Selasa, 07 Mei 2024

Latex Obsolete Packages List

Latex Old package: Latex recommended successor package

a4, a4wide, anysize: geometry, typearea - from KOMA Script ( Page Layout )

ae, zefonts: lmodern ( Fonts for pdfTex )

backrefx: backref

bitfield: bytefield

caption2: caption

colortab: colortbl, xcolor - with option »table« ( Tables )

csvtools: datatool ( Data Handling )

datetime: datetime2

dinat: natdin

doublespace: setspace ( Text Layout )

dropping: lettrine

eledmac: reledmac

enumerate, mdwlist: enumitem ( Lists )

eps, epsfig, psfig:: graphicx ( Graphics - Inclusion)

euler: eulervm ( Fonts for pdfTex )

eurotex, isolatin, isolatin1, umlaute: inputenc, inputenx, selinput - from oberdiek bundle ( Input Encoding )

fancyheadings: fancyhdr, titleps, scrlayer-scrpage ( Page Styles )

fancynum, sistyle, siunits, units, unitsdef: numprint, siunitx ( Scientific Units And Numbers )

floatfig, here, picinpar: float (option [H]), floatflt, picins, wrapfig ( Figures - Placement/Integration)

german, ngerman: babel / polyglossia - \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} ( Languages )

germbib: babelbib ( Bibliography )

glossary: glossaries ( Glossaries )

graphics: graphicx ( Graphics )

hyper: hyperref

ifthen: etoolbox

mathpple, »palatino«  (from PSNFSS): pxfonts or newpx bundle, combination of mathpazo, »helvet« (from PSNFSS), courier/luximono ( Fonts for pdfTex )

mathptm, pslatex, times: txfonts or newtx bundle, combination of mathptmx, »helvet« (from PSNFSS), courier/luximono ( Fonts for pdfTex )

movie15: media9 ( Multimedia )

nthm: ntheorem

ocg, ocg-p, ocgx: ocgx2

palatino: mathpazo

picinpar: floatflt, picins, wrapfig

prosper, HA-prosper, seminar:: powerdot, beamer ( Presentations )

ps4pdf: pst-pdf

raggedr: ragged2e

scrlettr: scrlttr2

scrpage, scrpage2: scrlayer-scrpage ( Page Styles )

subfigure, subfig: subcaption,  floatrow, hvfloat ( Figures and Sub-Figures )

t1enc: fontenc mit Option T1 - \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ( Font Encoding / Unicode )

texdraw: PGF/tikZ, PSTricks ( Graphics )

times: mathptmx, txfonts, txfontsb

ucs: inputenc, inputencx with [utf8] option (no package needed with newer LaTeX, as utf8 is the default)

utopia: fourier

vmargin: geometry, typearea ( Page Layout )


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