Jumat, 22 Desember 2023

SendKey Dalam Visual Basic Classic

Daftar perintah yang bisa Anda gunakan :
ENTER {ENTER} atau ~
TAB        {PRTSC}
F1  {F1}
F2 {F2}
F3  {F3}
F4 {F4}
F5  {F5}
F6 {F6}
F7 {F7}
F8 {F8}
F9 {F9}
F10 {F10}
F11 {F11}
F12 {F12}

Untuk kombinasi tombol SHIFT, CTRL, dan ALT, awali dengan perintah berikut :

CTRL    ^
ALT  %

Related Post:

Visual Basic KeyCode Constants Reference

Most Common Quotation On HTML Entities

The following table is most common quote character on HTML entities:
Character(s) Literal(s) Alphanumeric value(s) Unicode value(s) Prefer to
Guillemets/Chevron 2 « » « » « » "
Single quotes 9, 10 ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ' or '
Single low quote 11 ‚ ‚ ' or comma
Double quotes 9 “ ” “ ” “ ” ", ", , or ``
Double low quote 11 „ „ " or ,,
Prime & double prime 13 ′ ″ ′ ″ ′ ″ ', , ', ", minutes:seconds elapsed


HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies;Paul McFedries;Wiley
HTML DeMYSTiFieD;Cottrell, Lee;McGraw-Hill

table, reference table, html, website, special characters

Rabu, 20 Desember 2023

How To Check Your Composer Version

How To Check Your Composer Version In Microsoft Windows

To Check The Composer Version
  • open Command Prompt.
  • type  composer -V
    ( must be V in capital text )
  • then press Enter on keyboard.

Proses Data Dalam Database

Kerangka Proses Data Dalam Database

Proses Membuat Tabel Database

  • Menentukan tujuan database.
  • Membuat data dictionary.
  • Mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan Database Schema, DFD (Data Flow Dictionary), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).
  • Membuka database.
  • Membuat tabel baru atau table dari data yang sudah ada.
  • Membuat field atau menambahkan field.
  • Menentukan tipe data field dari database.
  • Menentukan panjang maksimal field dari database.
  • Menambahkan atribut Not Null pada field yang diperlukan.
  • Menentukan primary key untuk field yang diperlukan.
  • Menyimpan desain tabel.
  • Membuat relasi antar tabel.

Proses Menampilkan Data Dari Tabel

  • Membuka tabel yang akan diproses.
  • Periksa jumlah record yang ada dalam tabel.
  • Tampilkan seluruh atau sebagian record.
  • Tutup tabel.

Proses Menambah Data Ke Dalam Tabel

  • Tampilkan form untuk menerima input dari pengguna.
  • Baca data yang dikirimkan dari browser.
  • Membuka tabel yang diinginkan untuk menyimpan data.
  • Proses simpan data, lakukan pemeriksaan data terlebih dahulu.
  • Tutup tabel.

Proses Memperbaiki Data Suatu Tabel

  • Tampilkan form untuk menerima input sesuai dengan kriteria data yang akan diperbaiki dari pengguna.
  • Baca data sesuai dengan kriteria yang dikirimkan dari browser pengguna..
  • Membuka tabel yang datanya akan diperbaiki.
  • Cari data yang sesuai dengan kriteria.
    • Jika ditemukan tampilkan dalam form untuk perubahan.
    • Jika tidak ditemukan tulis pesan tidak ada.
      • Tutup tabel.
  • Terima data perubahan.
  • Buka tabel yang datanya akan diperbaiki.
  • Temukan record yang datanya akan diperbaiki.
  • Simpan data perubahan ke dalam tabel.
  • Tutup tabel.

Kerangka Proses Menghapus Data Suatu Tabel

  • Tampilkan form untuk menerima input kriteria data yang akan dihapus dari tabel.
  • Baca data sesuai dengan kriteria yang dikirimkan dari browser.
  • Membuka tabel yang datanya akan dihapus.
  • Cari data yang sesuai kriteria.
    • Jika ditemukan tampilkan ke dalam browser untuk dikonfirmasikan.
    • Jika tidak ditemukan tulis pesan tidak ada.
      • Tutup tabel.
  • Terima konfirmasi untuk penghapusan.
  • Buka tabel yang datanya akan dihapus.
  • Hapus data dari tabel.
  • Tutup tabel.
Selanjutnya Mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan database schema, DFD (Data Flow Dictionary), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram):
Untuk belajar Proses Membuat Tabel Database di Microsoft Access menggunakan Microsoft Access SQL, klik hyperlink Microsoft Access SQL Sample


Basis data;Fathansyah;Informatika Bandung
Membangun sistem basis data dengan Oracle;Budi Susanto;Andi Offset
Laravel For Beginners;Bill Keck
Learning Laravel Application Development;Hardik Dangar;Packt
Mengembangkan Framework Aplikasi Database CodeIgniter;Betha Sidik;Informatika Bandung

Information Technology Road Map, Computer Programmer Task, CRUD, create, read, update, delete

Selasa, 19 Desember 2023

Istilah Matematika 2

barisan bilangan: merupakan kumpulan bilangan yang memiliki urutan dan disusun menurut pola tertentu.

cosinus: perbandingan nilai sisi samping dan sisi miring sebuah sudut pada segitiga siku-siku.

clinometer: alat sederhana untuk mengukur sudut elevasi atau sudut depresi.

deret bilangan: penjumlahan suku-suku pada barisan bilangan.

deret divergen: deret bilangan yang tidak dapat ditentukan jumlahnya.

deret konvergen: deret bilangan yang dapat ditentukan jumlahnya.

distribusi peluang: deskripsi dari semua kemungkinan hasil dari situasi acak, bersama dengan peluang terjadinya masing-masing.

diskriminan: pembeda jenis-jenis akar persamaan kuadrat.

eksponen: nilai yang menunjukkan derajat kepangkatan suatu bilangan.

fungsi eksponen: fungsi berbentuk perpangkatan dengan variabel bebasnya adalah pangkat dari konstanta fungsi tersebut.

fungsi kuadrat: adalah fungsi suku banyak dengan pangkat tertinggi variabelnya adalah 2.

kejadian saling lepas: kejadian di mana tidak mungkin untuk terjadi pada hasil yang sama.

logaritma: operasi kebalikan dari eksponen atau perpangkatan.

>> klik di link untuk melihat Rumus Logaritma 1

peluang: kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi/muncul dari sebuah peristiwa.

P(A dan B): peluang bahwa kejadian A dan B terjadi pada hasil yang sama.

P(A atau B): peluang bahwa kejadian A atau B terjadi.

pertumbuhan eksponen: peningkatan secara eksponensial pada kurun waktu tertentu.

peluruhan eksponen: penurunan secara ekponensial pada kurun waktu tertentu.

ruang sampel: himpunan semua kemungkinan hasil yang didapatkan dari suatu percobaan peluang.

median: nilai data yang berada tepat di tengah Ketika seluruh data diurutkan dari yang terkecil sampai yang terbesar.

modus: data yang paling sering muncul atau memiliki Frekuensi paling besar.

jangkauan: selisih antara data terkecil dengan data terbesar.

line plot: garis bilangan dengan banyaknya tanda X menunjukkan banyaknya data yang muncul dengan nilai tertentu.

mean: bilangan yang diperoleh dengan mendistribusikan secara merata ke seluruh anggota dari kumpulan data.

kuartil: membagi kumpulan data menjadi 4 bagian sama besar.

linear: semua variabelnya berpangkat satu.

persamaan: kalimat terbuka yang memuat hubungan sama dengan "=".

persentil: membagi kumpulan data menjadi 100 bagian sama besar.

pertidaksamaan: kalimat terbuka yang memuat hubungan tidak sama dengan (bisa berupa “≠”, “<”, maupun “>”).

pola bilangan: susunan angka-angka yang membentuk pola tertentu.

rasio: nilai perbandingan antara dua bilangan pada barisan dan deret geometri.

resultan: hasil penjumlahan atau pengurangan vektor.

sinus: perbandingan nilai sisi depan dan sisi miring sebuah sudut pada segitiga siku-siku.

sistem: simultan.

solusi: nilai yang membuat persamaan (atau sistem persamaan) bernilai benar.

sumbu simetri: garis sumbu yang melalui titik puncak fungsi kuadrat.

tangen: perbandingan nilai sisi depan dan sisi samping sebuah sudut pada segitiga siku-siku.

theodolit: alat pengukur sudut yang biasa digunakan oleh juru tanah.

titik puncak: titik terendah atau titik tertinggi pada fungsi kuadrat.

trigonometri: studi pola bermakna mengenai hubungan antara sudut dan sisi segitiga.

vektor ruas: garis berarah atau besaran yang mempunyai besar dan arah.

vektor lawan: vektor yang besarnya sama tetapi berlawanan arahnya dengan suatu vektor.

vektor posisi: vektor yang berpangkal di O dan berujung di suatu titik dalam sistem koordinat.

vektor satuan: vektor yang bernilai 1 satuan.

Keyword: mtk, pelajaran, ilmu, konsep, teori, definisi, istilah, glosarium

Related Post:

Browser Event

JavaScript Browser Event


onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmouseup


onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup


onabort, onbeforeunload, onerror, onhashchange, onload, onpageshow, onpagehide, onresize, onscroll, onunload


onblur, onchange, onfocus, onfocusin, onfocusout, oninput, oninvalid, onreset, onsearch, onselect, onsubmit


ondrag, ondragend, ondragenter, ondragleave, ondragover, ondragstart, ondrop


oncopy, oncut, onpaste


onabort, oncanplay, oncanplaythrough, ondurationchange, onended, onerror, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onseeked, onseeking, onstalled, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, onvolumechange, onwaiting


animationend, animationiteration, animationstart


transitionend, onmessage, onmousewheel, ononline, onoffline, onpopstate, onshow, onstorage, ontoggle, onwheel, ontouchcancel, ontouchend, ontouchmove, ontouchstart


Eloquent JavaScript; Marijn Haverbeke; No Starch Press.
Learning TypeScript; Josh Goldberg; O'Reilly.
Node.js for Beginners; Ulises Gascon; PacktPub
You Don’t Know JS; Kyle Simpson, et. al.; O’Reilly

Related Post:

Minggu, 17 Desember 2023

Database Connection String

Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0

Microsoft Office Access Version >= 2007

Standard security

"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"

With database password

"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;"

Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0

Microsoft Office Access Version >= 97

Standard security
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"

With database password

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;"

Some reports of problems with password longer than 14 characters. Also that some characters might cause trouble. If you are having problems, try change password to a short one with normal characters.



Related Post:

Sabtu, 16 Desember 2023

Windows Folder 32 Bit dan 64 Bit

Two different versions of the Program Files folder and the Windows System folder

A 64-bit Windows has two different versions of the program files folder and the Windows system folder (system directory). One version is intended for 32-bit files and other version is intended for 64-bit files. The name of these folders, and the bit they are intended for, is shown in the table below:
Folder name Bit Description
System32 64 Windows System folder (system directory) for 64-bit files
SysWOW64 32 Windows System folder (system directory) for 32-bit files
Program Files 64 Folder for 64-bit program files
Program Files (x86) 32 Folder for 32-bit program files
Below you can see the full path to the folders.
Folder name Folder path Description
System32 C:\Windows\System32
Windows System folder (system directory) for 64-bit files
SysWOW64 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
Windows System folder (system directory) for 32-bit files
Program Files C:\Program Files Folder for 64-bit program files
Program Files (x86) C:\Program Files (x86) Folder for 32-bit program files
Sysnative is a virtual folder, a special alias, that can be used to access the 64-bit System32 folder from a 32-bit application or script. If you for example specify this folder path in your application's source code:
the following folder path is actually used:

To provide support for allowing existing 32-bit applications to work on 64-bit versions of Windows, most 64-bit versions of Windows use 32-bit Windows-on-Windows (WOW64) emulation. This WOW64 emulation support isolates the 32-bit and 64-bit files from each other by storing their files in separate locations.

A 64-bit target system typically has two Program Files folders:

  • Program Files, which is for 64-bit applications
  • Program Files (x86), which is for 32-bit applications

A 64-bit target system typically has two Common Files folders (one in either Program Files folder):

  • Program Files\Common Files, which is for 64-bit applications
  • Program Files (x86)\Common Files, which is for 32-bit applications

A 64-bit target system also typically has two system folders:

  • System32, which is for 64-bit libraries and executable files
  • SysWOW64, which is for 32-bit libraries and executable files



Related Post:

Jumat, 15 Desember 2023

Notepad++ and Plugins Keyboard Shortcut 1

Notepad++ and Notepad++ Plugins Keyboard Shortcut

Keyboard ShortcutMenu Command

Plugin Name (PN)

Plugin Menu (PM)

Built-In Menu*

Ctrl+RIDM_FILE_RELOADTextFx Characters (PN)
File > Reload from Disk

NppTextFx.dll/TextFx Characters

TextFx > Quick > Q:Find/Replace
--- or ---
TextFx Quick > Q:Find/Replace

Notepad++ File menu


TextFx Characters (PN)

Search > Go to Matching Brace

Q:Find matching {([<Brace>])}

NppTextFx.dll/TextFx Characters

TextFx > Quick > Q:Find matching {([<Brace>])}

--- or ---
TextFx Quick > Q:Find matching {([<Brace>])} 

Notepad++ Search menu
File > Restore Recent Closed File
Undo close tab


Plugins > Notepad# > Undo close tab

Notepad++ File menu
Search > Select All Between Matching Braces
Manage Favorites


Plugins > NppFavorites > Manage Favorites
Notepad++ Search menu
Ctrl+Alt+Enter Insert Blank Line Above Current ZenCoding-Python (PN)
Edit > Line Operations > Insert Blank Line Above Current
Expand abbreviation


Plugins > Zen Coding - Python > Expand abbreviation

Notepad++ Edit menu
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Enter Insert Blank Line Below Current ZenCoding-Python (PN)
Edit > Line Operations > Insert Blank Line Below Current
Wrap with abbreviation


Plugins > Zen Coding - Python > Wrap with abbreviation

Notepad++ Edit menu
Ctrl+Alt+C Compare CSVQuery


Plugins > ComparePlus > Compare

--- or ---


Plugins > Compare > Compare
Toggle CSV Query window PN:
Plugins > CsvQuery > Toggle CSV Query window
ComparePlugin, ComparePlus
Toggle CSV Query window PN:
Plugins > CsvQuery > Toggle CSV Query window
ComparePlugin, ComparePlus
Ctrl+Alt+1 Set as First to Compare CSVQuery


Plugins > ComparePlus > Compare

--- or ---


Plugins > Compare > Compare
Open first file on favorite list PN:
Plugins > CsvQuery > Toggle CSV Query window
ComparePlugin, ComparePlus
Ctrl+F7 Open corresponding PDF GotoLineCol


Plugins > SumatraNPP > Open corresponding PDF

Show GotoLineCol Panel PN:
Plugins > Goto Line, Column > Show GotoLineCol Panel


Notepad++ User Manual

Related Post:

Supported Picture File Types In Visual Basic Classic

This is the list of Graphics formats types that supported by Microsoft Visual Basic Classic:

  • bitmap (.bmp) files,
  • icon (.ico) files,
  • cursor (.cur) files,
  • run-length encoded (.rle) files,
  • metafile (.wmf) files,
  • enhanced metafiles (.emf),
  • GIF (.gif) files,
  • JPEG (.jpg) files.
image file extension, graphics file format, picture file type

Rabu, 13 Desember 2023

Google Chrome Extension

Extension About Editor And Reader In Google Chrome browser:

These following extension are browser extension in Google Chrome Browser:


Rapidly render LaTeX in the menu bar.

Offered by: Arman Bhalla

Plus: rapid and automatic render/compile, can copy LaTex code to clipboard

Minus: cannot render or make an error output in newline (\newline), \\, heavy extension, only for elementary syntax.

TeX Math Here

Use the TeX markup language to take math here, there, or just about anywhere that images are supported.

Offered by: tex-math-here

Plus: automatic copy LaTex code to clipboard. Can custom font face, font size, and font color.

Minus: cannot render or make an error output in newline (\newline), \\, only for elementary syntax.

Latex Math

a simple tool to generate math images from Latex.

Offered by: hhxp9106

Plus: automatic copy LaTex code to clipboard. Can custom font face, font size, and font color.

Minus: cannot render offline, cannot save file (input data will be missing the blur focus).

Latex Math Equations for Google Chrome™

You can edit and then save it as an image to Google Drive.

Offered by: Useful Software Apps

Plus: Works with Google Drive, Runs offline

Minus: -

LaTeX Editor

A lite, free & flexible LaTeX editor app for your browser.

Offered by: Keller

Plus: lightweight.

Minus: cannot use package.

Markdown Preview Plus Dz特别版 Tè Bié Bǎn

Converts and previews markdown files (.md, .markdown) to HTML right inside Chrome. dz改良版 Gǎi Liáng Bǎn

Offered by: Viswow

Plus: -

Minus: -

Word Editor

A free & easy-to-use word editor extension for your browser.

Offered by: Keller

Plus: -

Minus:some html output is not standard

Web Maker

Blazing fast & offline playground for your web experiments.

Offered by: webmaker.app

Plus: -


internet browser, internet program






Related Post:

Fungsi Menu Google Chrome

Opera And Google Chrome Extensions 1

Useful Google Chrome Extension

Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcut

Fungsi Menu Pada Microsoft Word 1

Memelihara Kesehatan Lingkungan

Notepad 2 Edit SubMenu

 Notepad 2 Text Editor

Edit SubMenu

Copy to Clipboard > File Name = copy the opened file name.

Copy to Clipboard > File Name and Ex. = copy the opened file name and extension.

Copy to Clipboard > Full Path Name = copy the opened file name, drive location , folder location and extension.

Copy to Clipboard > Copy All = copy all content on editor.

Copy to Clipboard > Copy Add = copy the selection text and add to clipboard.

Copy to Clipboard > Copy as RTF = copy with syntax highlighting on RTF format (word processor support, for example Microsoft Office Word).

Selection > Duplicate = copy paste the selection text.

Selection > Toggle Line Comment = toggle the line comment of supported syntax in Scheme menu.

Selection > Block Comment = toggle the block comment of supported syntax in Scheme menu.

Selection > Indent = write space or tabs in the beginning line of text.

Selection > Unindent = delete space or tabs in the beginning line of text.

Selection > Strip Trailing Blanks = delete white spaces in the last character line from selection text.

Selection > Strip Leading Blanks = delete white spaces in the first character line from selection text.

Selection > Remove Blank Lines = delete blank lines.

Selection > Whitespace = compress whitespace

Enclose Selection > With... = Surround selected text with custom text.

Enclose Selection > HTML/XML Tag... = Surround selected text with HTML/XML Tag.

Lines > Move Up = Move Lines Up

Lines > Move Down = Move Lines Down

Lines > Sort Lines... = Sort lines

Lines > Modify Lines... = Add prefix and suffix to lines

Lines > Duplicate Line = Copy paste lines

Lines > Join Lines = Join lines

Convert > Upper Case = Convert selected text to upper case

Convert > Lower Case = convert selected text to lower case

Convert > Invert Case = invert selected text between lower case to upper case and vice versa

Convert > Title Case = convert selected textarea with all words capitalised

Convert > Sentence Case = convert only the first word of the sentence is capitalised

Convert > Tabify Selection = convert selected spaces text to tab character

Convert > Untabify Selection = convert selected tab character to spaces text

Convert > To Hexadecimal = convert selected to Hexadecimal number

Convert > To Decimal

Convert > To Binary

Special > Char to Hex

Special > Hex to Char

Special > Escape C Chars

Special > Unescape C Chars

Special > Escape HTML/XML Chars

Special > Unescape HTML/XML Chars

Special > Delete Line Left

Special > Delete Line Right

Special > Delete Word Left

Special > Delete Word Right

Find And Replace > Find...

Find And Replace > Find Next

Find And Replace > Find Previous

Find And Replace > Replace...

Find And Replace > Replace Next

Find And Replace > Find Matching Brace

Find And Replace > Select to Matching Brace

Find And Replace > Select Word

Find And Replace > Select Lines (Expand Selection)

Find And Replace > Select Lines in Current Block

Find And Replace > Select to Document Start

Find And Replace > Select to Document End

Find And Replace > Select to Next

Find And Replace > Select to Previous

Bookmarks > Toggle

Bookmarks > Goto Next

Bookmarks > Goto Previous

Bookmarks > Select All

Bookmarks > Clear All

Goto > Goto Line...

Goto > Goto Block Start

Goto > Goto Block End

Goto > Goto Previous Block

Goto > Goto Next Block

Goto > Goto Previous Sibling Block

Goto > Goto Next Sibling Block

Goto > Goto Selection Start

Goto > Goto Selection End











Notepad2, Notepad 2 (Text Editor, Program, Microsoft Windows Software), Rich Text Format, HyperText Markup Language, eXtensible Markup Language

Related Post:

Visual Basic KeyCode Constants Reference

Visual Basic Keycode constants

The following keycode constants can be used anywhere in your visual basic event code such as _MouseDown, _MouseMove, _MouseUp, _KeyDown, _KeyUp.

Constant Value Description
vbKeyLButton 1 Left mouse button
vbKeyRButton 2 Right mouse button
vbKeyCancel 3 CANCEL key
vbKeyMButton 4 Middle mouse button
vbKeyBack 8 BACKSPACE key
vbKeyTab 9 TAB key
vbKeyClear 12 CLEAR key
vbKeyReturn 13 ENTER key
vbKeyShift 0x10 SHIFT key
vbKeyControl 17 CTRL key
vbKeyMenu 18 MENU key
vbKeyPause 19 PAUSE key
vbKeyCapital 20 CAPS LOCK key
vbKeyEscape 27 ESC key
vbKeySpace 32 SPACEBAR key
vbKeyPageUp 33 PAGE UP key
vbKeyPageDown 34 PAGE DOWN key
vbKeyEnd 35 END key
vbKeyHome 36 HOME key
vbKeyLeft 37 LEFT ARROW key
vbKeyUp 38 UP ARROW key
vbKeyRight 39 RIGHT ARROW key
vbKeyDown 40 DOWN ARROW key
vbKeySelect 41 SELECT key
vbKeyPrint 42 PRINT SCREEN key
vbKeyExecute 43 EXECUTE key
vbKeySnapshot 44 SNAPSHOT key
vbKeyInsert 45 INSERT key
vbKeyDelete 46 DELETE key
vbKeyHelp 47 HELP key
vbKeyNumlock 144 NUM LOCK key
vbKeyScrollLock 145 SCROLL LOCK key


  • https://indrawan21.blogspot.com/
  • https://microsoft.com/
vb, table, reference table, reference sheet, vbkey, const

HTML Table Example

In this following HTML code is example for HTML table:

Example 1 — Table with a single header row

  1. <table>
  2. <tr>
  3. <th>Player</th>
  4. <th>Team</th>
  5. </tr>
  6. <tr>
  7. <td>BabeRuth</td>
  8. <td>NewYorkYankees</td>
  9. </tr>
  10. </table>
result of HTML table

web programming, web developing, html, hypertext markup language, source code, internet programming


  • https://codecademy.com/
  • http://kb.daisy.org/
  • https://w3schools.com/

Related Post:

Visual Basic KeyAscii

VB KeyAscii Values

Visual Basic KeyAscii Values can range from 0 to 255.
Here is a chart which shows all possible KeyAscii values along with the character which they represent.
To type out any of these characters without pressing the actual character you can do this...
Hold down the left ALT key on your keyboard and using the number pad on the right of your keyboard type in the corresponding ASCII value.  For instance, typing ALT+66 will yield B. For numbers above 127 use "0 + the number".
For instance to find the character which corresponds to KeyAscii value 134 you would type ALT+0134 which yields †.
The most ordinary KeyAscii use in KeyPress event.

VB KeyAscii Chart

KeyAscii values 0 to 31 are non-printable and values 128-255 are considered "Extended". These "extended" codes may vary in appearance from computer to computer (and from font to font), so use with caution.

0    NUL (null) / Ctrl+Shift+@
1    SOH (start of heading) / ☺ / Ctrl+A
2    STX (start of text) / ☻ / Ctrl+B
3    ETX (end of text) / ♥ / Ctrl+C
4    EOT (end of transmission) / ♦ / Ctrl+D
5    ENQ (enquiry) / ♣ / Ctrl+E
6    ACK (acknowledge) / ♠ / Ctrl+F
7    BEL (bell) / • / Ctrl+G
8    BS (backspace) / ◘ / Ctrl+H
9    TAB (horizonal tab) / ○ / Ctrl+I
10    LF (NL line feed, new line) / ◙ / Ctrl+J
11    VT (vertical tab) / ♂ / Ctrl+K
12    FF (NP form feed, new page) / ♀ / Ctrl+L
13    CR (carriage return) / ♪ / Ctrl+M
14    SO (shift out) / ♫ / Ctrl+N
15    SI (shift in) / ☼ / Ctrl+O
16    DLE (data line escape) / ► / Ctrl+P
17    DC1 (device control 1) / ◄ / Ctrl+Q
18    DC2 (device control 2) / ↕ / Ctrl+R
19    DC3 (device control 3) / ‼ / Ctrl+S
20    DC4 (device control 4) / ¶ / Ctrl+T
21    NAK (negative acknowledge) / § / Ctrl+U
22    SYN (synchronous idle) / ▬ / Ctrl+V
23    ETB (end of trans. block) / ↨ / Ctrl+W
24    CAN (cancel) / ↑ / Ctrl+X
25    EM (end of medium) / ↓ / Ctrl+Y
26    SUB (substitute) / → / Ctrl+Z
27    ESC (escape) / ← / Ctrl+[
28    FS (file separator) / ∟ / Ctrl+\
29    GS (group separator) / ↔ / Ctrl+]
30    RS (record separator) / ▲ / Ctrl+Shift+^
31    US (unit separator) / ▼ / Ctrl+Shift+_
32    Space
33    !    Exclamation Mark
34    "    Double quotes (or speech marks)
35    #    Number sign
36    $    Dollar
37    %    Percent sign
38    &    Ampersand
39    '    Apostrophe
40    (    Parenthesis, Opening Round Bracket - British English
41    )    Parenthesis, Closing Round Bracket - British English
42    *    Asterisk
43    +    Plus sign
44    ,    Comma
45    -    Hyphen , Minus Sign
46    .    Dot, Full stop, Period
47    /    Slash or Divide
48    0    Zero number
49    1    One number
50    2     Two number
51    3     Three number
52    4     Four number
53    5     Five number
54    6     Six number
55    7     Seven number
56    8     Eight number
57    9     Nine number
58    :     Colon
59    ;     Semi Colon
60    <     Less than or Open Angled Bracket or Chevrons
61    =     Equal
62    >     Greater than or Closing Angled Bracket or Chevrons
63    ?     Question mark
64    @     At sign
65    A    Uppercase A
66    B     Uppercase B
67    C     Uppercase C
68    D     Uppercase D
69    E     Uppercase E
70    F     Uppercase F
71    G     Uppercase G
72    H     Uppercase H
73    I     Uppercase I
74    J     Uppercase J
75    K     Uppercase K
76    L     Uppercase L
77    M     Uppercase M
78    N     Uppercase N
79    O     Uppercase O
80    P     Uppercase P
81    Q     Uppercase Q
82    R     Uppercase R
83    S     Uppercase S
84    T     Uppercase T
85    U     Uppercase U
86    V     Uppercase V
87    W     Uppercase W
88    X     Uppercase X
89    Y     Uppercase Y
90    Z     Uppercase Z
91    [     Opening Bracket or Square Brackets or Box Bracket
92    \     Backslash
93    ]     Closing bracket or Square Brackets or Box Bracket
94    ^     Caret - circumflex
95    _     Underscore
96    `     Backtick or Backquote, Grave, or Grave Accent
97    a     Lowercase a
98    b     Lowercase b
99    c     Lowercase c
100    d     Lowercase d
101    e     Lowercase e
102    f     Lowercase f
103    g     Lowercase g
104    h     Lowercase h
105    i     Lowercase i
106    j     Lowercase j
107    k     Lowercase k
108    l     Lowercase l
109    m     Lowercase m
110    n     Lowercase n
111    o     Lowercase o
112    p     Lowercase p
113    q     Lowercase q
114    r     Lowercase r
115    s     Lowercase s
116    t     Lowercase t
117    u     Lowercase u
118    v     Lowercase v
119    w     Lowercase w
120    x     Lowercase x
121    y     Lowercase y
122    z     Lowercase z
123    {     Opening brace or Curly Bracket
124    |     Vertical bar
125    }     Closing brace or Curly Bracket
126    ~     Equivalency sign - Tilde
127*    DEL / CTRL-Backspace     Delete
128    €     Euro sign
130    ‚     Single low-9 quotation mark
131    ƒ     Latin small letter f with hook
132    „     Double low-9 quotation mark
133    …    Horizontal ellipsis
134    †     Dagger
135    ‡     Double dagger
136    ˆ     Modifier letter circumflex accent
137    ‰     Per mille sign
138    Š     Latin capital letter S with caron
139    ‹     Single left-pointing angle quotation
140    Œ     Latin capital ligature OE
141    •    
142    Ž     Latin capital letter Z with caron
143    •
144    •
145    ‘     Left Single Quotation Mark or Smart Quotes or Curly Quotes
146    ’     Right Single Quotation Mark or Smart Quotes or Curly Quotes
147    “     Left Double Quotation Mark or Smart Quotes or Curly Quotes
148    ”     Right Double Quotation Mark or Smart Quotes or Curly Quotes
149    •     Bullet
150    –     En dash
151    —     Em dash
152    ˜     Small tilde
153    ™     Trade mark sign
154    š     Latin small letter S with caron
155    ›     Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
156    œ     Latin small ligature oe
158    ž     Latin small letter z with caron
159    Ÿ     Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160    NBSP    Non-breaking space
161    ¡     Inverted exclamation mark
162    ¢     Cent sign
163    £     Pound sign
164    ¤     Currency sign
165    ¥     Yen sign
166    ¦     Pipe, Broken Vertical Bar
167    §     Section sign
168    ¨     Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169    ©     Copyright sign
170    ª    Feminine Ordinal Indicator
171    «     Left Double Angle Quotes or Guillemet or Double Chevrons
172    ¬     Negation
173    ­SHY    ­Soft hyphen
174    ®     Registered Trade Mark Sign
175    ¯     Spacing macron - overline
176    °     Degree sign
177    ±     Plus-or-minus sign
178    ²     Superscript Two - Squared
179    ³     Superscript Three - Cubed
180    ´     Acute Accent - Spacing Acute
181    µ     Micro Sign
182    ¶     Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183    ·     Middle dot - Georgian comma
184    ¸     Spacing Cedilla
185    ¹     Superscript one
186    º     Masculine Ordinal Indicator
187    »     Right Double Angle Quotes
188    ¼     Fraction One Quarter
189    ½     Fraction One Half
190    ¾     Fraction Three Quarter
191    ¿     Inverted Question Mark
192    À     Latin Capital Letter A With Grave
193    Á     Latin Capital Letter A With Acute
194    Â     Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
195    Ã     Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
196    Ä     Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
197    Å     Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
198    Æ     Latin Capital Letter AE
199    Ç     Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
200    È     Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
201    É     Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
202    Ê     Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
203    Ë     Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
204    Ì     Latin Capital Letter I With Grave
205    Í     Latin Capital Letter I With Acute
206    Î     Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
207    Ï     Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
208    Ð     Latin Capital Letter ETH
209    Ñ     Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde
210    Ò     Latin Capital Letter O With Grave
211    Ó     Latin Capital Letter O With Acute
212    Ô     Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex
213    Õ     Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde
214    Ö    Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
215    ×    Multiplication Sign
216    Ø     Latin Capital Letter O With Slash
217    Ù     Latin Capital Letter U With Grave
218    Ú     Latin Capital Letter U With Acute
219    Û     Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
220    Ü     Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
221    Ý     Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute
222    Þ     Latin Capital Letter Thorn
223    ß     Latin Small Letter Sharp S - Ess-Zed
224    à     Latin Small Letter A With Grave
225    á     Latin Small Letter A With Acute
226    â     Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
227    ã     Latin Small Letter A With Tilde
228    ä     ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
229    å     Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
230    æ     Latin Small Letter ae
231    ç     Latin Small Letter c With Cedilla
232    è     Latin Small Letter e With Grave
233    é     Latin Small Letter e With Acute
234    ê     Latin Small Letter e With Circumflex
235    ë     Latin Small Letter e With Diaeresis
236    ì     Latin Small Letter i With Grave
237    í     Latin Small Letter i With Acute
238    î     Latin Small Letter i With Circumflex
239    ï
240    ð     Latin small Letter Eth
241    ñ     Latin Small Letter n With tilde
242    ò     Latin Small Letter o With Grave
243    ó     Latin Small Letter o With Acute
244    ô     Latin Small Letter o With Circumflex
245    õ     Latin Small Letter o With Tilde
246    ö     Latin Small Letter o With Diaeresis
247    ÷     Division Sign
248    ø     Latin Small Letter o With Slash
249    ù     Latin Small Letter u With Grave
250    ú     Latin Small Letter u With Acute
251    û     Latin Small Letter u With Circumflex
252    ü     Latin Small Letter u With Diaeresis
253    ý     Latin Small Letter y With Acute
254    þ     Latin small letter thorn
255    ÿ     Latin Small Letter y With Diaeresis

* ASCII code 127 has the code DEL. Under MS-DOS, this code has the same effect has ASCII 8 (BS). The DEL code can be generated by the CTRL + BKSP key. 

Some characters aren't supported by Microsoft Windows (characters 129, 141, 143, 144, and 157).

computer programming, programming language, software development, keyboard, computer, rreference sheet, reference chart


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