Latex Text Mode Styles
Command Name | Equivalent To | Style |
\emph{. . .} | {\em. . .} | emphasis or italic |
\sout{. . .} | \st{. . .} | strikeout or strikethrough, add \usepackage{ulem} to use \sout or \usepackage{soul} to use \st |
\textbf{. . .} | {\bfseries. . .} | bold series |
\textit{. . .} | {\itshape. . .} | italic shape |
\textlf{. . .} | {\lfseries. . .} | light series (not supported by all typefaces) |
\textmd{. . .} | {\mdseries. . .} | medium weight (not supported by all typefaces) |
\textnormal{. . .} | {\normalfont. . .} | document font family |
\textrm{. . .} | {\rmfamily. . .} | Roman font family |
\textsc{. . .} | {\scshape. . .} | small capitals |
\textsf{. . .} | {\sffamily. . .} | Sans serif family |
\textsl{. . .} | {\slshape. . .} | Slanted shape Slanted shape |
\texttt{. . .} | {\ttfamily. . .} | Typewriter family |
\textup{. . .} | {\upshape. . .} | Upright shape |
\underline{. . .} | \ul{. . . } or \uline | Underline add \usepackage{soul} to use \ul or add \usepackage{ulem} to use \uline |
latex typesetting style
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