Kamis, 17 Oktober 2024

Cuboid In Latex

  1. type this following latex code in latex editor:


% four bottom edges (A-B-C-D)
\draw (0,0)node[left](a){\textbf{A}}--(3,0)node[right](b){\textbf{B}}--(3.5,1)node[right](c){\textbf{C}}--(1,1)node[left](d){\textbf{D}} --(0,0);
% top front horizontal edge (E - F)
\draw (0,0)--(0,2)[left]node(e){\textbf{E}}--(3,2)node[right](f){\textbf{F}}--(3,0);
% top back left edges (E - G - H)
\draw (0,2)--(1,2.5)node[above](g){\textbf{G}}--(3.5,2.5);
% right back edges (F - H - C)
\draw (3,2)--(3.5,2.5)node[right](h){\textbf{H}}--(3.5,1);
% left back vertical edge (G - D)
\draw [dashed] (1,2.5)--(1,1);
% left side horizontal edge (A - D)
\draw [dashed,white] (0,0) -- (1,1);
% bottom back side horizontal edge (D - C)
\draw [dashed,white] (1,1) -- (3.5,1);

  1. save file as drawCuboid1sample.tex
  2. Run latex compiler command.
  3. to see the output picture, click : Kubus dan Balok >
< Previous Cube In Latex

latex equation, latex formula, tex math and science document sample, latex math and science document example, latex draw, drawing in latex, latex graphic, mathematics, science

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