% !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
% !TEX encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
% File name: straightAngle1c.tex
% Description:
% The Straight Angle
% Composer: private course and tutor course
% horizontal straight angle with angle in the bottom side
% Label the nodes and position
\coordinate[label=above:$\textbf{A}$] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below left:$\textbf{C}$] (B) at (-1.5,0);
\coordinate[label=below right:$\textbf{B}$] (C) at (1.5,0);
% Draw the Angle Leg / Angle Ray
\draw (B) -- (A) node [circle,fill=black,radius=0.01,scale=0.1] {vertex};
\draw (C) -- (B) ;
% Label the sides
\node[above] at (-0.75,0) {$\textbf{right ray}$};
\node[below] at (-0.75,0) {\textbf{b}};
\node[below] at (0.75,0) {\textbf{a}};
\node[above] at (0.75,0) {$\textbf{left ray}$};
% Draw the straight angle mark
\draw [thick] (-0.2,0) arc(180:360:0.2);
2. Save file as straightAngle1c.tex3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.
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