Kamis, 22 Februari 2024

Netbeans Menu 2

These are Netbeans menu list: 

File, Edit, View, Navigate, Source, Refactor, Run, Debug, Profile, Team, Tools, Window, Help

NetBeans File Menu

NetBeans IDE File Menu is a menu where options for opening a project, importing a project, opening a new project, opening a recent project, closing a project, opening a file, opening a recent file, show project properties, import a project, export a project and other such options are visible.

NetBeans View Menu

NetBeans IDE View Menu is a menu for access the IDE log, Show Toolbar options, Show Line Numbers, Show Non Printable Characters, Show Only Editor, enable full-screen view for the IDE, and other such options are visible.

NetBeans Debug Menu

The debug options are visible here for the NetBeans IDE.

NetBeans Profile Menu

Add a new profile and attach it to external process.

NetBeans Team Menu

The version controlling option like Git, Subversion, etc is available here. History, task, as well other useful options are visible here.

NetBeans Tools Menu

Add plugins using the Tools menu. Plugins are bits of software that adds more functionality to your web, desktop and mobile application.

NetBeans Window Menu

NetBeans IDE Window menu is for add more window options to the NetBeans IDE, such as Projects window, Task window, Output window, Editor window, Navigator window etc, also, Configure Windows, Reset Windows, Close Window, view Documents list.

NetBeans Help Menu

Access help content, online document, check for updates from here, Enable or disable start page, keyboard shortcuts, etc.

programming, IDE, version controlling, version management, software development, software integration, integrated development environment, 




Core Java, Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Prentice Hall.

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