Math.js (math library for JavaScript and Node.js) supports all the math functions that are available in the following list:
Construction functions:
- bignumber(x)
- boolean(x)
- chain(value)
- complex(re, im)
- createUnit(units)
- fraction(numerator, denominator)
- index(range1, range2, …)
- matrix(x)
- number(value)
- sparse(x)
- splitUnit(unit, parts)
- string(value)
Expression functions:
- compile(expr)
- eval(expr [, scope])
- help(search)
- parse(expr [, scope])
- parser()
Arithmetic functions:
- abs(x)
- add(x, y)
- cbrt(x [, allRoots])
- ceil(x)
- cube(x)
- divide(x, y)
- dotDivide(x, y)
- dotMultiply(x, y)
- dotPow(x, y)
- exp(x)
- expm1(x)
- fix(x)
- floor(x)
- gcd(a, b)
- hypot(a, b, …)
- lcm(a, b)
- log(x [, base])
- log10(x)
- log1p(x)
- log2(x)
- mod(x, y)
- multiply(x, y)
- norm(x [, p])
- nthRoot(a)
- nthRoots(x)
- pow(x, y)
- round(x [, n])
- sign(x)
- sqrt(x)
- square(x)
- subtract(x, y)
- unaryMinus(x)
- unaryPlus(x)
- xgcd(a, b)
Bitwise functions:
- bitAnd(x, y)
- bitNot(x)
- bitOr(x, y)
- bitXor(x, y)
- leftShift(x, y)
- rightArithShift(x, y)
- rightLogShift(x, y)
Combinatorics functions:
- bellNumbers(n)
- catalan(n)
- composition(n, k)
- stirlingS2(n, k)
Complex functions:
- arg(x)
- conj(x)
- im(x)
- re(x)
Geometry functions:
- distance([x1, y1], [x2, y2])
- intersect(endPoint1Line1, endPoint2Line1, endPoint1Line2, endPoint2Line2)
Logical functions:
- and(x, y)
- not(x)
- or(x, y)
- xor(x, y)
Matrix functions:
- concat(a, b, c, … [, dim])
- cross(x, y)
- ctranspose(x)
- det(x)
- diag(X)
- dot(x, y)
- expm(x)
- filter(x, test)
- flatten(x)
- forEach(x, callback)
- getMatrixDataType(x)numbers.
- identity(n)
- inv(x)
- kron(x, y)
- map(x, callback)
- ones(m, n, p, …)
- partitionSelect(x, k)
- range(start, end [, step])
- reshape(x, sizes)
- resize(x, size [, defaultValue])
- size(x)
- sort(x)
- squeeze(x)
- subset(x, index [, replacement])
- trace(x)
- transpose(x)
- zeros(m, n, p, …)
Probability functions:
- combinations(n, k)
- factorial(n)
- gamma(n)
- kldivergence(x, y)
- multinomial(a)
- permutations(n [, k])
- pickRandom(array)
- random([min, max])
- randomInt([min, max])
Relational functions:
- compare(x, y)
- compareNatural(x, y)
- compareText(x, y)
- deepEqual(x, y)
- equal(x, y)
- equalText(x, y)
- larger(x, y)
- largerEq(x, y)
- smaller(x, y)
- smallerEq(x, y)
- unequal(x, y)
Set functions:
- setCartesian(set1, set2)
- setDifference(set1, set2)
- setDistinct(set)
- setIntersect(set1, set2)
- setIsSubset(set1, set2)
- setMultiplicity(element, set)
- setPowerset(set)
- setSize(set)
- setSymDifference(set1, set2)
- setUnion(set1, set2)
Special functions:
- erf(x)
Statistics functions:
- mad(a, b, c, …)
- max(a, b, c, …)
- mean(a, b, c, …)
- median(a, b, c, …)
- min(a, b, c, …)
- mode(a, b, c, …)
- prod(a, b, c, …)
- quantileSeq(A, prob[, sorted])
- std(a, b, c, …)
- sum(a, b, c, …)
- var(a, b, c, …)
String functions:
- math.format(value [, precision])
- math.print(template, values [, precision])
Trigonometry functions:
- acos(x)
- acosh(x)
- acot(x)
- acoth(x)
- acsc(x)
- acsch(x)
- asec(x)
- asech(x)
- asin(x)
- asinh(x)
- atan(x)
- atan2(y, x)
- atanh(x)
- cos(x)
- cosh(x)
- cot(x)
- coth(x)
- csc(x)
- csch(x)
- sec(x)
- sech(x)
- sin(x)
- sinh(x)
- tan(x)
- tanh(x)
Unit functions:
- to(x, unit)
Utils functions:
- clone(x)
- isInteger(x)
- isNaN(x)
- isNegative(x)
- isNumeric(x)
- isPositive(x)
- isPrime(x)
- isZero(x)
- typeof(x)
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