Senin, 30 Januari 2023
Symbols essential for English phonetics 1
Common Windows Run Commands 1
Launch Windows Run Command Dialog Box
- You can also open the Run command by right-clicking the Start Menu button,
- and selecting the Run command from the item list.
Common Windows Run Commands list:
Notes To see the more clear picture, click on the picture.
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Jumat, 27 Januari 2023
How To Backup Google Chrome Profile
How To Backup Google Chrome Profile, Bookmarks, Extension, etc.
The Chrome Profile contains all your bookmarks, settings and extensions that loaded within Chrome. The Google Profile is stored by default, into a folder named "Default" at the following location on your disk:
If you 're using Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
e.g. If your username is “User” then your bookmarks are stored in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
If you're using Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
e.g. ‘If your username is “User” then your bookmarks are stored in ‘C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default’.
How to Backup Chrome Profile Folder(s) and Data.
1. Press Windows Key Button + R to open the run command box.
2. In the "Open" box, type the corresponding command below according your OS & click OK.
2.A. If you have Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, type:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
2.B. If you use Windows XP, type:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
3. Find the ‘Default‘ folder and copy it to your backup location (e.g. a USB drive). *
* Notes: If you have more than one profile in Chrome, then copy them too at the backup location. (The additional profiles are stored as "Profile 2", "Profile 3", etc.)
To read more about %USERNAME%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, %USERPROFILE%, click on the Environment variable 1
GoogleChrome, internetbrowser
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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023
Alat Kebersihan Wajib Ada di Kantor, Rumah, Dll
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Clean Up Your Computer 1
Where is the junk files location in Microsoft Windows ?
Where is the junk files location in Apple Macintosh?
Selasa, 10 Januari 2023
Some Useful Notepad++ Plugins 2
Format code automatically matches the corresponding language ( for C, C++, Java, C# and Objective-C )
How to Use NppAStyle
1, Copy NppAStyle.dll to <Notepad++ installation directory>\plugins
Reboot Notepad++, NppAStyle menu will appear in Plugins menu.
2, Or Use Notepad++ Menu Command : Settings => Import => Import plugin(s)... ( new version only )
3, Run Menu Command : NppAStyle => Options ... , Before First Run Menu Command : NppAStyle => Format Code
Usage / How to use
Select some text and type one of the following characters:
( or )
[ or ]
{ or }
< or >
The configuration file SurroundSelection.ini provides additional characters to surround with. Use as (for example):
to use *, - and _ to act as surround characters as the above examples do. You can also ignore specific characters:
would prevent the plugin triggering any time there was a "closing" character typed (and would only trigger on opening characters).
After you edit SurroundSelection.ini file, save. Then you must close Notepad++ and reopen.
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Jumat, 06 Januari 2023
Website Launch and Maintenance CheckList
1. Make sure your website validated:
2. Take care of the legal stuff
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
3. Check your site’s accessibility
4. Make sure you have clear calls-to-action
5. Make sure URLs are correct.
6. Check for 404 errors and if there are any, fix them.
7. Backups are performed regularly and stored off site.
8. Review Your Metrics Performance.
IT job, programmer task, Information Technology Road Map, computer science task
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Selasa, 03 Januari 2023
Beberapa Website dan Tempat Yang Dibutuhkan Designer
Tempat dan Jasa
Tempat Percetakan yang pernah saya gunakan jasanya:
- PrimaGraphia
tempatnya rata-rata lebih besar dari Snapy. - Snapy
tempatnya / cabangnya lebih banyak dari PrimaGraphia di seluruh Indonesia.
Alat dan Tempat Kerja
- Alat ukur, seperti penggaris, meteran, dan lain-lain.
- Alat menggambar dan alat kerja lain.
- Tempat, seperti ruang kantor untuk menggambar dan mengurus dokumen lainnya, ruang studio untuk foto, dan lain-lain.
Sekolah dan Tempat Pendidikan
untuk mempelajari ilmu yang dibutuhkan designer, kamu dapat belajar di sekolah desainer atau kampus desainer.
Beberapa Website
Ada contoh font dan websitenya cukup ringan.
memang website yang gampang digunakan. Untuk mengkonversi ukuran satuan lainnya gunakan keyword unit to unit di search engine seperti Google. Contoh: pixel to inch / inci.
website modern dapat digunakan dengan browser modern dan komputer baru. Kalau komputer kamu terlalu kuno, ada beberapa fungsi di website ini yang tidak dapat digunakan.
Tidak disarankan membuka website-website di atas jika koneksi internet lagi lambat.