Selasa, 08 Agustus 2023

Introductions In English


Self Introductions / Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, my name is ... (full name)

I am ... years old. (numbers)

My birthday is on ... (date)

I am from ... (country)

I live in ... (city)

There are ... people in my family. (numbers)

They are ...

My father is a/an ... (jobs)

My mother is a/an ... (jobs)

I am a student at ... (school name)

My major is ... (majors)

My favorite subject is ... (subjects)

My favorite sport is ... (sports)

I want to become a ... (jobs)

My hobby is ...

My favorite food is ... (foods)

My favorite drink is ... (drinks)

My favorite day of the week is ... (day)

I like ... movies.

My favorite month is ... (month name)

The most beautiful place in my country is ...

My favorite color is ...

My favorite tv show is ...

My favorite animal is ...

My favorite song is ...

My favorite season of the years is ...

I have ... best friends.

My best friends name are ...

My grandfather is a/an ...

My grandmother is a/an ...


Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pemula : Let's Talk And Practice; Bright Learning Center; Bright Publisher

Daily English Conversation : Mahir Bahasa Inggris Sehari-Hari; BIP

All In One TOEFL Grammar; Yusuf Priyasudiarja; Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

introduce, introduction, to get know, conversation starter, english lesson, english topic, english post

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