, y, z.

      d = DateSerial(2012, 1, 13)

       , hasilnya 13/01/2012


      digunakan untuk menghasilkan Waktu dari kombinasi hourminutesecond.

      d = TimeSerial(1, 22, 42)

       , hasilnya 1:22:42


      digunakan untuk mendapatkan nama Bulan dari x.

      d = MonthName(2)

       , hasilnya Februari / mengikuti pengaturan Regional Options dalam Windows Control Panel.


      digunakan untuk mendapatkan nama Hari dari x.

      d = WeekdayName(2, 0, vbSunday)

       , hasilnya Senin / mengikuti pengaturan Regional Options dalam Windows Control Panel.


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      Markdown Link 1

      Hyperlink Text In Markdown

      This article is to write a link and image link in Markdown file.

      link text in brackets. To add a link text, enclose it in square brackets. (e.g., []).
      URL in parentheses. To add a URL, enclose it in parentheses after the link text. (e.g., (
      a title for a link. This will appear as a tooltip when the user hovers over the link. To add a title, enclose it in quotation marks after the URL. (e.g., "search engine and news site")


      []( "search engine and news site")

      []( "classified ads of home, car and careers")

      []( "learning markdown site")


      Linking Images

      To add a link to an image,

      1. enclose the image alt text in brackets, the image path and image title in parentheses.
      2. then enclose image alt text, the image path and image title between brackets.
      3. then add the link in parentheses.


      [![brand logo]( "brand logo")](

      brand logo


      hyperlink, picture, graphic, illustration

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      Kamis, 01 Februari 2024

      Belajar Matematika Kelas 5 SD

      1. Operasi Hitung Pecahan

      1.A. Penjumlahan Pecahan

      1.B. Pengurangan Pecahan

      1.C. Perkalian Pecahan

      1.D. Pembagian Pecahan

      2. Kecepatan dan Debit

      3. Skala

      3.A. Perbandingan

      3.B. Skala

      4. Bangun Ruang

      4.A. Volume Bangun Ruang

      4.B. Jaring-jaring Bangun Ruang

      5. Pengumpulan dan Penyajian Data

      5.A. Pengumpulan Data

      5.B. Penyajian Data

      Daftar Istilah
      Daftar Gambar
      Daftar Tabel
      Daftar Pustaka

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