Jumat, 29 November 2024

Obtuse Angle In Latex 1 B

  1. Type this following latex code in the latex editor:
    % !TEX TS-program=pdflatex
    % !TEX encoding=UTF-8 unicode
    % Description:
    % Obtuse Angle = Detuse Angle

    %Requires \usetikzlibrary{calc} in the preamble
    \coordinate (B) at (2.345,-1.234);
    \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (C) at (-2.1,3.2);
    \draw [solid, thick] (B)--(A)--(C);
    \draw (A) node[below] {$A$};
    \draw (B) node[below] {$B$};
    \draw (C) node[below left] {$C$};
    % label the angle subtended at p1 by p2 and p3
    % draw the arc
    % draw in Old Version Tikz/PGF
    % \draw[red,->,thick] let \p1=(A), \p2=(B), \p3=(C),
    % \n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
    % ($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
    % draw in Current Version Tikz/PGF
    \draw[red,->,thick] let \p1=(A), \p2=(B), \p3=(C),
    \n1={atan2(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)}, \n2={atan2(\y3-\y1,\x3-\x1)} in
    ($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
    % draw the label
    \draw[red] let \p1=(A), \p2=(B), \p3=(C),
    \n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
    (\p1)+(\n1/2+\n2/2:\angleRadius) node[above] {$\alpha$};
  2. Save file as obtuseAngle1b.tex
  3. Then build or typeset the Latex code.


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