Rabu, 01 November 2023

Latex Font Style

Latex Text Mode Styles

Command NameEquivalent ToStyle
\emph{. . .} {\em. . .} emphasis or italic
\sout{. . .} \st{. . .} strikeout or strikethrough,
add \usepackage{ulem} to use \sout or
\usepackage{soul} to use \st
\textbf{. . .} {\bfseries. . .} bold series
\textit{. . .} {\itshape. . .} italic shape
\textlf{. . .} {\lfseries. . .} light series (not supported by all typefaces)
\textmd{. . .} {\mdseries. . .} medium weight (not supported by all typefaces)
\textnormal{. . .} {\normalfont. . .} document font family
\textrm{. . .} {\rmfamily. . .} Roman font family
\textsc{. . .} {\scshape. . .} small capitals
\textsf{. . .} {\sffamily. . .} Sans serif family
\textsl{. . .} {\slshape. . .} Slanted shape

Slanted shape

\texttt{. . .} {\ttfamily. . .} Typewriter family
\textup{. . .} {\upshape. . .} Upright shape
\underline{. . .} \ul{. . . } or \uline   Underline  
add \usepackage{soul} to use \ul or
add \usepackage{ulem} to use \uline

latex typesetting style


https://statatexblog.com/ https://www.math-linux.com/ https://www.overleaf.com/ https://stackoverflow.co/ https://stackexchange.com/ https://steeven9.github.io/USI-LaTeX/html/general_index.html https://menulislatex.blogspot.com/

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