Kamis, 19 Oktober 2023

MikTex Command Prompt

MiKTeX Package Manager ( mpm )

command ; description

Typing this following command in Command Prompt Line:

mpm -?, --help ; Show this help message

mpm --install=PACKAGE ; Install the specified package.

mpm --install-some=FILE ; Install packages listed (line-by-line) in the specified file.

mpm --list ; List the contents of the package database: for each package, print the installation status, the number of files, the size, and the name.

mpm --list-package-names ; List the package names.

mpm --print-package-info=PACKAGE

mpm --verify[=PACKAGE] ; Verify the integrity of the installed packages.

mpm --version ; Show version information of mpm and exit.


https://wayne.edu/ ( university )

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