Jumat, 30 Agustus 2024

Most Cool Color Palette

Web Modern Color, Web Safe Color (Dopely color name / Colornamer / HTML color name / colour group)

Blue Denim, Bianca White Pink, Satin Deep Black 

#1D56C2  ,#3366cc   (Blue Denim / New Car / blue group);
#ECDDFF  ,#EEDDFF   (Magnolia / Lavender Savor / Lavender / white-purple group);
#F3ECDE  ,#F5F5DC   (Bianca / Bone China / Oldlace / Beige / bright red / white-pink group);
#191A21  ,#003333   (Black Russian / River Styx / Satin Deep Black / black group).

Neon Blue, Lavender White

#2A60FF  ,#3366ff   (Neon Blue / Yinmn Blue / blue group);
#F9F8FD  ,#ffffff   (Lavender / Ghost White / white group).

Mulled Wine, Grey Suit, Titan White 

#565360  ,#666666   (Mulled Wine / Black Dragon's Cauldron / Blackwater / ordinary for Text / gray group);
#908E9B  ,#999999   (Grey Suit / Partridge Grey / Label / gray group);
#E1DFE9  ,#DCDCDC   (Titan White / Amourette Eternelle / Gainsboro / Disabled / white group).

Blue Violet, Summer Sky Blue, Lily White

#8739F9  ,#9933ff   (Blue Violet / Sweet Escape / purple group);
#37B9F1  ,#00BFFF   (Summer Sky / Megaman / Deepskyblue / Teal / blue group);
#F2F5F5  ,#F5F5F5   (Lily White / Chef's Hat / Whitesmoke / White / white group).

Tan Brown, Blue Haze Purple, Jordy Blue

#D0BA89  ,#D2B48C   (Tan / Appalachian Trail / brown group);
#CAC6D4  ,#cccccc   (Blue Haze / Amethyst Tint / purple group);
#7DA6DC  ,#6699cc   (Jordy Blue / High Seas / blue group);
#695EB3  ,#6666cc   (Blue Marguerite / Darkslateblue / blue group);
#91305A  ,#993366   (Rose Bud Cherry / Pink Horror / Palevioletred / purple group).

Cocktail Onion, Nero Black, Opalescent Coral

#DCE0AC  ,#EEE8AA   (Mint Julep / Cocktail Onion / Palegoldenrod / Beige / yellow group);
#161616  ,#000000   (Nero / Pot Black / black group);
#FFD4AC  ,#ffcc99   (Navajo White / Opalescent Coral / pink group).

Lavender Blue, Break The Ice, Kendall Rose

#E2D2FE  ,#ccccff   (Lavender Blue / Pale Lavender / Powder Blue / gray-blue group);
#BAE5F4  ,#B0E0E6   (Pale Turquoise / Break The Ice / First Of July / Lightblue / blue group);
#FCCDCD  ,#ffcccc   (Cosmos / Kendall Rose / Fairy Tale Dream / pink group);
#080826  ,#000033   (Blackcurrant / Mysterious Depths / black group).

Tomato Orange, Cold White, Darkslategray, Floral White

#F85046  ,#FF6347   (Sunset Orange / Pumping Spice / Tomato / Brown / red group);
#ECF9FC  ,#EFFFFF   (Lavender / Placebo Sky / Alice Blue / Cold White / Azure / white group);
#1E1E1E  ,#333333   (Nero / Dynamic Black / Darkslategray / black group);
#FFF6E9  ,#ffffff   (Floral White / Apricot Ice / white group).

Sandybrown, Eclipse Elixir, Bisque

#F9977B  ,#ff9966   (Hit Pink / LightSalmon / Sandybrown / Upstream Salmon / pink group);
#1F2032  ,#333333   (Midnight Express / Eclipse Elixir / Darkslategray / black group);
#FFE5C1  ,#ffcccc   (Bisque / Fricassée / pink group).

Safflower, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Sapphire

#FAB440  ,#ffcc33   (My Sin / Safflower / Gold / yellow group);
#4E47C6  ,#6633cc   (Free Speech Blue / Blue With A Hint Of Purple / Slateblue / blue group);
#07143F  ,#000033   (Sapphire / Deep Cove / Midnightblue / blue group).

Web Common Length Measurement Unit

Small lengths: 0.25rem (4px), 0.5rem (8px), 0.75rem (12px)

Medium lengths: 1rem (16px), 1.25rem (20px), 1.5rem (24px)

Large lengths: 2rem (32px), 3rem (48px), 4rem (64px)

Color Wheel (Isaac Newton):

Primary: Yellow, Red, Blue.

Secondary: Orange (Red+Yellow), Purple (Red+Blue), Green (Blue+Yellow).

Color Wheel:

Primary: Red, Green, Blue.

Secondary: Yellow (Red+Green), Cyan (Green+Blue), Magenta (Blue+Red).






https://www.udel.edu/ ( university )






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TeXworks Menu 1

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Draw A Plot In Latex 1

Add this following latex package on the Latex preamble, before \begin{document} of Latex code:
type this Latex code in your Latex editor, after \begin{document} and before \end{document} of Latex code:
% Draw the axes
\draw[->=Straight Barb, ultra thick](-0.5,0) -- (9,0); % Horizontal Line / x axes
\draw[->=Straight Barb, ultra thick](0, -0.5) -- (0,4); % Vertical Line / y axes

for complete latex source code:



\title{tikZ Plot 1}
\author{Course and Tutor Course}
\date{March 7, 2013}

% Draw the axes
\draw[->=Straight Barb, ultra thick](-0.5,0) -- (9,0); % Horizontal Line / x axes
\draw[->=Straight Barb, ultra thick](0, -0.5) -- (0,4); % Vertical Line / y axes


draw a coordinate cartesian, x, y, coordination, graph, tex, tikz, document preparation system

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Line Break And Paragraph In Latex ( Tutorial ) 1

Paragraph Alignment

type this following latex package code before \begin{document}:
% Allowing hyphenation of most Western European (and some Eastern European) languages,
% to load the fontenc package, type before\begin{document}

type this following latex code after \begin{document}:
% This following text in left alignment and first line indent

\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\}

The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

% This following text in left alignment and without first line indent
% change the \LaTex{} \LaTex{} \LaTex{} to:

\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\}

The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.


% This following text in right alignment and without first line indent


\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.


% This following text in center alignment and without first line indent


\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.


The full Latex code:

%Typeset/Build program

% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt, max 12pt


\usepackage{geometry} % to change the page dimensions

\geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or....

% \geometry{margin=2in} % for example, change the margins to 2 inches all round

% \geometry{landscape} % set up the page for landscape

% read geometry.pdf for detailed page layout information


\title{Paragraph Alignment}

\author{Private Course and Tutor Course}

\date{September 9, 2023} % Activate to display a given date or no date (if empty),

% otherwise the current date is printed



\section{Normal paragraph}

% This following text in left alignment and first line indent

\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\}

The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

\section{Align Left Paragraph}

% This following text in left alignment and without first line indent


\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\}

The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.


\section{Align Right Paragraph}

% This following text in right alignment and without first line indent


\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.


\section{Align Center Paragraph}

% This following text in center alignment and without first line indent


\textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} \textbackslash LaTex\{\} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.




Normal paragraph

\LaTex{} \LaTex{} \LaTex{} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants,

30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry

of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

Align Left Paragraph

\LaTex{} \LaTex{} \LaTex{} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30

hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of

Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

Align Right Paragraph

\LaTex{} \LaTex{} \LaTex{} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30

hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of

Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

Align Center Paragraph

\LaTex{} \LaTex{} \LaTex{} The animals set to be take care include 75 elephants, 30 hippos, 280 buffalo, 50 hourse, 100 blue bear and 300 zebras, the country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced Monday.

If you want to download Latex source code to type paragraph alignment in Latex, click https://www.studydrive.net/en/doc/paragraphalignmentlatex1/1845302?ref=3961484


https://www.uchicago.edu/ ( university )

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Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024

Software Development Tools And Frameworks Requirement 1

Apache Airflow: Python SDK, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Kubernetes
Apache Kafka: Java Virtual Machine Environment ( JDK ), must be High Performance Hardware Requirement.
Apache Spark: runs on Java, Scala, Python, and R. When using the Scala API, it is necessary for applications to use the same version of Scala that Spark was compiled for. For example, when using Scala, use Spark compiled for the same version, and compile code/applications for Scala in the same version as well., must be High Specification Hardware Requirement.
Hibernate ORM: Java Virtual Machine Environment ( JDK ).
Hugo: Git, Go Lang, and Dart Sass if use all features.
MongoDB: must be Dedicated Modern Hardware Requirement.
RabbitMQ: Erlang must be installed using an administrative account, must be Dedicated Modern Hardware Requirement.
Spring Framework: Java Virtual Machine Environment ( JDK ), Tomcat and other Java web servers.



Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024

Contoh Soal Jumlah Sudut Dalam Segitiga

Soal Matematika Jumlah Sudut Dalam Segitiga

Besar sudut A = 600 dan Besar sudut C = 900. Maka besar sudut B dalam segitiga di atas adalah...


Jumlah semua sudut dalam pada segitiga adalah 1800, maka diperoleh:

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Add A Control To A Form ( A VB Classic )

Practise this following step to add add a control to a form / draw a control on a form:

  1. Click the Control’s Toolbox Icon.

  2. Move the mouse pointer over your Form. Notice that your pointer becomes a crosshair instead of an arrow. Click and hold the mouse button. As you hold the mouse button down, you will see the outline of your drawing control.

  3. When your release the mouse button, the control appears.

using the intrinsic control in visual basic, add a control to a form, draw a control on a form
< Previous Visual Basic Intrinsic Controls

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Add Image In AsciiDoctor

This article is to add an image in AsciiDoctor file.

Block image macro

A block image is displayed as a discrete element (on its own line), in a document. A block image is designated by image macro name and followed by two colons (::) It’s preceded by an empty line, entered on a line by itself, and then followed by an empty line.

Type this following Asciidoctor code sample in Asciidoctor editor:
Content in document.
Content in document


Content in document.

Content in document


  • To insert a block image, type the image macro name directly followed by two colons (::).
  • After the colons, enter the image file target. Type a pair of square brackets ([]) directly after the target to complete the macro.

asciidoc, lightweight markup syntax, lightweight markup document, lightweight markup language, image, picture, figure, illustration, photo, graphic

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AsciiDoctor Numbering

type this following Asciidoctor code in Asciidoctor editor:


. Protons

. Electrons

. Neutrons


  1. Protons
  2. Electrons
  3. Neutrons


  • Type period / dot and following by space bar for each line.
  • You can change number 1 in [start=1] to any number to start the numbering list.

asciidoc, ordered lists, numbered list, ol, lightweight markup syntax, lightweight markup document, lightweight markup language

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Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024

AsciiDoctor Horizontal Rule Sample

Type this AsciiDoctor Horizontal Rule sample, in the AsciiDoctor editor:






break, breaks, thematic break, horizontal rule, hr, lightweight markup syntax, lightweight markup document, lightweight markup language, single quote, punctuation

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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024

AsciiDoctor Horizontal Rule

A line with three single quotation marks (i.e., --- or three hyphens) inserts a thematic break (aka horizontal rule).

AsciiDoc’s block delimiter syntax, only 3 repeating characters (- or *) are recognized.

Character - is hyphen. Characer * is asterisk.

Example AsciiDoctor thematic break syntax:




Like other AsciiDoctor block forms, the line must be begin by a preceding paragraph by at least one empty line and follow by a paragraph by at least one empty line.

Goto AsciiDoctor Horizontal Rule Sample to see the result.

Next AsciiDoctor Header >




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Senin, 19 Agustus 2024

Add Bibliography In Latex

File Extension of Latex Bibliography Database or Bibtex Bibliography Database: .bib.

Latex Bibliography Database file or Bibtex Bibliography Database file of Bibtex file is a text file (database) containing publication references formatted in the bibtex format. It can have anywhere from one to more of entries.


Assuming that our document is in a file named main.tex, our bibliography file is in a file named main.bib, and you can free to choose the most frequently used of latex editor.

Step Overview

This is a bibliography file to processed with the following sequence of commands (if we are not using latex editor):

  1. Create/Open your Bibtex file.
  2. Create/Open your Latex file
  3. Run pdflatex command or other latex compiler command.
  4. Run bibtex command.
  5. Run pdflatex or other latex compiler command.

Step By Step

Step 1

Sample of Latex Bibliography File, save as main.bib:

% compile this following Latex Bibliography file
% with
 PDFLatex command first 
% and then run Bibtex command
% and then run PDFLatex command again

author = {Frank Mittelbach, et. al.},
editor = {Jacques André, et. al.},
title = {The LaTEX Companion},
publisher = {Pearson Education, Inc.},
year = {2023},
address = {1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, NY 10019, USA},

Step 2

Sample of Latex document file, save as main.tex:


\author{private course and after school tutor}




\bibliographystyle{plain} % Choose the "plain" reference style

\bibliography{main} % Entries are in the main.bib


Step 3

Run pdflatex.exe main.tex

After, you compile

Step 4

Run bibtex main.bib

Step 5

Run pdflatex.exe main.tex


*.bst (bibliography style file), *.bib (bibtex reference database), *.bbl (bibtex generated file), *.tex (latex document source file).

To download the exercise file, click this file: https://app.box.com/s/vgw5t36j3r9naklcgoo8varc7ydn3b02

Next Add Bibliography With Link Back To Page >


https://toronto.edu/ ( university )
http://www.cornell.edu/ ( university )

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Latex Package To Handle Bibliography and Citations

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Latex Books

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Google Chrome Extension

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2024

Visual Basic Classic Intrinsic Control Default Properties

These are VB6 Intrinsic Control Default Properties And Values List:

Object Property Value
Form Name Form1
Form Caption Form1
Label Name Label1
Label Caption Label1
TextBox Name Text1
TextBox Text Text1
CommandButton Name Command1
CommandButton Caption Command1
CheckBox Name Check1
CheckBox Caption Check1
OptionButton Name Option1
OptionButton Caption Option1
ComboBox Name Combo1
ComboBox Text Combo1
ListBox Name List1
PictureBox Name Picture1
Frame Name Frame1
Frame Caption Frame1
HScrollBar Name HScroll1
HScrollBar Value 0
VScrollBar Name VScroll1
VScrollBar Value 0
Timer Name Timer1
Timer Interval 0
DriveListBox Name Drive1
DirListBox Name Dir1
FileListBox Name File1
FileListBox Pattern *.*
Shape Name Shape1
Line Name Line1
Data Name Data1
Image Name Image1

To learn the other task of Visual Basic Programmer Tasks >

program design, software design, application design, vb6 object

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Read SQL Server Database Using ADODB


  • reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library (ADODB).
  • Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 component (ListView).
type this part of sample code to your Visual Studio 6 IDE:
Private Sub Form_Load()
'recordset and connection variables
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim lstItem As ListItem

'open the connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=sa;Password=password;" _
+ "Location=LOCAL;Database=pubs"

'open the recordset
Set rs = New Recordset
rs.Open "authors", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
Do Until rs.EOF
 Set lstItem = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, rs("au_id"), _
rs("au_lname") & ", " & rs("au_fname"))
  lstItem.SubItems(1) = rs("address")
  lstItem.SubItems(2) = rs("city")
  lstItem.SubItems(3) = rs("state")
  lstItem.SubItems(4) = rs("zip")
'close and clean up
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

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Latex Geometry Symbols

1 Geometry Symbols
1.1 Math Mode






\square (package : amssymb)



1.2 Math Mode

\overline{\rm AB} Line Segment

\overrightarrow{\rm AB} Ray ( half line )

\angle Angle

\measuredangle Measured Angle

\cong Congruent ( same shape and size )

\ncong Not Congruent

\sim Similar ( Same Shape )

\nsim Not Similar

\| is parallel with

\nparallel is not parallel with

\perp is perpendicular to

\not\perp is not perpendicular to






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