Selasa, 24 Oktober 2023

Symbol And Syntax

-U+002DHyphen Minus
U+2012Figure Dash
U+2013En Dash
U+2014Em Dash
U+2015Horizontal Bar
!U+0021Exclamation Point Or Exclamation Mark
"U+0022Quotation Marks
(U+0028Left Parentheses
)U+0029Right Parentheses
.U+002EPeriod Or Full Stop
/U+002FSolidus / Slash
;U+003BSemi Colon
?U+003FQuestion Mark
[U+005BLeft Square Bracket
\U+005CReverse Solidus / BackSlash
]U+005DRight Square Bracket
_U+005FLow Line / Underscore
{U+007BLeft Curly Bracket Or Left Braces
}U+007DRight Curly Bracket Or Right Braces
U+201CLeft Double Quotation Mark
U+201DRight Double Quotation Mark
U+2044Fraction Slash

Punctuation, Symbol, Notation, Syntax

Related Post:

Symbol And Syntax 2

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