Sabtu, 08 Maret 2025

Draw A Plot Point In Latex

1. Type this following latex code in the latex editor:
% !TEX-ts=pdflatex
% pdflatex plotPoint1.tex
% Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License



%% draw help lines
\draw[step=1,help lines,black!20](-0.95,-0.95) grid(5.95,5.95);

%% draw x axis
\draw[->,thick] (-1,0) -- (5.6,0) node[yshift=5pt,xshift=3pt] {$\mathbf{x}$};
%% draw y axis
\draw[->,thick] (0,-1) -- (0,5) node[xshift=-6pt,yshift=-1pt] {$\mathbf{y}$};

%% draw plot points
\foreach \Point/\PointLabel in {(3,1)/A, (4,2)/B, (5,3)/C}
 \draw[fill=black] \Point circle(0.05) node[above right] {$\PointLabel$} ;
2.Save file as plotPoint1.tex
3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.


To see the output, look at the below picture:


  • To see the more clear picture, click on the picture.
  • Maybe you need a little bit high computer requirement to learn from above lesson list.

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